Opposite Reaction

You're My Secret Recipe

The next day Kyungsoo woke up feeling really tired, almost stay-in-bed-all-day kind of tired. He checks his phone and there’s two messages.


One was from Yifan telling him that Key’s not gonna go in tonight and the other one was from Junmyeon.


“I’m really excited to see you later~ I’ll be waiting at that café near the school a little bit after lunch. ^^”


Kyungsoo felt his stomach turn. It wasn’t from feeling all giddy but from anxiety and fear. Fear of how he’ll react once he sees Junmyeon again after 3 years.


It was past 10 when he got out of his flat. He wanted to have brunch but was too preoccupied to actually think of a place to eat at. He settled for getting a sandwich from a nearby deli.


He looked at the menu a couple of times because he couldn’t focus enough to choose one when suddenly someone bumps into him.


“Oh sorry.” He mutters.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” Jongin asks.

“Oh hey. I’m just grabbing lunch. Well brunch actually. How ‘bout you?” He asks him with caution because he’s still not sure where he and Jongin are actually at after all the awkwardness that they’ve been through in a span of 48 hours.

“I’m grabbing something to eat too before heading to practice.” Jongin was trying to pick out a drink now.

“Practice? For what?” Kyungsoo was genuinely confused.

“I’m a dancer remember? I have a group competition this weekend so we’re working really hard.” Jongin smiles at him while lightly punching his shoulder.

“Oh I see. Well sorry for keeping you then.” Kyungsoo moves aside making way for Jongin to pay at the counter.


Jongin was done and was about to leave the shop. “You know, whatever it is that’s bothering you, you shouldn’t let it ruin your whole day. You just gotta to think that you’re stronger than it, that you own it.” Jongin casually whispers and heads out.


Kyungsoo thinks for a bit and smiles to himself. “I own it.” He whisphers to himself.


It was finally time for them to meet. Kyungsoo arrives at the café first. He orders a cup of coffee and sits at a good for two table near the window. He sits there for a good 5 minutes when someone familiar approaches the window and eventually enters the café.


He got leaner, more muscular. His hair was dyed brown now but still styled all up, just like before. He dressed different, in button down shirts tucked in skinny jeans and dark sneakers. He carried his phone and was wearing sunglasses.


“Kyungsoo?” He paced, almost ran, to Kyungsoo and gave him a really tight and big hug.


Kyungsoo was frozen. The face was familiar but the person was someone new. Someone he almost didn’t recognize.


“H-hi.” He stuttered, “have a seat.”


Junmyeon stares at Kyungsoo for a bit.


“You’ve changed. Can’t quite put my finger on it.” Junmyeon smiles and exhales.

“I haven’t really. Still the same old me. But you… Paris really changed your style.” Kyungsoo starts wishing it wasn’t an awkward conversation starter.

“Well I’ve lived there for three years something’s bound to be a little bit more Parisian in me, right?” He giggles and Kyungsoo follows.


It was mostly Junmyeon who was talking. He told stories of how he had such a rough start in the internship and almost got kicked off but he worked harder and eventually Chef Alexis liked his work and hired him. He worked there until recently when he got called for a permanent job here in Korea. He also told stories about the places he went to, the people he met, and of course, the food.


“It was great Kyungsoo. Everything was heavenly and everything just sort of melts in your mouth, even the entres.” He smiled to himself, “You should’ve went there you would’ve loved it.”


“Why didn’t you write back, ever?” Kyungsoo suddenly looked down on his coffee realizing how awkward he made things as. There was silence.


“I’m sorry.” Junmyeon held Kyungsoo’s hands, “I really am. I just got really busy with everything that I didn’t get a chance too. And when I already got better control of my time, you stopped writing. I wasn’t sure if I should still write you back.”


“Oh.” Kyungsoo whispered. He felt a sudden ache inside. “Well.. it’s okay. At least I know the reason why now. Anyway, it was really nice catching up with you Junmyeon.” He flashed him a smile.

“Do you need to leave so soon? I didn’t even get to hear about you and how you’ve been.”

“My shift at work starts at 7 so I need to go.”

“Oh, okay then. But can I see you again? Please?” Junmyeon actually looked as if pleading. Kyungsoo somehow felt sympathetic in some weird way.

“Yeah, sure some other time.”


He got his jacket and bade the other goodbye and left the café. Kyungsoo felt the pain inside. Maybe he did still have a little bit of feelings fo Junmyeon and it hurt to hear that when he got to Paris, he didn’t consider Kyungsoo important enough to write to him, even as a friend. And it hurt more because if he just held on a little more, then they could’ve communicated. Such an unfortunate circumstance.


Kyungsoo got to the restaurant a few minutes early. Baekhyun, Luhan, Lay and Jongin were already there. They were laughing at something when he entered the door. Baekhyun immediately ran to him and have him a tight hug.


“How was it?” He asked.

“Well he’s been good.” Kyungsoo half smiled.

“I didn’t ask about him I’m asking about you.”


Although they were whispering, Jongin kept on looking at them. He was sensing something different with Kyungsoo.


“He might melt.” Luhan tapped his shoulder.

“W-what?” Jongin was surprised.

“He’ll melt if you keep on staring at him like that.”

“At who?”

“Kyungsoo stupid.”

“I-I wasn’t looking at him.”

“Oh please.”


Luhan left and cleaned up the bar while the others went on to prepare for the night’s service.


