The Party Part 1

One For Me

Warning - This chapter has drug and alcohol use. 0.0


Chapter 2 – The Party Part 1


When Jonghyun and Kibum dropped him off at his house, Taemin wasted no time in preparing for the talent show. He quickly ran to his room and put his music on.

Dance, dance…what should I dance to...he thought as he searched through his iPod.

The song Noona Neoma Yeppeo came on and he began to dance, popping and doing amazing choreography. The whole time he thought of Minho.

What if Minho was watching? Would he like me too? I hope he will like me… wait, what??

Taemin stopped and sat down, catching his breath. The song continued to play. He rubbed his eyes and sat back. He couldn’t stop thinking about Minho. Even though there was no point in liking him, a boy can dream right? He had to tell Kibum. He needed his best friend’s advice, even though he knew Kibum would destroy him. He decided to call him later that night and talk to him about it.

The song ended and the room was silent. He sat staring at the ceiling until he heard a car pull up. He got up to look out the window and saw his mother get out of the car with dinner preparations. He sighed and walked outside to help her, trying to get his mind off of Minho.


After dinner, Taemin decided he would call Kibum to ask what he should do about his feelings for Minho. He definitely had a crush on him, but how would he explain it? Nervously, he picked up his phone and searched for Kibum’s name. When his thumb landed on his name, his phone began to ring and vibrate. It startled Taemin, and he threw the phone in the air, catching it within two rings. Coincidently, the call was from Kibum. Well, too late to change my mind, Taemin thought and answered the phone.


Taaaaaaeeeeeeeeemiiin!!!” Kibum yelled slowly and enthusiastically. Taemin shook his head; Kibum was obviously drunk dialing him again.

“Yes hyung, what is it?” Taemin asked. He could tell him now, and Kibum would never remember hearing it. Or at least remember the conversation.

“Tae tae, my Taeminnie, listen! Yoona’s parents are- AAH! Tee hee, Jonghyun! I’m on the phone with Taemin, quit! -ahem, sorry about that. Anyway, they are out for the weekend. We are at her house, you should come over it’s soooo much fun!!”

Taemin could hear loud music and other drunk voices behind Kibum’s slurred voice. He didn’t like to drink, and Kibum knew it. But when Kibum was drunk there was no way you could say no to him. Taemin wanted to get his mind off of Minho anyways, so he decided to go. And Kibum needed to be babysat anyways.

“Alright I’ll be there in a minute.” Taemin replied and hung up the phone. He changed into his favorite clothes and left to Yoona’s house.


When he arrived, he was amazed at how many people were there. Yoona was quite popular amongst the whole student body, but never had he seen so many people at one girl’s house. He walked in the doorway, and instantly he was hit with the smell of booze and cigarettes. He scrunched his nose as he walked through the house, searching for his best friend. He found Kibum and Jonghyun sitting on a couch in the living room, surrounded by people. Taemin was startled when on the coffee table in front of the couch sat a large bong. He’d never seen or smelt weed before, and he knew better. But seeing it right in front of him made his heart thump. Kibum noticed him and instantly stood up with his arms open.

“My Taeminnie has arriiiiiiiveddd!!!” Kibum exclaimed, standing up so quickly that he almost falls back on the couch, but is saved by the still sitting Jonghyun.

“Kibum, you had better not have…” Taemin said lowly, his hand pointing to the drug on the table.

Kibum laughed and embraced him. “Oooh no no no no no no nononono no no you knoooow I would never do that .” Taemin hugged him back. He could tell that he was lying. Kibum pulled away and grabbed his cup from the table. “Here, have this.” He handed it to Taemin.

Ugh, this is ridiculous. He’s drunk AND now he’s high. Why did I come… Taemin looked down into the cup of fizzy, orange beer. He watched as Jonghyun and Kibum both took drinks from the same cup, then proceeded to eat each other’s faces with kisses and slobber. Taemin rolled his eyes and walked outside to the backyard.

There were less people outside, mostly people who came out to smoke cigarettes with their friends, including Yoona. There was a pool also, filled with drunk, people. He was uncomfortable, so incredibly uncomfortable. He walked out to a swinging chair and sat on it. It was much quieter, and much more bearable for him. He closed his eyes and began to rock back and forth. There was a cool breeze, and it seemed so peaceful there, until something disturbed him.

“What are you doing here?”

The voice was deep, almost recognizable. It startled him, and when he looked up to see who it was, he was much more startled then before. The tall, dark and short haired, top choir, rapping boy named Minho looked down at him. He held a cup in his right hand, and his left hand was in his pocket. He didn’t look stern or stuck up, but rather comforting and soft. Like a big, thin teddy bear that Taemin wanted to cuddle with.

“Um…I’m just…chillin’” Taemin replied nervously, with a laugh.

Minho chuckled back. “Mind if I join you?”

Taemin nodded and scooted over for him to sit. Minho sat next to him, but close to him, not on the other side of the chair. Taemin could smell his cologne, smooth and y. But he couldn’t think of that now, he had to wonder why Minho wasn’t kicking his for no reason right about now.

“Um, so…” Taemin tried to start conversation, to extinguish the awkward vibe. Minho pulled out a carton of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled one out, and lit it. Taemin watched as he did this. When Minho noticed him staring he quickly pulled it from his mouth.

“I’m sorry, does it bother you?” He asked concernly.

“Ah, oh no, it’s fine,” Taemin laughed, “I don’t mind it at all.”

“You’re lying, it bothers you a lot.” Minho said back.

Taemin blushed; he could read him like a book. “Well, I don’t really mind when people smoke around me when they’re drunk. I understand you don’t know what you’re doing.” He replied, trying to imply he didn’t understand why Minho was sitting next to him.

Minho laughed. “I’m not drunk. I don’t…I don’t even like to drink really.”

Taemin was silent for a moment and looked down at the cup Kibum gave him. Without waiting too long, he smiled. “Me neither.”

Minho looked at him and smiled back. He raised his cup to Taemin, and laughing, Taemin did the same. They toasted, but didn’t take a sip. Rather, just poured out their drinks.

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Chapter 6: OMG I really love it! You're an amazing writer :D ❤
This was so sweet <3 :')
SHINeeshawol1292 #3
@Pumpkinbutt: It was photoshopped, unfortunately TT__TT
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plz write another one and can u plz put me in it i want my name to be Lee Min Choi
awww!! This was so cute! Im glad they are together again!!
awww, this fic was amazing, I really liked it :B
carrotcake #8
aww, that was so sweet! great job! ^^v