Chapter 5

I will fight for your happiness

Chanyeol’s POV



his voice sounded like he was in my room. I clutched my blanket tighter as I kept it firmly over my head. Thank god the door is locked Kris would probably want me dead but I don’t want to go out todaaay. Suddenly the right side of my bed creaked when something heavy was placed on it... SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT HOW DID HE GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Oh right... angels can walk through stuff. I’M A FREAKING IDIOT OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Chanyeol~” Kris purred as he inched closer to me. God his voice sent shivers down my spine, this Kris guy is creeeepy. I didn’t move. Didn’t breath. Afraid that Kris would see the blanket ruffle and pounce on me. Maybe if I play dead he will go away?

I nearly screamed from the shock when I felt a weight around my stomach, pinning me down effectively. Before I could figure out what was going on, I felt an iron grip around the edges of the blanket. Unfortunately that grip was also holding on to my hands.

“What are you doing here Pabo-sshi” Kris said sounding like he was restraining himself greatly. I could feel the hot air coming out of his mouth with every word he said through the blanket. What? was he like literally right above my face? SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT I’M GOING TO SO DIE!!!!

“Are you fast a sleep under there Pabo-sshi?” Hey maybe if I agree to let him call me that he won’t kill me?

“I think it’s time we woke up now hmmmm?” Yeah, I’m going to die...

Without warning he yanked the blanket off taking my hands with him. I screamed and closed my eyes from the shock but was effectively cut off by his hand on my lips. Wait... are hands supposed to be this soft? I opened my eyes and nearly backed away from Kris through the bed frame, wall, bathroom and the house. That was NOT A HAND! I FREAKING KISSED AN ANGEL WHO WANTS ME DEAD!!!! OMG IM GING TO DIE AND MY LIPS ARE ALL TINGLY WHICH IS PROBABLY BECAUSE IM GOING TO DIE AND WHY CAN I HEAR MY HEART RATE SO LOUDLY OH MY GOSH I AM SO GOING TO DIE!

While I was panicking Kris clearly regained his consciousness from the dazed state he was in. Him not moving with his eyes wide open and transfixed on nothing, still holding up the blanket, was actually scaring me more since I couldn’t really tell if he was shocked or just really hell bent on killing me in some gruesome manner. As soon as he stirred I felt myself loosen up a bit. Especially since what followed was him turning a bright shade of pink. That’s when I realized how painfully warm my own cheeks were...

“That...” Kris began. “That... that’s not how this whole concept played out in my head. Why am I not mad at you anymore either?” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding at that point. At least I won’t die now. It also helped me grasp a little bit more about the reality we both were in. Which was still Kris on top of me. What felt like me backing off the second floor of my house was actually barely an inch...

“Uhm K-Kris?”


“I can’t move...”

I watched as Kris’ expression vent from that of confusion to sudden realization. He jumped so far back he was now standing in front of my bed. How is that even possible?!

“S-sorry about that.” Kris said still clearly as shaken about the whole thing as I am. “And about earlier when...”

“Yeah no it’s okay” I quickly cut him off before he forced himself to say it. A very awkward silence filled the room after that and neither of us wanted to break it or look at each other. After a good long 5 minutes I gave up and decided to speak up.

“Does this mean I get to stay in?”

“Not even in your dreams. Get dressed. Now.” Damnit I should have just stayed silent. I got off the bed and changed into a plain pair of light blue jeans, white T and grabbed my jacket on the way out.

“Where are we going now?” I asked.

“No where really. Pick a place and don’t mind the weird stuff I do with the blade. I need to exercise after all.”

“Candy shop it is then”

“We need to talk about your greed for that stuff too sometime”

“It’s not that I’m greedy it’s just that I like it. A lot...”


“Is not”

“It is...”

I kept my mouth shut after that and made my way to the candy shop. Once I was in there I bought myself a bag of M&Ms. it’s not my favourite but I wasn’t in the mood for them right now. I was in the mood to be distracted and the fact that I could never guess which colour the next M&M I pop into my mouth would be was a good enough distraction.

“I thought you liked some other type of candy.” Kris fills in the silence as we walked down the road.

Red. I like red.

“Didn’t feel like it”

Blue. I really like blue it’s so rare.

“About before...”

“Forget about it. It was an accident right?”

Yellow is such a happy colour.

“I’m still sorry.”

“... I’m sorry too... h-hyung...”

“What for and... did you just call me hyung?”

