The Junmyeon History

You're My Secret Recipe

 It was past midnight when they finished. Kyunsoo and Baekhyun walked together.


“Is Jongin still bothering you?” Baekhyun asks.

“Well wouldn’t you just love that?” Kyungsoo answers sarcastically.


“He told me. You know sometimes you should really not make assumptions about me.”

“Oh come on. You were miserable. I thought you might need a little something to take the stress off you know?”

“I wasn’t stressed.”

“Please. You’ve been acting really strange for the past few weeks.”

“Am I?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong?”

“Well, I was trying not to think about it but it just bothered me so much….” After a long pause, “Junmyeon’s back.”

Baekhyun paused and looked at Kyungsoo. He had an almost sympathetic gaze.


“Are you okay?” Baekhyun held out one hand to Kyungsoo’s cheek.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Kyungsoo smiled and then continued, “It’s just that, He asked to see me, to, you know, catch up. And I don’t know if I should go because I’m afraid.”

“You are? My poor Kyungie” Baekhyun hugged Kyungsoo so tight.

“Yah I can’t breath! But… do you think I should meet him?”

“Well it’s all on you. Do you think you should?”

“I think I need to just to.. close everything, you know?”

“But Kyungsoo, are you gonna be okay? It was hard what you did and probably took all you had.”

“I know but… I think I need to.”

“Okay then. If that’s what you feel. Just know that you can call me if you need backup.” Baekhyun held both of Kyungsoo’s hands.


“So, when are you meeting him anyway?”

“I told him I was free tomorrow.”

“That soon?”

“Yeah, sooner the better.”


