The Reveal

One For Me

Chapter 4 – The Reveal


Students wasted no time preparing for the talent show. A week had passed, and contestants were already talking about their decisions and what they would do. Jonghyun would sing Love Like Oxygen, specifically for his Kibum, and Kibum would rap an Eminem song. Taemin wasn’t sure what he was going to dance to. In fact, he hadn’t practiced at all. Ever since Yoona’s party, Taemin spent most of his time on the phone with Minho. It was the only time they could talk or be themselves with each other since being in school or even going out in public they would be seen by other students. Then, the rumors would start, and things would just fall out of place. So they spent their spare time talking to each other.

It wasn’t a problem until it was only a few days before the talent show and contestants starting submitting their tracks to the DJ. Kibum noticed that Taemin hadn’t made up his mind about what song he would dance to. He also noticed that Taemin had been a little off recently. During lunch one day, Kibum brought up his concerns with Taemin.

“Yah, you’ve been acting really weird lately. Is there something going on?” He asked.

Taemin only shook his head and slurped his noodles.

“That proves my point, Tae. You’ve been really quiet lately.”

Just then, Minho and Jinki passed by their table. Kibum noticed that Taemin made eye contact with Minho until they sat down across the cafeteria. This wasn’t a hatred or envious stare, it was a lovingly stare. Like Taemin was hiding something from Kibum.

“Taemin, what happened with Minho at Yoona’s party?”

“Nothing,” Taemin mumbled.

“Really? Nothing happened? Nothing you want to tell your best friend?” He insisted.

I guess I can’t hide it forever, he’s bound to find out sometime… “Well, hyung…You’re going to hate me forever. But you’re my best friend, so I should tell you.” Taemin swallowed hard before spitting it out.

“Minho and I…we’re…secretly together…” He mumbled as soft as possible. He watched Kibum’s eyes widen and pure rage redden his face. Kibum slammed his tray on the table and stood up from his seat. Everyone in the cafeteria, including Minho and Jinki, looked in his direction in silence.

“Are you ING kidding me?!?!” He screamed out, just as a teacher passed by him.

“Kim Kibum, that language is not allowed here! To the principal’s office!”

Taemin looked down at his food, as if embarrassed that anyone else in the room heard him. Mutters were heard around the cafeteria, and Taemin glanced at Minho, who was staring worriedly at him. He continued to eat his noodles with shaky hands.


Kibum was sent to afterschool detention for his language. He hadn’t had time to tell Jonghyun what he’d heard, so he had this information all to himself. He was pissed beyond belief. Why would Taemin do that? Go against his best friend and date a rival? Especially a -head of a rival like Minho. Thinking about them together made his head hurt. When Kibum was released, he quickly rushed to the exit to get home and tell his boyfriend everything. Before he could pass one hallway, he ran into Minho, who was leaving choir practice. Kibum wanted to sort this out right there instead of wait for anything else to happen. He refused to let his baby date a monster like Minho.

“Minho-ah, can I talk to you?” He asked in a demanding tone.

“Can’t you see I have to go home and study?” Minho said, looking awful tired.

“If you leave now, I’ll tell everyone in school you and Taemin’s little secret.”

Minho stopped in his tracks and turned to face Kibum, whose hands were on his hips just like an angry diva. He walked toward him and stood over him. Taemin coincidently left study hall at about that time and saw them talking, so he hid behind some lockers to listen to their conversation.

“Listen, Ki-,” Minho spat coldly, “I have nothing to do with that runt. He means nothing to me. I don’t know what kind of he’s been telling you, but it’s not true. Don’t think I’d turn my back on my side for some little like Taemin.” With that, he left both Taemin and Kibum speechless. Taemin couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sure, they were a secret, but he was being so harsh. I’m a runt? A little ? I thought he loved me… He began to tear up and ran to the door.

When he got home, he didn’t call or text Minho. Minho called him, but he ignored. He texted him, but Taemin just deleted it. Within a few hours of neglect, Taemin read a text from Minho that made the collected tears fall from his eyes.


Taemin-ah, are u asleep already? hope u studyd well. luv u <3


No…He thought, crying into his knees. You don’t love me. You wouldn’t say those things about someone you love…



Oi, Sorry about the really really really delayed update. I was so busy with being lazy it just slipped my mind... >0> short chapter but OMG what will happen next???

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Chapter 6: OMG I really love it! You're an amazing writer :D ❤
This was so sweet <3 :')
SHINeeshawol1292 #3
@Pumpkinbutt: It was photoshopped, unfortunately TT__TT
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!plz write another one and can u plz put me in it i want my name to be Lee Min Choi
awww!! This was so cute! Im glad they are together again!!
awww, this fic was amazing, I really liked it :B
carrotcake #8
aww, that was so sweet! great job! ^^v