“Nae... because I tried to avoid going out when you wanted me to. Because I didn’t listen to you and because I lied...”

"You don’t have to be too sorry about that Chanyeol I’m just your guardian not your mother... and the hyung part... I think I like it...”

“Well you ARE very old hyung... how old are you anyways? 100? 1000? Should I call you Harabojie?”

“Yah! Hyung is fine, thank you very much. And I stopped counting a very long time ago so I don’t really know anymore... I never really cared about that stuff before...” at this Kris just looked down at his feet while walking. “I must be like one of those vampire things you humans obsess over right? Forever young?”

“You’re not a vampire hyung you’re even better. You’re a war angel.” I grinned up at him and passed the M&M’s to him. He raised an eye brow at me without really voicing out his ‘are you crazy?’

“Oh common hyung... angels can’t eat human food like vampires?”

“Actually we don’t need to eat anything. Unlimited power source if you will”

“So that means you can eat human food right?”

Kris chuckles and grabs the bag of M&M’s from me before popping a green one in his mouth and eating it. He bits down tentatively on the green thing and freezes a bit and then it dawns on him, I guess, that it’s chocolate.

“This thing in my mouth is chocolate right?”


“But I thought chocolate was brown?”

I burst out laughing at this. Has he really NEVER seen an M&M before? I take an M&M from the bag and crack it open messily with my fingers. Feeling like a pre-schooler all over again I explain to Kris the anatomy of an M&M. He listens rather intently before taking another M&M in his hand, blue, and plopping it in his mouth. I can’t help but feel how blue M&M’s are perfect for Kris. He’s as rare as a blue M&M. We keep walking for a few more minutes in perfect silence until Kris stops in his tracks and unsheathes his sword. One swing and he grins. But before I could ask him anything more his grin falters and he raises his sword once more. That’s when I realized he was glowing... no shimmering a bit more than he normally did...

“Kris you’re-“

Kris seemed to realize what I was going to say before I even said it and looked down at his arms for a split second before... “CHANYEOL! RUN!” and with that he literally disappeared. Just gone. He vanished into thin air as if he were never there.

“HYUNG!” I screamed while looking around frantically hoping I could see him once more but I couldn’t. Everyone around me looked at me as if I were crazy. They wouldn’t see Kris. I didn’t see Kris either. Did he go back to being invisible? I felt a chill run down my back just then and fear replace every sensation in my veins. Kris was not here. No,that much I knew from the depths of my being. But a more pressing matter screamed in my head louder than the sadness I was feeling for loosing Kris. Kris was going to slay a demon I cannot see. Kris never finished his job. I was all alone now in the midst of a demon. Before I knew it I was running. I didn’t know where I was running to but I kept running until I noticed something sticking up from above the tree tops. I rushed past throngs of people until I bodily collided with a person. We both fell and soon I realized there was someone who looked very familiar yet strange next to the man I ran into. His eyes widened when he realized I was looking at him and I was going to say something but he noticed something behind me and unsheathed his blade. His blade was not fiery like Kris’ but it was forged from the same mirror like metal. Good he’ll take care of the demon now I guess. Without really looking back to see if the angel would be okay I got back onto my feet, bowed hastily towards the man I knocked over and ran in the direction of the building I saw before.

Three minutes later I was barging in through the doors of the small chapel. I hastily collapsed on a seat towards the back of the left aisle and closed my eyes. Once I regained my breathing and calmed down a bit I opened my eyes again. There was a priest by the alter who looked rather alarmed at my presence.

“Are you okay my child?” he asked, worry thick in his voice.

“I am father I just needed a place to go and hide.”

“What ever are you running from?”

“Demons” the words left my lips before I could even really think.

“... I suppose we all have our own demons to run from.” He didn’t understand me I guess. I LITTERALY MEANT A DEAMON. But I couldn’t tell him that. I couldn’t scare the frail old man. Instead I just hummed in response and waited until he walked up to me. He took a seat beside me and adjusted his brown robes before turning to look at me.

“What’s your name boy?” He asked.

“Park Chanyeol, father”

“Well park Chanyeol-sshi, you can stay in here and pray your demons will leave you alone. God is kind and he will listen to the prayers of children. As long as you confide in him nothing will happen to you. If you are still afraid to go home after you’re done praying, take this rosary with you. Wear it around your neck for protection.”