They continue to walk home together and Kyungsoo couldn’t help but remember Junmyeon.


~~~~~ 3 years ago ~~~~~


“And now add 3 egg yolks to the batter.” Said their instructor.


Kyungsoo was a newbie culinary student. He just transferred from music because he felt so lost in the music world, like he didn’t fit. In culinary, however..


“Oh, you’re supposed to transfer it from one half to the other until only the yolk is left.” He smiled while looking at Kyungsoo’s mess work.


“I-is this right?” Kyungsoo meekly asks and slowly looks at the other boy. His hair was pushed up and was brown with almost gold highlights. His eyes were big (although not as big as his own), and his lips, they were a plump pale luscious pink. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling all he knew was that this other man was absolutely gorgeous. But of course, being Do Kyungsoo, he was very timid to make a move.


“Yeah that’s about right. Have you not separated the yolk before?” He chuckles.

“No. cook them all together.” Kyungsoo was almost whispering.

“Well it’s really easy. Just keep doing that.” Another smile. “I’m Junmyeon by the way.”

“Do Kyungsoo.” He smiled back but quickly went back to separating the eggs.


After their class Junmyeon invited Kyungsoo to hangout. They went to have coffee and talked a bit about themselves.


A few more weeks and they became the best of friends. Of course Kyungsoo couldn’t deny that he likes Junmyeon. He was sweet and funny, goofy at times, and of course he was gorgeous. One night, they were at Kyunsoo’s place when making a ‘secret recipe’. There were vegetables, batter, ground beef, and a whole lot more. Kyungsoo felt like they were making a some kind of pie but Junmyeon said it was not a pie but ‘something different’.


While they were making the batter, Kyungsoo got a little on his cheek. Junmyeon noticed and quickly went to wipe it off not noticing how close he got.


After cleaning it, he looked into Kyungsoo’s eyes. He didn’t notice how big they were before. Kyungsoo stayed silent.


“I didn’t know your eyes were so big.” He commented.

Kyungsoo was quiet but his heart felt like it would pop out of his chest.


Slowly, Junmyeon closed his eyes. Inch by inch he moved closer and closer until their lips touched.


Kyungsoo was too surprised to close his eyes. It was quick but it was very sweet and delicate.


Right after Junmyeon looked at him. He smiled.


“I’m sorry. I felt like the moment called for it.” He turned around now and realized how surprising what he did was. He didn’t even know if Kyungsoo was into men too.


“it’s fine. I… sort of… liked it” Kyungso whispered the last part but Junmyeon was close enough to hear it. He quickly turned around with a really surprised look on his face.


“So… are we…” He was trailing off.


Kyungsoo mustered up enough courage to wrap his hands around the other’s neck and leaned it. This time, the kiss wasn’t short.


That night they became an item.


The next few weeks were heaven for Kyungsoo. He had a best friend and a boyfriend. Junmyeon cared for him a lot and did everything for Kyungsoo. They’d have starlight dinner dates and sometimes Junmyeon would sleep over and they would just cuddle until they fell asleep. There were nights when they would make love and Kyungsoo’s head would whirl and spin. His first time was with Junmyeon and he intended to have his last with him too.


He was also excelling in class. Most of the time he would place first in cooking tests and Junmyeon would be second. They were a power couple.


One day before dismissing the class, their professor asked the two of them to stay behind.


“I have some exciting news for the two of you! I secured one slot for an internship under the great Chef Alexis in Paris for one year starting this summer.”


Chef Alexis was world-renowned and it was tradition that every four years, he would open up his restaurant for interns. Only 10 of the best students from all around the world could get in, all under numerous screening and testing.


“He and I met 3 years ago and are very good friends which is why he reserved a slot for me. Now, since both of you are at the top of my class I thought you deserve to go and honestly, I wouldn’t be worried if either one of you went. You both would never bring shame to my name.”


“Wait, only one of us gets to go?” Junmyeon asked with concern and amazement in his tone.

“Well, yes, that’s sort of the catch. You see I can’t really decide between the both of you so I thought of having a cook off at the end of the semester. Whoever wins gets the internship.” Their instructor explained, “Please do your best boys. Chef Alexis is a very important person and I wouldn’t want to disappoint.


They boys nod and leave. Their current predicament really bothered Kyungsoo.


They were on the couch and Kyungsoo was leaning on Junmyeon. They were watching the latest episode of Masterchef.


“Do you want the internship?” He suddenly brought it up.

“What?” Junmyeon turns down the TV and asks.

“I said, do you want the internship.” Kyungsoo readjusts and now faces Junmyeon.

“Well of course. I mean it’s a once in a lifetime chance. But of course whoever goes between the two of us would be great by me. We both deserve it and whoever wins, no hard feelings.” Junmyeon reassures Kyungsoo sensing the worry in his eyes.

“No hard feelings. And whoever wins, the other will support, okay?”

“Of course. Aigoo” Junmyeon piches Kyungsoo’s cheeks before planting a kiss on his lips.


The next few months, they were earnestly battling it out. Sometimes Kyungsoo would be better, sometimes it would be Junmyeon. The last month of their semester however, Kyungsoo seemed to do way better. Junmyeon didn’t think of it at first but then he would feel greedy and jealous. There were times when he’d be so cold towards Kyungsoo because he was starting to hate coming in second all the time.


