2PM IN THE HOUSE! And a mysterious guy...

Secrets of a Nerd

Wow the class is so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, let's test that theory. 

I dropped a pin on the ground.  When it hit the hard linoleum floor, everyone heard it echo through the whole class. 

Wowzers, I guess it really does work.  The teacher walked in and looked at us with a puzzled face.

"Wow, why is it so quiet in here?  Oh!"  He looked at me with a confused face.

"We have a new student here.  Annyeonghaseyo, I am Mr. Joo and I will be your homeroom teacher"

"Mr. Joo, I already know you and you know me..."

"Really?  You don't look like any of my past students... What is your name?"

"You will find out soon Mr. Joo when you take the attendance."  Weird how even the teacher couldn't recognize me.

"Alright class, settle down.  We will be taking attendance now."  Chairs screeched against the ground when students hurried to sit down. 

Although the class had sat down, I could still hear whispers and mumbles of my name between students.  When are these people going to SHUT UP!!!

"Lee Junho."  Some guy with a b-boy hat raised his hand with a headphone sticking out of his ear.

"Lee Taemin."  A boy that looked nothing like our age raised his arm and waved like crazy.  I thought he was going to fall off his chair from overload of hyperness.

"Lee Seunghyun."  Silence, of course.  Typical TOP, not attending classes.  Tsk tsk...

"Lee Yumi."  No one even cared that my name was called.  No one even knew that I was here.

"Here!"  Heads shot up from desks one by one towards my direction.  They all had a confused look on their faces.  I smirked from their astonishment.

"Y-y-you are Lee Yumi?"  Surprisingly it was the teacher who asked me that.

"Ne..."  He shook his head and returned to his desk.  By then, homeroom was already over.  Chairs and table were screeching against the linoleum floor. 

I looked down to pick up my bag from the ground, when I looked up, it felt like a million pairs of eyes were on me. 

Everyone started shooting questions at me like bullets.  Hands were even starting to come out trying to touch me.  Uhh weird much? 

I heard someone clear their throat, wow how could people actually hear that over all this noise?  I guess this person's got a lot of phlegm...

All eyes shot towards the side where the noise was coming from, a group of the Kingkas, known as 2PM or something were standing there with their arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.  Is this their signature pose or something?

"Yo! Guys,"  the shortest guy said "back away from the girl before she gets suffocated."  Slowly, everyone started to move back out of my "bubble" and I could actually breathe in a lung full of fresh air in me.

"Thanks guys..."

"No Problem.  You're Lee Yumi right?"

"Ne, but what are your names again?"  A mix of confusion and shock came on to their faces.

"Y-you don't know who we are?"  I shook my head with an apologizing look on my face.

"I'm Wooyoung!" A boy with a baby face shouted at me from the back of the group.

"Junsu here!"  I guy popped out from the side, I flinched from his sudden appearance

"Yo! Junho is in the house!" Oh it's the guy with the b-boy hat again.

"Hey, I'm Nichkhun." A guy with blonde hair waved his hand.

"Hi, I'm Taecyeon!" A big guy with large white teeth smiled at me.

"Hi there! I'm Chansung, the maknae." He's the maknae?  Wow he's big...

"And I'm Jaebeom, the leader." The guy from before took his hand out.  I shook his hand and gave him a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you guys!  Glad to be friends!  But sorry, I got to head off to second period."  I waved and fast walked down the hall. 

Someone stood like a wall in front of me and I noticed it was Gyuri, one of the head queenkas or should I say one of the head es.

"Yumi right?  Well you know me, I'm Gyuri."  I nodded and gave her a confused look. 

"Wanna hang out later?  Wait, why am I asking that?  Of course you do, everyone does."  I'm sure she's just trying to make me one of her many minions.  Sigh...

"Actually Gyuri, I think I'll pass.  I have a paper coming up and I really got to study.  But thanks for the offer."  I gave her one of my fake smiles and left before she could say anything.

Instead of heading off to second period.  I decided to go to my own little secret place.  Also known as, the old abandoned music room. 

I looked both ways before jogging to the back of the school where the music room is.  I pushed the giant wooden doors to reveal a room with all the instruments you could think of lined up along the walls with one giant, white grand piano in the center.

My stilettos clicked against the hard wood floor while I walked towards the grand piano, eyeing all the instruments on each side with glistening eyes. 

If you didn't already know, I love music.  In fact, I plan to major in music when i get into university.  Unknowingly, my hands brushed against all the instruments like I'm leaving a trail of myself on the instruments.

Finally, I reached the piano.  I sat down slowly, and placed my hands on the piano with the gentlest touch, as if it were going to break if I were being to hasty. 

I gradually pressed the keys down to play a sweet melody.  My hands flowed across the piano with my eyes closed, like time stopped and I was the only one moving.  Music filled my ears and I felt as if I were in a whole other world.

The song ended and I was pulled back to reality, the room still echoed with the sounds of the last few notes I played.  Music has always been my medicine for everything. 

If I ever had the need to vent, I would always go to an instrument and expressed myself through music.

I heard the creak of the door from the school open.  I quickly closed the lid of the keys and hid behind one of the pillars in the room.  Someone came in and looked around.  I heard their soft footsteps come towards me. 

I shut my eyes closed and prayed to God that he wouldn't see me.  Instead he headed towards the piano just like I did and started playing.  I listened and it was a beautiful melody. 

Before I could look who it was, he already turned his back on me and left.  But I saw a shine from his wrist and saw that he had a silver bracelet.  Maybe I can find him this way.

At last, he left the the music room and I could come out of my hiding spot.  I noticed that he left his wallet here.  You would be thinking why he would have his wallet here.  Cause I am too.  I guess he puts his wallet down when he plays his piano.

I was debating whether or not I should open to check if he has ID in there or not.  I decided to open it.  I checked to see if his ID was there, and luckily it is.  Hmm what does this say.  Kim...


Soon Yi's Corner <------  Noticed I changed my name from Kristy to Soon Yi?

CN Blue Oppas: Oh come on!  We weren't even mentioned once in this chapter!! Aren't we main characters?

Big Bang Oppas: Yah!  Why aren't we in here either?  This is getting ridiculous...

Me:  Well I do have to include the other Mains in here too!  What do you want me to do about it?

2PM: YAAAAY!!! We are finally in the story!

Me: Don't get too excited.  Didn't I mention to all of you before signing your contract to be in this story that you wouldn't be in EVERY chapter?

All of the Oppas: -mumbles- Yah... But still!!!

Me: No buts!  Too bad =P

All:  Thanks for supporting us!! 

Me: Keep on reading and comment to give me pointers on what I need to improve on!



I know, I'm really slow at updating, sorry 'bout that.  School is making me even slower...
Please bare with it for a while!  Once again, thanks for supporting me!
Leave pointers and suggestions at the comment box and I will definitely take note on that!
Thanks again!  Annyeong! =P

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Update soon!!!!!!!!
Whoa~~~ this is awesome! update soon~^^
Uwaaa its awesome<br />
i like ur story<br />
cant wait 4 next chapter<br />
update soon please :))
plsss update soon!!!
pinkypn #5
ukiss is going to b in the story? I love Soon Yi's Corner, it funny everytime i read i end up laughing
kristy749 #6
I'll start replying to comments in the chapters since I feel bad if i just ignore all of you guys.<br />
Thanks for supporting me! -hugs-
lil_li13 #7
ahahaha nice <3 update soon cause if you don't , i'm gunna bug ya :D
woot update soon
xangel429x #9
ahhhh who is it!! >_< haha love how nobody recognizes her!! =) udpate soon