Chapter VII

Almost a sinner

-What on earth are you doing here? asked Siwon angry.

-I'm getting something to eat.But most important,who is this?

-She's a friend,Laura.

When she heard that,she felt dissappointed and just wanted to leave.

-I think I'm gonna go.


-No. It's cleary that you have something else to do and I don't what to disturb you and your compagnion.

After she had left,Siwon was looking angry at Yuri and said:

-Why did you come here? You know that there's nothing between us anymore.

-How can you say that? After everything we had and if you think that fight that we had two weeks ago was the end of us then you're wrong. There's more that we can have.

-No.No.We are over.

-Please! Just give me another chance. Or you want to say that you like that little ? How can you?

-Just leave,there's nothing that we can discuss.

-So,is her. How can you like her? I'm ten times hotter than her and more famous and more everything.It's your lost.You will beg me to come back to you !

She rushed out and decided to take her revenge on Laura..

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acaio-chan #2
Chapter 1: Yayyy guess im your first reader , chingu ^^ !! Lety unnie .. I smell cheating !! 6w6 ..