I didn’t even realize how badly my hands were shaking until I reached out to take the string of red beads the priest held out for me. I did as he said and put it around my neck. I felt a strange sensation of peace once I did and I knew I would be okay. I thanked the priest and waited until he left o kneel down and pray. I didn’t pray for me since I was sure I would be just fine now. I prayed for Kris. I prayed that he would be okay and that I’ll get to see him again. That this is all just a nightmare and that he’ll come back to me soon. Tears rolled down my check unconsciously while I prayed and they wouldn’t stop until I went home. My parents weren’t home and I was all alone in the house for a while. I went straight to bed without really changing out of my clothes and fiddled with the rosary beads. The tears kept coming until I drifted off to sleep.


Kris’ POV


The last thing I remembered was seeing Chanyeol’s frightened expression from the corner of my eye as he stuttered a “Kris you’re-” I knew what he was trying to tell me as if I could actually read minds and I took a quick glance at my hands. Why was this happening to me now? WHY WHEN CHANYEOL NEEDED ME RIGHT NOW. I felt the sensation take over me and wrap me in its sickeningly warm embrace. I managed to say a quick “CHANYEOL! RUN!” before I was suddenly not on earth any more.


“YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT US SOLDIER!” The generals sure did look pissed and I suppose my outburst wasn’t the best way to approach them. Without another word I simply sheathed my sword once more and bent down on one knee, giving my proper greeting and apologizing for before.

“Rise. We have pressing matters to discuss with you.” the oldest of the generals, Archail commanded.

I did as I was told. I almost forgot how forceful and helpless I was up here. I miss Chanyeol. To him... I was just another person. An equal. His hyung...

“With all due respect Archail, why was I summoned? My charge needed me at the moment as a demon was going to attack him. He might have.” I cut myself off before I could think of what could have happened. I just hoped with every fibre within me that he was safe and his long limbs carried him home safely. I really hope he was alright. Without me knowing tears were unconsciously threatening to fall. I had never in my life ever felt this helpless. Please be safe Chanyeol. Please be safe.

“Your charge is the reason we summoned you. Why did you not respond to all the invitations we sent you to be summoned? Why did you ignore every single one?!”

Invitations to a summon were really just a sadistic name for a summon itself. In human terms it was like being arrested with just a little warning in advance. Human invitations came with the option, for the invited to choose, if they really did want to attend the event. But for an angel, who has no free will, an invitation merely meant they had to haul their back to their generals before their are hauled back forcibly.

“I knew of no invitations Archail. I knew nothing of what was going on or how I was to contact you.”

“What nonsense is he spewing? Not knowing how to contact ones generals? Do you take us as fool’s soldier?!” The one on Archail’s left boomed. Theareal. Loud and quick to judge as always I see.

“Ever since my charge was able to see me I lost all ability to communicate with you. I promise to you it was no intentional.”

“What do you mean by your charge being able to see you?” The one next to Archail’s left spoke up. Mirael would probably be crowned captain obvious up here.

“I mean what I say. One night I saved him from getting run over by a truck as I have done so many a nights before and he was suddenly capable of seeing me. I know not how this happened or how I could have fixed it. He sees me and he hears me and he sees my blade but not my wings. Just their shadows.”

“WHY DID YOU NOT REPORT OF THIS MATTER IMMEDIATLY?” Mirael said as he stood up from his seat.

“My apologies Mirael but as I stated once before, I was not capable of contacting any of you once this phenomena occurred.” Really who picks these guys to be generals? How in heavens has he managed to survive so long to become a general? He’s such an idiot.

“As have we were unable to contact you, Kris.” Archail continued. “When you didn’t make your regular reports back to us we assumed you turned. You had been getting rather attached to your charge compared to how you refused to take up the post before. And then when we sent out a scouting party this morn, you were in a rather intimate position with your charge. We feared the worst and we still do Kris. Do you have any way of explaining yourself before we make our final judgement about you?”

I could feel the heat rush up to my cheeks and paint my face a certain shade of pink. “Tha-that wasn’t- by heavens no. NO! That was not. It totally was NOT! What you assumed... it was a miscalculation of retribution and I’m not sure what went wrong but that. NO! No. No. Just no.”

“What are you saying Kris speak frankly and be quick with this we do not have time for stuttering like that of one of heavens maidens!”  Theareal boomed. Heavens maiden? He did not just call me one of heavens maidens. With gritted teeth I corrected myself.

