Chapter 6

Miracles, Hurt, Love. That's Life.

-Well, the walk to the waiting room (which i now know it's called that) is a very looooong journey from the room we were in just now, considering the total awkward silence during the walk. Most probably all of us is too shocked of what had happened. Duh, Kim Kirah. You started it! Stupid girl.

-When we reach the room, i waited till i'm the the only person left outside before coming in. I can hear Nina's shrieking inside the room already. Oh Nina calm down...  It's not like they are some aliens. They are human too... Pfft. Her shrieking stopped the moment when i entered.

Nina: OHMYGOSH. Unnie! Where had you been? And how did you came in at the same time with-

Me: Bangtan Boys? Well, we kinda stepped on the wrong foot today.

-I began telling her what had happened and points to the guy which i had ACCIDENTALLY threw a bottled mayonnaise at.

Nina: Omg! Unnie! How could you break down a door! And how could you hurt Suga oppa?! 

-So that's his name? Oh, soo ironic when the name doesn't match his attitude. He should be all sweet and forgiving but when i was telling the drama that had happened, i found him glaring at me. If his eyes had lasers, my head would probably be burnt by now.

Me: I'm really sorry everyone. I didn't mean all of this to happen. All i want to do was just go here, eat, wait for Nina to bond with you guys and go home. Erhk, but now i have to work to pay for that door.

Nina: Woah, you get to be in the same building as BTS? Unnie, you should consider youself lucky.

-Isn't this girl being too much? She should be in my defend! Not theirs! Besides, i'm her blood-related sibling. Well, the guys probably likes it since they were laughing and smirking while listening to my conversation with Nina. Actually, come to think of it now, they are kinda hot.. And cute too... Woah, stop it Kirah. No, fangirling over them.

Me: Yeah, sure. Anyway, i think it will be uncomfortable if we still don't know each others names right? I'm Kirah, Kim Kirah.

Nina: And i'm Kim Nina. It's an honour meeting u guys!

-Erhk. Not again. She always puts on her aegyo in front of guys. Please. The guys then started to introduced themseleves. The guy with great biceps is Jimin. The one with the cute face is Jungkook, The one with sunglasses on his neck 24/7 is Rap Monster but he said to called him Rap Mon, which i did, the one with the flower-boy looks is Jin, the one with really cute smile is V but i prefered to call him Taehyung-ssi. Yes, i didn't drop the formalities when i talk to them. The one with a more oval-shaped face is J-Hope, and lastly Suga, Mr. Laser Eyes. They seemed that they didn't mind me calling them Taehyung-ssi, or Rap Mon-ssi or Jimin-ssi so i just called all of them that.

-We spent the day touring around their entertainment bulding. And most of the times, i can hear Nina's giggling to the jokes that Jin make. Yes, i'm quick at recognising people's names when i know how they looked like. Well, it was kinda fun though, hanging around with them, even though they talked more to Nina than me.. I still enjoyed myself, looking at my younger sister being soo happy... until i feel a warm feeling on my wrist, that pulls me backwards.

-I turned and geez, if it isn't Mr. Laser Eyes and... Jungkook? When did he have a problem with me? My day just get better and better....

Suga: If you think that we had forgiven you, you are darn wrong.

Jungkook: Yeah! You broke our practice room door! And how are we going to practice?! 

Me: Seriously? I thought we were over this?!

Suga: Nu-uh. After hittitng my precious head with a bottled mayonnaise, and not to mention, BREAKING OUR PRACTICE ROOM'S DOOR, we might just have the right punishment for you.

-With that, they chuckled and plastered an evil grin on their faces.

-Great. Just when i was thinking that they were not soo bad.



A/N: ARMYs! Sorry if my description of BTS made u guys feel offended. This is just a fanfic so don't take it too hard, aites? In real life, i would pratically melt seeing them in front of me. Especially when Taehyung smiles.Don't you guys melt too? I love them as much as you do and i hope that our fellow ARMYs can be cool and acceptable! ^^

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Chapter 10: ♥Btw I love your story!! ♥
Chapter 10: What about Jin?
Chapter 10: Omo that's cute!! *w*
Suga being a nice bad boy... >< x3♥
Chapter 7: HHAHAHA OKAY THE BEST PART "Too bad i had to blackmail him. Not that i was going to wear his underwear again or anything. " HAHAHA OMG! *applause*
Chapter 6: i will stay tuned to find out the punishment kekeke ^^