Dream-catcher Collection

"Princess Yoona, congratulations on your coronation." The elderly guardian placed a flowered wreath on her head. It sparkled of the most brilliant, translucent jewels. Plastered in the middle of the wreth was the most luminous blue jewel; it echoed with mystery and life, and as the princess smiled, she also glowed along with her crown. A sight to see, the other guardians cheered for her, and a peaceful harmony played out from the lyres. It was a beautiful day to have a coronation in the garden outside the castle. 

"Thank-you, Gktah and Myrah." Yoona grasped the wrinkled yet warm hands of the guardians who had nurtured her since she was a baby. They had found her in a basket by the river outside the castle and raised her as their daugher, bestowing her with the lessons of sorcery and magic. Gktah was without children for his wife Myrah was never able to give birth.

Stricken by sadness, Gktah believed that the magic would be forever lost when he passed on. That was until a child appeared before him. And when Gktah and Myrah saw this girl, something moved from within them. Despite the absence of a bloodline, they took this child as their own and named her Yoona.

"You look beautiful, daughter. I've looked forward to this day since the very day you came to me by that river." Myrah smiled as she gazed into her daughter's eyes.

"This land that was once mine is now yours..." Gktah voice crackled with ancient times. "Please take care of Eseha as the new ruler for my body will soon turn to dust and no longer harbor the power to keep this city alive anymore."

"Thank-you, father." Yoona gazed upon Gktah with youth and exhilration. She had been looking forward to this day; from her strenous training and studying, she had evolved from the fragile little girl to a skilled, beautiful sorceress.

But her expression faded into a softer, bereaved one as she peered into her father's weary eyes. Myrah returned this expression with a weaker smile, and she clasped onto her dress. 

Gktah was dying, and he also was aware of this. Yoona could feel his bones only from lightly grasping onto his hands.

"Father, I will do my best to be Eseha's princess. Everything that you have trained me up to this day, I will fulfill it and become the new light of this land." Yoona's voice somber tone transitioned into a more self-assured one, and she squeezed gently onto her father's hands.

"I know, my daughter. I prayed to the gods that you woul-."

 Gktah's voice fell short as Yoona's eyes gave up, and her body collapsed to the ground. The crown's glow was dissipating, and the luminous blue color faded out, only to soon show an empty slot in the original location of the main jewel.

"No, it cannot be-." Myrah's expression fell, and Gktah reached out for his unconscious daughter.

"Who is responsible for this?" The weary king grasped out slowly. 

The audience was in confusion, and the music subsided. The landscape of the garden and castle faded out, and Gktah and Myrah appeared in a new tomb-like encased room with their daughter still lying still in his arms. The people all seemed to dissipate like ash as well, and rocks started to tumble from the ceiling.

"Gktah, do not tell me that a stranger has entered into our city!" Was the magic not enough to protect Eseha from intruders?"

Myrah's voice fell out of line as a shadow walked into view; a man grinned with such evil and laughed under his breath. "Is this what you're looking for?" His hand raised to reveal a brilliant sky-blue jewel held between his index and thumb finger.

Gktah's face fell, and he tugged onto his daughter's hand.

"He has Yoona's soul."

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Chapter 1: Whoa!! XD Do update soon Authornim^^ Himnaera!