“Since Chanyeol was able to see me I took it as an opportunity to guide the boy in the right ways. One way was breaking his ghastly lethargic habits. When I asked him to come out for a walk instead of watching TV all day he lied to my face and scampered up into bed to avoid me. When I assume your scouting party appeared, yes I was on top of him and our lips did... meet. But I...” By heavens why would my heart not stop flipping when I brought that accident up! “I was merely on top of him to restrain his movements and prevent him from running away. When our lips... accidently... met, it was purely by, as I said before, accident. I yanked the blanket off of his frame a bit too hard causing his frame to be dragged upward along with the blanket and his frame merely collided with mine. Unfortunately.” something died within me at the unfortunately part.

“Is that your final statement?” Archail stated nonchalantly. Once I said yes he dismissed me. I wasn’t allowed to go back to earth however since they “needed time to discuss over my statement”. Without anything to do and ample time to think of Chanyeol and have the worst case scenarios fester in my brain, I decided to do something to distract myself.

I headed to the central information dome. Heaven wasn’t so different from earth really. It was a bigger better purer version really with more white and no trees as such. Where humans had libraries, heaven had a central information dome which held all the knowledge and more from ions of years before earth was even created. I browsed every single book, scroll and tablet there was about humans being able to see angels. Throughout all of history there have only been two reasons angels were seen by humans. One was when the Gregory was on earth. They are a group of angels who worked side by side with humans until their human-like natures got the better of them and they started telling humans things they didn’t need to know, slept with their women and inevitably caused the great flood. They are now in the dungeons of hell for all eternity among the other fallen angels. They are partly the reason we cannot see each other on earth any more. Both humans and fellow angels. The second time was when a messenger angel appeared before humans to proclaim news. Like the angel who appeared before Mary to tell her about the immaculate inception or the angels who appeared before the shepherds about the birth of Jesus. Since I was neither a Gregory nor a messenger angel there really is no way that I should be visible to Chanyeol. Yet here I was. Visible. This was pointless.

I summoned once more before the generals and they deemed me innocent. They did however scold me for being so careless and miscalculating. Since I was not able to communicate with heaven they said every Sunday night I would be summoned forcibly to report on the week’s progression. They also told me to go get checked up by the medical corps and have a full check before going back, to make sure I wasn’t having some kind of ailment. They absolutely hated the fact that Chanyeol could see me and called it an abomination or a curse. I just think they’re over reacting.

I would have gladly gone back to earth if not for the damned check up. It would take as much time as two earthly days to complete and I wasn’t sure how I would manage to last that long. How Chanyeol would be able to last that long. Was he really alright now? Did he really manage to get home safely? What if I’m too late and he’s gone by the time I get back to him? All I could think of was how frightened he looked the last time I saw him and it hurt, almost physically, more and more, as I waited for the checkups to be completed.



I hate work and I hate limited internet connections. Sorry if I kept any of you waiting for too long my work involves writing and when over worked I lose the brain power and energy to type any more. Longer chapter up this time :) Thank you for all the lovely comments, and to everyone who read, subscribed and upvoted <3 I love you all ^^ 

Also fun fact. the generals names are pronounced as follows: 

Archail [ Ark-hail ]

Theareal [ Thi-A-Real]

Mirael [ Mi-Ra-El ]

Authornimis weired like that to come up with these angel names...

So happy for EXO, SHINee and Infinite this week. They all won big at MAMA's. AND OH MY FREAKING GOSH I GOT GOOSEBUMPS FOR EXO'S PERFORMANCE. The German title roughly translates to 'a sweet dream' I think. Also R.I.P to the Chinese Showal who passed away before MAMA awards. I feel like I lost someone so close to me. Pray that she rests in peace eternally T_T

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Chapter 9: Srsly not a sad ending!!!!!! A sequel authornim or just one more chp......
Anyways dis story lss damnnn awsm luv it~~~ really beautiful :) <33333
Chapter 9: oh my god this is beautiful story.. well I slightly don't get it though. about angels and stuff. but it's okay. I thought that Kris would change into human after Yixing could see him... but the ending, hiks...

thank you author-nim for sharing this!
Chapter 9: love you for the story, hate you for the ending (not really, I'm just a er and love happy krisyeol endings) Well I will admit that I wasn't expecting it.
it looks promising cant wait(newbie)
MY god you guys have upvoted TT_TT THANK YOU!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 6: awwwwwweeeeeeee krisyeol feeeeeeeeels (/OwO)/
xycouple #7
Chapter 4: chanyeol... why so cute.... and lazy
Kris.. please be patient to our Babyeol