One night, they were at Kyungsoo’s kitchen having a try at perfecting the secret recipe.


“It’s done!” Kyungsoo cheered. Junmyeon was just seated on the couch flipping through TV channels.

Kyungsoo slices a piece and gives it to Junmyeon. The latter takes a bit and frowns.


“Why? Is it bad?” Kyungsoo starts to worry.

“It’s missing something, can’t put my finger on it.” Junmyeon hands back the plate to Kyungsoo.

“Well, could you maybe figure it out? I was thinking of making this for finals.
This pushed Junmyeon off the edge. He always did say that the secret recipe was their creation (both him and Kyungsoo’s) but that time he felt possessive.


“Why are you gonna make that, it’s mine.” He stands up and crosses his arms.

“Mine? I thought it was ours? And you already said you’d make pasta” Kyungsoo was starting to feel annoyed now. It’s been days since Junmyeons tarted acting strange and mean and it was getting to his last nerve.

“Well I’ve decided to make the recipe too and don’t forget I was the one that told you we’d make a secret recipe.”

“How can you just change your decision just like that? And what’s with you? You’ve been acting really strange these past few days.”

“I have not. You’re just making stuff up.”

“No I’m not. You’ve been so mean and angry all the time and you’re cold to me in class. It’s like you don’t know me!”

“Well maybe I don’t. You know what? If you’re feeling these things then maybe we should break up. I’m sick and tired of all of your whining and gloating whenever you get better grades and comments than me. It’s sickening.”
“What? I’ve never gloated. You’re the one who keeps on asking what I got.”
“You’re twisting everything up in your head. I’m breaking up with you. Don’t call me or text me. Don’t even look at me in class.”


Junmyeon left leaving Kyungsoo crying. He didn’t want to break up. He loved Junmyeon, Genuinely loved him.


The next few days he tried to talk to him but Junmyeon kept on avoiding him. He lived as if Kyungsoo was never real. This messed up Kyungsoo so bad that he started doing really bad at tests.


One day, their instructor called him in.

“I’ve noticed you’re really distracted these last few tests and I just want to remind you of the internship this summer.”

Kyungsoo sat in front of him. He got a lot thinner. “I really don’t want it anyome.” He looked the teacher straight in the eyes, “Please, just give it to Junmyeon.”


“What? Why? You were doing so well… Well up to a few days ago.”

“Please. He deserves it. He deserves it better than me. Just give it him. I don’t want it anymore.”
“Are you sure?” The instructor had regret in his eyes.
“Yes.” Kyungsoo was firm. He bowed to the teacher and left.


The next day it was announced that Junmyeon got the internship.


And that night. Kyungsoo got a knock on his door.

“Hi.” Junmyeon smiled. It’s apologetic this time.
“Hey.” Kyungsoo was surprised.

“Listen, I just really want to apologize for how I acted and how I treated you these past couple of weeks. I guess I was just really surprised about the internship and all. I’m sorry you had to be my shock absorber.”

“It’s okay. I understand. I’m glad we’re talking again. I’m sorry for making you feel bad in any way too.”

“It’s really okay Kyungsoo. I’m just really really sorry.”

“Well do you want to come in? I can whip up something really quick and we can watch a movie or something.”

“Um Kyungsoo, there’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about.”

“What is it?”
“I don’t think it’s such a good thing for us to get back together. I mean, I’m going away and I don’t think long distance will do us any good.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“I feel like we’re better off as friends. I’ll still call you and talk to you but as a friend, not a boyfriend.”


“I’m really sorry for everything I’ve put you through. I just think it’s time I focus on myself and just really work hard. I mean, who knows what will happen in the future right? But right now, I just need to be by myself. I hope you understand.”


The truth was, Kyungsoo didn’t understand. It was unfair what Junmyeon did. But he just loves him so much that he is willing to let Junmyeon do whatever he wants to do and hope to god that someday they’ll be back together again.”


“I understand.” Kyungsoo looked down.

“Thank you. For everything, thank you so much.” Junmyeon hugged Kyungsoo tight and he hugged back. Kyungsoo was fighting back the tears.


Junmyeon left and this was the last time they saw each other. Junmyeon didn’t call or text like he promised. Kyungsoo tried to reach out a couple of times but Junmyeon was never available. One day, Kyungsoo just gave up any remaining hope he had of getting back together with Junmyeon. He just focused on himself and his job at Yifan’s restaurant.


He dated a couple of times but nothing went more that two dates.




Kyungsoo and Baekhyun got to Kyungsoo’s apartment first and Baek gave him one last big hug before going to his own plce.


Kyungsoo couldn’t sleep that night. All he kept on thinking about was how he and Junmyeon ended everything. He used to feel anger because he felt like he was the whole situation was so unfair on him. But now, he just feels tired of being angry. He accepted things but of course, he still wanted some closure.

Hi guys! How's the story so far? Please leave your comments below. :)) Poor Kyungsoo right? :(

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Chapter 9: Update please.....?
ingle_pringle #2
Chapter 9: this stories awesome but kyungsoo's jealous right, he likes jongin hehe
chansoobaekyeol #3
Chapter 8: This is actually really exciting *-* cant wait for a new chapter
Chapter 7: ahh, i think he should go see junmyeon! maybe he wants to apologise or something. great fic btw!
Chapter 4: I'm liking this story. XD