Changmin's story

Daddy Stories

“Oppa why are you looking at window?” asked Shinyoung to her husband. "What's happening?" When she finally understood why Changmin wa so anxious, she giggled a bit.  “Oh come on, Minyoung only play with Kihyun. Relax okay,”

                “Can't you see him? He's holding my baby's hand. Then.. You see Shinyoung-ah? He just rubbed Minyoung's hair," Shinyoung rolled her eyes over Changmin's exagerated comments. Changmin can be very protective towards his precious one. "Who is that boy actually?"

                “Oppa, Kihyun just moved here last week. Minyoung is the only kid around here. Of course they make friends,"

                “He just moved in? No wonder I never saw him before,"

                “You were on your tour in Japan when his family came," Changmin still can't divert his eyes from staring at the window. "Stop it oppa. You're creepy."

                Changmin let out a heavy sigh. "So, what do you cook?"


                “Appa!” yelled Minyoung from the front door. Changmin streched his arms to hug her. He smiled when Minyoung ran into his embrace. Unfortunately his smile gone when he saw Kihyun.

                “Come in Kihyun-ah,” invited Shinyoung. The boy slightly nod and enter the house.

                “Good afternoon, Minyoung's father and Minyoung's mother,” greeted Kihyun. He sat in the dining table across Changmin and Minyoung.

                “Appa do you know that Kihyun oppa just helped when I fall from the tree today?" told Minyoung.

                “You climbed tree again? Do you hurt somewhere?" Minyoung shook her head. "Nope. Kihyun oppa helped me when I fall. Ah, you haven't met him, have you? You were in Japan." changmin nodded. "Then you guys should be friends right?"

                Minyoung slided from Changmin's lap and ran to her mother. "Omma, can Kihyun oppa have lunch together with us now?"

                “Of course,"


                “You like staying here?” asked Shinyoung to the 8-years-old boy..

                “Yes. Minyoung helped me a lot to make friends”

                “That's good. Please take care of our Minyoung," Kihyun nodded. Kihyun whispered something on Minyoung's ear then laughed together. Changmin couldn't help but felt jealous about it. So this is the feeling of a father when his daughter was close to a boy, Changmin's thought to himself. Shinyoung only giggled and continue to eat her lunch. Her husband was really cute with anxious expression written all over his face. "What are you whispering, honey? asked Shinyoung to her daughter.

                Minyoung nudged the older boy's shoulder before he continued. "Uncle look like my omma's favorite singer. I don't know his name but I'm sure she ever mentioned Dong Bang Shin Ki or something."

                “Is his name Choikang Changmin?” asked Changmin with more softer tone

                “Yes! That's his name. Omma really like him. Appa said she never missed one of his concert when they were still dating,"

                Changmin laughed after hearing Kihyun's honest answer. That boy is realy funny, said Changmin in his head. Maybe Kihyun really doesn't know that Choikang Changmin is himself. Chagmin started to relax and chatted with him. But it didn't stay longer since Minyoung never left Kihyun's side when they were talking.

                “Oppa, you're so tense," said Shinyoung. “Loosen a bit okay? Your baby girl will not go anywhere,”

                “But still…,”

                “Your daughter is already seven. She could make her own friends. you never acted that way when you're around me, I'm so jealous of Minyoung,"

                “Aigoo, my beloved wife is jealous with her own daughter. I only want to make sure Kihyun is a good boy and a good friend for Minyoung, jagi. Believe me your father was more extreme when I met him for the first time," said Changmin and kissed Shinyoung's tipnose.

                “Really? Appa did that? Can't believe it,"


                Changmin released his hug and opened the door. He saw a woman stood in front of the door with a shocked expression.

                “Changmin oppa? Eh, I must be in the wrong house. Sorry..," said the woman. "But the name is Shim," mumbled her.

                “Omma!” yelled Kihyun

                “Kihyun-ah, you're here? So, this is not the wrong house?”

                “I told you I'm going to play with Minyoung while waiting you from supermarket, remember?”

                “Um, I think we should talk inside the house. Please come in," said Changmin.

                Kihyun's mother never stop looking at Changmin. "Is there something wrong, Kihyun's mother?" asked Changmin.

                “You really look like my idol, Choikang Changmin from TVXQ,"

                Shinyoung laughed in low voice hearing her comment. Can't anybody tell that his husband IS Choikang Changmin? she thought. She served some juice to her and sat next to her. "He IS Choikang Changmin, Nami-sshi."

                “HEEE??? JINJJA??” squealed Nami. Shinyoung, Changmin even Minyoung were startled over her scream. "I'm sorry. I should not do that. I can't believe my idol is my neighbor. I really admire you since you debut,"

                Changmin nodded and acted so friendly like a celebrity to his fan. Shinyoung amazed at his sudden expression.

                “How about if we had a dinner in my house? Kihyun's father will be home tonight from Gwangju. As a friend invitation?" said Nami.

                “Why not? It's a great idea," said Shinyoung. Then Kihyun and his mother went home. Changmin put his protective mode again after seeing Minyoung hugged Kihyun before he went.

                “They're so cute, right? asked Shinyoung. "I guess I'll be at ease when Kihyun is around Minyoung.

                “Andwae. The'yre still too young," said Changmin serious

                “I’m joking, oppa,”

                Minyoung pulled Shinyoung and Changmin's clothes. "Omma, is it true we will eat dinner in Oppa's house?"

                “Yes, honey,”

                “Hurray! I can play with him again,”

                “Minyoung-ah,” said Changmin."No man is good as appa, okat? Why do you like him so much?"

                Shinyoung rolled her eyes again and helped her daughter to take a bath so that they didn't have to listen to Changmin's nagging.

                “Until I agree with it, no boy can take my daughter's away.”


Yeaayy, finally an update. I always felt guilty if I started something but can't finished it. It maybe long but please look forward to it. Love you!

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xyxyxy #1
Chapter 6: Thought you're closing the story! Thank goodness it's not!
Possible to request for Yoochun's one btw?:)
Thank you!
Chapter 5: Suho's story is very cute!! a little note though, shouldn't it be niece instead of nephew? since it's a daughter~ (Y)
Chapter 4: Lovin gyu's scenario ;)
Sicas_Angel #4
I like this idea, I'll be waiting for you to update! :)