The whole night Kyungsoo looked sad. He didn’t smile after a customer congratulated him for a great meal, didn’t laugh at Lay’s blankness nor at Baekhyun’s sass. He was just sad and serious. Jongin noticed this very well.


After closing, “Hey, do you want to come with me?” Jongin asked Kyungsoo.

“To where?” He asked back but you can feel his disinterest.

“Just a place. I promise it’ll make you forget whatever it is that’s bothering you.” Jongin smiled at him. Kyungsoo felt ease with Jongin’s smile, it felt warm inside.

“Okay. I’ll just go get my jacket.”


Kyungsoo went to the locker room and got his jacket. He checked his phone one last time before turning it off. ‘No new messages’ it blinked. He sighed and went out to meet Jongin by the door. Baekhyun was there too.


“Yah Do Kyungsoo, you took forever in there! Come on I’m cold and I want to sleepover tonight.” Baekhyun whined.

“Sorry Baek. I have somewhere to go tonight. Jongin invited me to…” He looked over at Jongin because he wasn’t really sure where he’ll take him.

“Oh it’s this really great café that has a good view of the city.” Jongin answered quick.


Baekhyun stared at Kyungsoo, then at Jongin, and then at Kyungsoo again. “You better not be out too late Kyungsoo. You need to rest after everything today.”


Baekhyun didn’t even wait for Kyungsoo’s reply. He just turned around and walked away.


The walk to the café was quiet. Jongin kept on looking over his shoulder just to make sure Kyungsoo was still there.


When they arrived, there were a few people around. There was a couple and a group of girls. Other than them, the place was almost empty.


“Is this place still open?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Yeah. It’s open all night.” Jongin smirked.


They got a table by the balcony that had a really great view of the city. The lights were astonishing. Kyungsoo had never seen Seoul City lights before. It amazed him.


“So. Isn’t it great? Just makes you want to forget everything huh?” Jongin nudged Kyungsoo.

“Yeah, it’s great. DIdn’t really make me forget though.” Kyungsoo looked out far.


“Yah Jongin! I’m closing up now.” Sehun shouts from the counter.

“Well just give me the keys then.” Jongin looked back.


Sehun rolls his eyes before throwing the keys in Jongin’s direction.


“Remember to unplug the lamps before you leave okay? And don’t do anything stupid! My boss’ll kill me if he finds out I let you stay after hours.” Sehun reminded him.


“Yeah yeah I get it.”


Sehun and Jongin bid goodbye to each other and when Sehun finally left,

“I thought this place is open all night?” Kyungsoo had this worried look on his face.

“Oh don’t worry. I do this all the time. You know, whenever I’m stressed, I just come here and look at the lights all night. Sehun let’s me close up.”

“Aren’t we gonna get in some trouble? Isn’t this sort of breaking and entering?”

“You’re such a worry weasel aren’t you?”

“What’s a weasel?”

“Nevermind. Just enjoy the view.”


Kyungsoo brushes it off and tries to enjoy the scenery instead. They talk about simple things at first like what they do other than work at the restaurant. Jongin told his story about being a dancer and the different jobs he’s tried and Kyungsoo listened well. For that time, Kyungsoo actually forgot about Junmyeon. Jongin would joke around and Kyugnsoo found this really funny.


“And then she smacks me right in the head and tells me she’s the twin and not the girl I hit on.”


They both laugh.


“Thanks by the way.” Kyungsoo softly commented.

“Sure. Remember, anytime you feel like you need a place to forget, just call me.” Jongin smiles at him and then looks out over the city lights.


Kyungsoo notices Jongin for the first time. He noticed how sweet his smile was, how gentle his features could be, how shiny his eyes were. For the first time since they met, Kyungsoo felt comfortable with Jongin. He stares.


“You look really nice tonight.” He blurts but softly.

“Really? Thanks. I thought I looked all sweaty and disgusting after waiting on people tonight.” Jongin laughs.

“No. You look good.”

“Are you hitting on me?” Jongin raises an eyebrow while smirking.

Kyungsoo suddenly felt afraid and awkward and looked away.

“Am not! Don’t flatter yourself too much.”


Jongin laughs again and reassures Kyungsoo that he was just joking.


It was a little bit past 2am when they finished and Jongin offered to bring Kyungsoo home.


“Well, here’s my stop. Thanks again for helping me forget, even for just a little while.” He holds his hand out for a handshake.


Jongin pushes it down and hugs him tight instead.


“We’re friends now right and friends help each other go through the bad times.”

Jongin lets go and waves good night. He motions for Kyungsoo to enter and smiles all the while.


Kyungsoo was a little shocked at the sudden attempt at skinship since the last time Jongin tried that on him he thought he was going to be . This time though felt a hundred times better. There a churning in his stomach that made him happy at the same time dizzy. He doesn’t know what it is but he liked the feeling. He liked what Jongin did. Before going to sleep though, he turns his phone on and he gets one message. It was from Junmyeon.


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Chapter 9: Update please.....?
ingle_pringle #2
Chapter 9: this stories awesome but kyungsoo's jealous right, he likes jongin hehe
chansoobaekyeol #3
Chapter 8: This is actually really exciting *-* cant wait for a new chapter
Chapter 7: ahh, i think he should go see junmyeon! maybe he wants to apologise or something. great fic btw!
Chapter 4: I'm liking this story. XD