Chapter 8

Miracles, Hurt, Love. That's Life.

Me: Ahh! What the heck?!

-I was wet. My whole body was drenched with water. I tried to look around who was the one who set up this prank and i found a note on the floor.

                                                  So how's the refreshing shower? I bet you like it huh? 

                                                                    Since you're soo full of yourself, i thought of giving 

                                                                 you a nice shower so you could wash off your pathetic  

                                                                  thoughts of me. This is for betraying me. You deserved

                                                                  this after what you had done to me. How could you?!

                                                                                         Well, I hope you enjoy this! ^^

                                                                                                                              Love, Hae Rin

-Hae Rin did this? She was smiling to me when i first walked into this school. That b*tch. I hate her. It was sooo awkward going back to class, drenched. I wonder why Hae Rin did not like me. I was thinking of making friends with her at first since she seemed nice. Well, i was wrong. I was dead wrong. 

-I reached in front of my class, dripping with water. The class looked at me as i took my seat again beside this girl which i think her name is Nella. Gosh, this first day just gets better doesn't it? 

Nella: What the heck? You are dripping wet you know that right? Here, wipe yourself.

-She gave me a towel. Why the heck does she bring her towel to school? Well i took it and thank her before covering myself with the towel. I glared at Hae Rin who is across the room. She gave me this blank look. Tch. Probably satisfied of what she had done. Ever since that day, i didn't even spare a glance at her. Never am i going to forgive her for making my first day more embarrassing than it should be. And Nella became my best friend as she was the first person who made me smile.

Nella: Hello?! Earth to Kirah? 

-I snapped back out of my flashback.

Me: What? Oh.. I... Hey there's something I wana tell you.

Nella: What?

-I began telling her my story. The drama that happened to me yesterday.

Nella: So basically you get to work in the same building with Bangtan Boys? Gosh that is sooo unfair!

Me: Since when do you like them?

-I laughed and caught that Nella actually glared at me. Wow, that's a first.

-The school end quicker than i thought so i made my way to the convenience store. I grabbed 50 pieces of chocolate bars and use my skirt as a basket as i took those chocolates to the counter. If this wasn't embarrasing enough, the person at the cashier is a good looking guy. Why is my life sooo pathetic.

-I Let out an awkward giggle as he look at me like i'm some weirdo. I just paid him and scattered out of there. When i reach the building, i searched for Suga and Jungkook trying to give them this bunch of chocolates. I guess he was at the no-door practice room but the only person there is Jungkook

Me: Yah! Here's your choclates.

Jungkook: *looks at me then walk towards me* Hey.. I think you had misunderstood me. I'm not a jerk... Yesterday, i wa-

Me: Whatever just take this choloates. I have things to do.

-I cut him off and started to walk away when he holds my waist and jerked me towards him. I stopped breathing. We were sooo close. I just stared into his eyes, unable to move. He smirked to see how stiff i was and make some space between us, far enough for him to talk without his breath tickling my neck but his hands are still on my waist.

Jungkook: That's a way to get your attention. Anyway, i need you to listen. Yesterday, i was forced by Yoon Gi hyung to be part of his plans. He doesn't want to look pathetic so he forced me to join him. I had to agree since he uh.. threatens to uh... wear my... undergarments...

-Jungkook said that as he blush. Gosh, he is still soo close to me. What should i say? What should i do? My heartbeat started to increase. I could only stutter out some nonsense which i had no idea what i said. He smiled and let go of me. 

Jungkook: It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I just hope you can forgive me. I'm really sorry. You can go now. That's all i want to say.

-He said that and waved me goodbye. Woah. My heart started to beat fast again. He apologised and i could feel his sincerity.

Me: Urhm.... Jungkook-ssi... I uh.. Who is Yoon Gi? And have you seen Suga-ssi? 

Jungkook:  Yoon Gi hyung is Suga hyung. Suga is his stage name. He's probably at the other practice room with the others. You should look for him at the second floor.

Me: *nods* Oh and Jungkook-ssi i'm sorry that i broke the door of this practice room. This room is probably your favourite considering that you are practicing here alone while the others are in another room..

Jungkook: Aniya~ It's okay. I'm going to other practice room anyway, i left something here and came to take it. We should go together to the practice room. I nod and walked with him. He share jokes and stories that happened to him while he was a trainee. Some were really funny and some stories, i just nod to show him that i cared. 

Jungkook: So, how old are you anyway?

Me: I'm 17 years old. What about you?

Jungkook: Oh, well. I’m 17 too.  In that case, i hope you can just call me Jungkook instead of Jungkook-ssi. 

Me: Jungkook? Hrmm.... Okay...

-He smiled and i couldn't help it but to smile back. I could feel his sincerity even when he asks me simple questions like this. We continued to exchange stories and argue about our dislikes. Other than that, i found out that we have a lot of things in common. We soon reached the other practice room. For once, i wished that the walk was longer. I actually enjoyed our conversation. 

Jungkook: Well we're here. Come, let me give the chocolates to Yoon Gi hyung instead. I wouldn't want you to get angry just with the sight of Yoon Gi hyung. 

-I laughed and gave him the chocolates. 

Me: Okay Jungkook! And thanks for sharing your personal stories with me. I actually enjoyed it. 

Jungkook: Well, i'm glad that you did. I enjoyed spending my time with you too. Maybe we can hang around some other time? Can you urhm... give me your number so i can uh.... keep it?

-Gosh he is soooooo cute as he asks for my number! I nod and took out a pen and a sticky note. Yes, i brought those with me because i used to stick the sticky notes on my bag if i had to run some important errands. Anyway, i gave him my number and watched him smile and walked in the practice room. Butterscotch. I shouldn't be feeling this. I shook it off and looked for the manager.


A/N: Hello! I’m sorry if this chapter doesn’t fit your liking. But anyway, I’ll be using their Korean age so yeah. Haha. And… There will be some drama in the next few chapters. I hope you guys don’t mind! Hehe, do comment if you want to suggest something!

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Chapter 10: ♥Btw I love your story!! ♥
Chapter 10: What about Jin?
Chapter 10: Omo that's cute!! *w*
Suga being a nice bad boy... >< x3♥
Chapter 7: HHAHAHA OKAY THE BEST PART "Too bad i had to blackmail him. Not that i was going to wear his underwear again or anything. " HAHAHA OMG! *applause*
Chapter 6: i will stay tuned to find out the punishment kekeke ^^