The Party Part 2

One For Me

 Ah, I hope I didn't offend anyone in that last chapter. -n- I love Key I hope he neverrr does drugs. DRUGS ARE BAD! Don't do it. >.>

Chapter 3 – The Party Part 2


Kibum flipped the card from the top of the deck to find the number 7 staring back at him. Quickly, he flung his hands high in the air and shouted, “7THHEAVEN!!” All the kids at the table followed, except for one kid who was too busy texting to see what was going on. The kids cheered and laughed at him, who shook his head, taking a sip of his drink.

One of the kids away from the table was smoking from the bong, and motioned it to Kibum. “Key, you want a hit?” Kibum was gaining his sobriety back, and realized it’d been about 30 minutes since he’d seen Taemin. He got up and shook his head to the stoner; he had to go find his best friend. He was feeling light headed and woozy, but he managed to walk around the crowd of people.

He looked around the house. He didn’t have enough energy to go upstairs; he figured Taemin wasn’t going to be with anyone anyways. He walked outside to the backyard. He took a few steps and saw two people a ways off, sitting on a swinging chair. He walked closer and realized Minho and Taemin were sitting next to each other.

Ugh, that Minho. He’s probably beating on Taemin or something. Making him cry. That bastard…

He walked even closer until he saw in plain sight what was really going on. The scene in front of him made his mouth drop, and drop his cup from his hand.




20 minutes earlier…


Minho put his cigarette out in the ground. He sat up and leaned his back against the chair, making it swing back. Taemin put his feet up so that Minho could swing however he liked. Taemin was hesitant, confused, and above all nervous. He had so many things he wanted to say to Minho. He liked him, but he didn’t know why he was being nice to him. He wanted to know why Minho was here, by his side. He didn’t mind one bit. Maybe Minho liked him too?

“Minho, I want to ask you something.” Taemin said hesitantly. Minho turned his head to look at Taemin. “Hmm?” Taemin gazed at his beautiful face. His lips were so…

Taemin! That’s not the point!

“Um…Why are you here?” Taemin asked. Minho scrunched his eyebrows and looked around.

“Well, Yoona and I are good friends. And I like to be around her friends too.” He replied, confused a bit.

“No, I mean, here: By my side. I don’t understand, we’re rivals.” Taemin explained. Minho’s faced moved from confusion into understanding. He sat forward and placed his elbows on his knees.

“I have to admit, I know we’re rivals, but I think that you’re…” Minho trailed off.

Taemin’s heart thumped. He likes me! He likes me he likes me he likes me he likes meeeeeeee!!

“Well…I don’t know. I should get going.” Minho said, starting to get up. But Taemin grabbed his arm.

“I like you. Alot.” Taemin blurted. Minho didn’t move, he just stood there like a statue. Taemin looked up at him. He couldn’t see his face or whether he was startled or happy. He hoped he was happy. Minho finally sat back down and looked at him expressionless. Taemin’s nerves kicked in when he looked blankly at him. I hope that didn’t piss him off. I didn’t mean to touch him.

Minho smiled at him. “I…I like you too. For a while I have. I guess I never got to telling you because we were rivals. I was scared that Jinki would tell everyone, and we’d just have a war against each other. I didn’t even know if you liked me…”

Taemin giggled and blushed. “Well I do like you. And…” He was going to say they could be together. But he remembered Kibum and Jonghyun; they would never let them be together. Minho looked away sadly, “We would have to keep it a secret. Our others can’t find out.” He looked back at Taemin with a smile. “What do you say, are you willing to be my secret boyfriend?”

Taemin giggled at the sound of it: Secret boyfriend. He looked into Minho’s beautiful eyes and responded.

“I’d love to be your secret boyfriend.”

Minho grinned, and leaned forward to kiss him until…


The two new lovers looked up at the startling voice to see an angry Kibum looking at them. Minho quickly stood up and walked up to him.

“Cool it Key-. I was just telling pipsqueak here that he’d better not think about winning the talent show. I will own all of you until the end.” He pushed past Kibum, turned his head slightly and winked at Taemin.

Taemin tried hard to hide a smile from forming across his face. He was happier than ever. Kibum groaned and went to sit next to him.

“Are you ok? Minho didn’t hurt you did he? Did he say mean things to you?” Kibum fawned on Taemin.

“No hyung, I’m fine.” He said, laughing.

Kibum and Jonghyun made sure Taemin got home alright, and did the same for them. That night, Taemin couldn’t get his mind of off Minho. He fell asleep with a grin on his face and a fire in his heart.


--If anyone is wondering, Key is playing a drinking game I like to play with my friends. Basically a card game where each number represents something, like, i cant remember ace-3 but I know 4 is "" and every girl playing takes a drink, then 5 is "never have I ever" and everyone puts up 3 fingers, the first one to lose all 3 fingers by having done 3 things a person says they've never done has to drink, 6 is "" so all guys drink, 7 is "7th heaven" and everyone puts their hands in the air, last person to has to drink, 8 is "es" the person who draws the card chooses someone to be their , so when the person drinks, their has to drink too, 9 is "ryhmes" so everyone has to rhyme around the circle til someone messes up, then that person drinks. I can't remember 10-king. I think ace is waterfall and everyone has to chug their drink unil the person before them stops. fun game.--

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Chapter 6: OMG I really love it! You're an amazing writer :D ❤
This was so sweet <3 :')
SHINeeshawol1292 #3
@Pumpkinbutt: It was photoshopped, unfortunately TT__TT
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plz write another one and can u plz put me in it i want my name to be Lee Min Choi
awww!! This was so cute! Im glad they are together again!!
awww, this fic was amazing, I really liked it :B
carrotcake #8
aww, that was so sweet! great job! ^^v