Kyuhyun's story

Daddy Stories

“Hyeonseong-ah, clean your toys please,” Shinbi asked her son who left his toys in front of their TV. “Appa doesn't like the room messy.”

                “Appa will home tonight?” asked Hyeonseong

                “Yes, Let's get it finished. Okay?” Little Hyeonseong hurrily put his toys into toy box. He also swept some dust on the floor with a broom. Though the broom was really gigantic for him.


                “Appa’s home!” Hyeonseong yelled while running to his father who just opened the door. Kyuhyun smiled widely seeing his son's smile. He's very tired after finishing his world tour with Super Junior but Hyeonseong was really his energy booster. “I miss you, appa!” said Hyeonseong.

                “I miss you more, Hyeonseong-ah,”

                “Appa look! I've cleaned up my toys,” said Hyeonseong proud. Kyuhyun rubbed Hyeonseong's hair and gave him two thumbs up. “That’s my boy.” Shinbi let them talking while she prepared for dinner.

                Hyeonseong rarely met his father due to his schedule. Kyuhyun will always travel around the world. Hyeonseong usually come to SM company or his concert venue only to see his father. Sometimes SMTown member would play with him but Kyuhyun is still his number one.

                “are you free tomorrow?” asked Hyeonseong

                “Yep, is there something you want to do? I'll accompany you,”

                “aniyo. I'm sure you're tired. Maybe we should stay at home,”

                “I'm not tired anymore. Come on, tell me what you wanna do," Hyeonseong slided from Kyuhyun's lap and took his unfinished puzzle.

                “I want to finish this. Sungmin samchon gave me this and I can't finish it,"

                “Relly? Only this? You don't want to d o anything outside?” asked Kyuhyun

                “Maybe later,”

                “Fine. Tomorrow is our day. Okay?”

                “So omma cannot join you?” asked SHinbi telling them dinner is ready

                Kyuhyun put Hyeonseong down and hugged his lovely wife. "Just take a rest. I'll take care of him."

                “Alright then. It’s been a long time since I have my own me-time,”


                Early in the morning, Kyuhyun was already awoke. Even Shinbi hadn't awake yet. He got up and made some voffee for himself. He missed this house so much along with Shinbi and Hyeonseong. Then, his boy came from his room, approching him.

                “Oh, you're up? It's still 6,” said Kyuhyun to Hyeonseong.

                “You want to go somewhere, appa?”

                “Nope. I'm just awake after hearing weird sounds from you. And I already told you today is our day right?,”

                “Can we go to swimming pool? We haven't gone there for a long time,” said Hyeonseong


                “Hurray!!” Hyeonseong hugged his father then ran to his mother's room. “Don't wake omma. We'll go at 10. You can go back sleeping.”

                “Shireo. I want to finish my puzzle,”

                Kyuhyun accompanied him to finish his puzzle. He got that from Sungmin for his birthday present last month. For Kyuhyun, nothing is better if he is with Hyeonseong.


                “WATERRRR!!!” Hyeonseong couldn't hide his excitement after seeing swimming pool. “Appa, ppali!”

                Kyuhyun helped Hyeonseong to wear his swimming suit and some oil. they did some stretching and threw themselves to the pool. Hyeonseong swam around the pool with his buoy with Kyuhyun on the back.

                “Appa, let's go to waterslide,” Hyeonseong pointed to the highest waterslide in the waterpark. Kyuhyun nodded and carry him along. It was very full with kids so that they have to stand in line first.  “Are you shivering Hyeonseong-ah?” asked Kyuhyun worried.

                “A little. Don't worry. Come on it's nearly out turn” answered Hyeonseong

                After reaching the top, Hyeonseong kept shivering. Kyuhyun guessed he was not only cold but also scared. Thie waterslide was 11-metres high from the ground.

                “Are you sure? We could go down if you’re afraid,” said Kyuhyun

                “Shireo! I’m a brave boy!”

                “That’s my boy. Don’t be afraid, I’m here behind you,”

                Both of them sat in a special buoy and slided down. Hyeonseong screamed in excitement while holding Kyuhyun;s hand so tightly. How about Kyuhyun? He just happily laughed.


                “You okay?” Kyuhyun wiped his boy's face.

                “It’s actually fun! Let’s do that again!”

                Kyuhyun agreed to him and did it again. The sun was getting higher, they decided to stop and had a lunch together.

                “Were you having fun?” asked Kyuhyun

                “Yep! Especially with you, appa. You're so busy” Kyuhyun rubbed Hyeonseong's head. “I'm sorry, my job make me to travel a lot.”

                “It’s okay, appa. I always said to my friends that appa is a very famous singer. Do you know that many girls like me? ,” said Hyeonseong. Kyuhyun looked at him in disbelief eyes. “Aah, you have so many fans?”

                “Yes! I'm as famous as you, appa,” They spent their lunch with sharing stories. Hyeonseong told him about his school life, friends, activities, and how he took care of his mother when Kyuhyun was away. Kyuhyun also told him about his trip, concert, episodes with members. Everything. To Kyuhyun, this moment was very rare. So, he needed it to make them closer.

                Arriving at house, Sleeping Hyeonseong was carried by Kyuhyun from his car to his room. Shinbi greeted them happily.

                “You’re having a great time alone?” asked Kyuhyun

                “I rarely have it, so yes I enjoy it. But still I can't stop thinking about you two. Was it fun?” asked Shinbi

                “Of course I enjoy it so much,”

                “At least you have a week to play with him, don't you?” Kyuhyun nodded and walked to his wine rack. he poured some for him and Shinbi.

                “Don't worry I also have time for you,” Kyuhyun gave Shinbi a backhug. “Drink the wine. I’ll pour some again.”

                “Ya, I might get drunk because of it,” said Shinbi.

                “That’s my intention, though,” whispered Kyuhyun. “Because maybe it's time to give Hyeonseong a sister,"

                Kyuhyun winked at her before kissed Shinbi's lips to stop her protests.


Finally it's done. Sorry for the long wait. My Architecture school never give me rest TT.TT

I hope you like it.

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xyxyxy #1
Chapter 6: Thought you're closing the story! Thank goodness it's not!
Possible to request for Yoochun's one btw?:)
Thank you!
Chapter 5: Suho's story is very cute!! a little note though, shouldn't it be niece instead of nephew? since it's a daughter~ (Y)
Chapter 4: Lovin gyu's scenario ;)
Sicas_Angel #4
I like this idea, I'll be waiting for you to update! :)