Chapter 3

Miracles, Hurt, Love. That's Life.

- I took my step slowly, smelling for food. I think i resemble a wolf when i sniff around the building. It was then, when i smelled chicken. Ahhhh, that smell... That aroma.... It's coming from this room.

-When I open the door... All i could see was 6 guys... EATING. They are doing MY favourite thing. I think i stood there for like 5 awkward seconds before i realised i was being stared at.

Me: Oops! Sorry! I thought this was a room filled with food. 

-Ahhh Kim Kirah! Why are u sooo LAME. Close the door you idiot!  No, wait! Maybe they know where is the food that Nina is talking about. I swing open the door again. 

Me: Errr sorry i'm disturbing again but do u guys happen to know where i can get food... Urhm most probably like that delicious chicken u guys are holding.

-Ah, seriously?! NICE GOING, KIRAH! I'm sure they think that u are not weird at all.  But luckily, a guy answered me. Shockingly, he doesn't sound pissed when i practically disturb their eating time. Geez, i know how that feel.

Guy: Oh, its around the corner. Just walk straight ahead and you'll see a buffet. U can get anything there.

Me: Oh really? That's great! Thanks then! Oh and sorry for interrupting! Please continue doing whatever you're doing.

- I think i banged the door too hard, out of enthusiasm becuase of food. But whatever. And so, i went to the place the guy had directed me to. And that's where i saw it. I saw paradise. The buffet was on a LOOOONG table. Woohooo! I look from left to right. YES! Nobody's here! What are u waiting for? DIG IN!

- There are too many food that i lost count of how many i took. However, it's still lacking of something.... What is it...? OH! Mayonnaise! I searched for the bottle and finally found it. Strangely, when i press the bottle, it doesn't seem to come out. Irritated, i swung it back and forth, over my shoulder to force it out. Once, twice but on the third time, it slipped. It went straight back. 

-The world is against me. It landed on somebody's head! I could hear the "tuuk" sound followed by "AHH!" even when i didn't even turn around. Butterscotch! What am i supposed to do now?! Okay don't panic. Maybe if i don't turn he will not notice? Ah, you don't even know if that person is a guy! But it sounded like a guy.. Ah!!! Please... Just walk away.. I'm sorry.... But that's when i felt a pat on my shoulder.

Guy: Errrm excuse me, but did u just throw this at me? And you did not even apologise? Wow, i'm imppressed with your GREAT manners.

-Somebody, please shoot me.

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Chapter 10: ♥Btw I love your story!! ♥
Chapter 10: What about Jin?
Chapter 10: Omo that's cute!! *w*
Suga being a nice bad boy... >< x3♥
Chapter 7: HHAHAHA OKAY THE BEST PART "Too bad i had to blackmail him. Not that i was going to wear his underwear again or anything. " HAHAHA OMG! *applause*
Chapter 6: i will stay tuned to find out the punishment kekeke ^^