Kai's letter

Two moons, one sky

“ You know how ‘good’ I am at expressing my feelings, so I knew this was a good choice.. I am leaving.. It’s the best way.. I can’t hold you near me.. You’re not mine.. You’ve never been.. And I knew that all this time, although I kept staying by your side, trying to help you nurture that feeling that I silently craved for. But, it wasn’t meant..

Now I understand why sometimes people will keep faith in their stories, even if fate does everything to stop them.. Because, in the end, deep inside them, there has always been the certainty that one day, something will change and they’ll be able to continue writing their stories..

That’s why, you never got to love me, because you just couldn’t.. Because you already loved him.. And I am happy that he’s the one that showed you what love is.. I’ve always asked myself who could that man be, what was so special about him that you came back from the trip as a totally different person…  

Now I know..  I just wished you’d never been separated.. Since destiny already played with you two, I wasn’t going to be the one who will forever destroy two souls.. I wouldn’t have been able to resist, knowing that.. I have no right to remain.. I love you very much, so I’ll free you, so you can finally get back to your true love.. One moon is enough to make the night sky shine.. There’s no need for another to join..

Please don’t feel guilty.. You are not a sinner, just because you couldn’t love me and repay my kindness and careness (God bless your diary!).. In fact, I should be thankful to you for being near me all these years..

Thank you for letting me be by your side.. Thank you for giving me the chance to protect you and guide you.. Thank you for giving me wonderful moments all this 9 years we were together.. Thank you for being part of my story..

Now it’s time to get back to your story..  Take care of yourself and allow your heart to finally live.. Go back to your love.. go back to him.. Be happy! I’ll never forget you! Thank you once again… for everything!


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ExoLuhansWendy #1
Chapter 6: A very nice story! Kai's message make me cry.
Chapter 6: she killed two birds with one stone! Firat lulu is hurt and then KAi!!!!