Chapter I

Almost a sinner


Chapter I


Laura was heading to another party held at Jiwon’s mansion. It was the third party on that week for her.She was partying as much as she could,living her life at it’s fullest. She tried multiple clothes before she found out the perfect one:a very short,denim skirt with a backless white blouse. Some black highheels and a pair of diamond earrings turned her from a desk worker into a fashion it girl.

Her boyfriend, Luhan was waiting her with roses in front of the house,with an old model of an unknown car.He wasn’t that much of a poor man,but he definitely wasn’t a wealthy one.But,he was trying to make Laura happy as good as he could. He was working in the same building as Laura’s,but on other floor. They met while waiting in the coffee shop Twosome that was situated at the first floor of their building. Laura only had 3 minutes to take her coffee before she had to go back to work.Luhan saw that she was begging  people from the line to let her ahead,so he,who was right in front of it,ordered two coffees.He gave her one and that was the moment when they first saw each other, even though they were working there from some time. They promised to meet after work,at the corner of the Apgujeong street. So,they started dating, and little by little they falled in love with each other.

When Luhan saw her coming to him,ready to party,he remembered how he met her 7 months ago.

So, they drove to Jiwon’s house were the party was waiting for them.

-You look beautiful,said Luhan to Laura.You look more beautiful by day.

Laura blushed and said thank you.

When they arrive at the Jiwon’s house,party has already begun.But from the minute they stepped into the guest room, Jiwon came to them.

-You made it,she said to Laura and then she kissed her on the check.

-Of couse, I wasn’t going to miss this.

-Hi Luhan, said Jiwon to him.

-Nice seeing you Jiwon.

-Well enjoy the party,she said and they went to meet other guests.

-We will have such a great time.Let’s dance, said Laura to Luhan.

Even though it was the third party in that week she was as fresh as she was at the first one. They were dancing, laughing and drinking all kinds of drinks,from cocktails to …….You could’ve see the love that was between them.


As she was going to take another drink, another drunk guest accidentaly pushed her into the pool. A splash was heard and everybody started laughing. Unfortunately, when she tried to laugh ,some water blocked her airways and she was drowning. Siwon saw the whole thing and immediately jumped into the water, trying to rescue her. He pulled her out of the water and started to do mouth to mouth breathing. He managed to make her feel better and when she opened her eyes she saw his sweet black eyes.

-Are you okay? Luhan asked from the back.

-Yeah,sure.I’m fine.Thank you,she said to the guy that rescued her.

-You’re welcome. Are you sure you’re okay?

-I’m sure.

-I think you remember Siwon, said Jiwon.He’s my brother. Do you remember him from when we were younger?

-Oooo,yes.I remember now.Thank you for saving my life.

-No problem,anytime.Let’s get you a towel before you catch a cold.

They went in a more quiet room where Siwon was trying to dry her out and warm her.

-I think we should probably go, said Luhan.

-Yeah.Let’s go.You can go to the party and I’m sorry if I ruined your night.

-It’s fine, said Siwon. I often go to this kind of parting,it’s nothing new to me.

Laura didn’t want to leave him,but Luhan was getting more insistent about it. She felt something that she never felt before.Something has happened with her feelings. Siwon was all nervous too when he was looking at Laura.


Something new has happened to both of them and somehow, both were wanting to stay with each other,but Laura was taken up by Luhan and she had to leave,but she promised that she will see Siwon again.


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Love this story!
acaio-chan #2
Chapter 1: Yayyy guess im your first reader , chingu ^^ !! Lety unnie .. I smell cheating !! 6w6 ..