Author's Note

Secrets of a Nerd


I am soooooo sorry for not updating in such a long time.

I'm currently working on my story "The Danger of Loving You" because I thought some readers have lost interest in this story.

But then I saw all the comments that you guys posted and I was like, why not try this story out agajn?

So I'll try to update ASAP but it's definitely hard since I just started high school this year so I'm still adapting.

So expect an update soon but the stuff might not be linked cause even I forgot how the story line originally went =P

Just wait a little longer, I'm almost back!

But in the meantime, why not check out "The Danger of Loving You"

Its about Junhyung (B2ST), L (Infinite) and L.Joe (Teen Top).

Other bands and stuff will appear in it so please support me by subscribing!

Till next time, 

-Soon Yi =D

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Update soon!!!!!!!!
Whoa~~~ this is awesome! update soon~^^
Uwaaa its awesome<br />
i like ur story<br />
cant wait 4 next chapter<br />
update soon please :))
plsss update soon!!!
pinkypn #5
ukiss is going to b in the story? I love Soon Yi's Corner, it funny everytime i read i end up laughing
kristy749 #6
I'll start replying to comments in the chapters since I feel bad if i just ignore all of you guys.<br />
Thanks for supporting me! -hugs-
lil_li13 #7
ahahaha nice <3 update soon cause if you don't , i'm gunna bug ya :D
woot update soon
xangel429x #9
ahhhh who is it!! >_< haha love how nobody recognizes her!! =) udpate soon