The encounter

Two moons, one sky

Did you ever believed that you could love someone long before you knew anything about his existence? I did not even bother to have such a thought.. I actually think this feeling starts growing slowly as two people connect, forming a bond so strong that nothing could break it…

I kept walking slowly on the field, passing by colourful tiny flowers with closed petals, staring at the black sparkling sky, feeling the touch of the wind through my hair, on my skin, in my heart…

There’s nothing more beautiful in this world than the quiet painting of a midnight summer sky, the pale white of the clouds blending smoothly with the bluyish belt that keeps them away from the brilliants that embrace the moon, sealing it, protecting it, as love protects the soul from shattering..

The trees raise their branches to cherish this magical moment, dancing pokily as if there is no reason to rush things.. why would be any? Nothing is there to cover the shining moonlight..

I hear my breath slowing down, as my eyes witness the smoky silhouettes that fade in from nowhere, bringing back so many memories.. Two souls engraved on the invisible canvas of the universe, looking at each, so close, yet so far from one another, two shadows, two..moons, throwing me back in time..


Summers never stop amazing me.. It seems like nature as well as people live to the fullest during this season, as if life itself starts with it.. Even night time seems a soft play, perfect for making memories to cherish many years after..

I went outside the house, trying to create those memories for myself.. Since I was a lonely type of person, I didn’t feel the need to bring someone with me..

Besides, who would understand my desire to indulge my entire being with the chilly touch of the air, to smell the scents of flowers blending together in one pure perfume that refreshes my body, relaxing my mind..

 I felt as if the night was waiting for me, cleaning its dark coat off the greyish clouds that kept the storm above our souls, making us lose two days inside a cold house, with no joy left to enlight our spirit..

While keeping my eyes closed, I let out all my sadness, resting in the soft arms of a mild wind blowing gently over my skin, when I felt a strange presence.. A powerful one.. Don’t know if it just made its entrance, or it has always been there, waiting for me..

The warmth of that breath could calm me down more than the whole nature surrounding me, no matter how much it will struggle to do so.. It was everywhere, caressing my body, while moving in a circle, until it finally touched my face..

 I could then see what seemed like the most innocent look one could give to you, when you meet for the very first time.. So pure and innocent as if the sky has just let two tears fall down to its cheeks, until it reached the earth, resting forever in that look that kept me in a blank state..

Two deer like eyes, so bright that I thought I spotted a smile flowing outside them, reaching for my heart, caressing it as a sweet balm.. And that was the moment when everything loses its logic.. When a soul loses its consciense slowly, letting itself fall in a sweet trap..

He got closer and closer, willing to quench his thirst for a pure feeling that he always thought it only appears in someone’s life after the souls get connected.. Yet… there was no bond forming right now, but still, he needed to let out his desire..

Strangely, I felt the same, so I also joined the play of destiny.. Nothing more could be there to hold this moment from happening.. Two souls would shyly greet each other, two bodies slightly trembling as lips gently touched, writing the first page of a new story..

A dream or not, it was now resting inside my heart, torturing my mind, while I kept watching the trees running in front of me, as the car was heading back home.. The summer trip was over, but my aching was yet to vanish…

Once home, I went inside my room to unpack.. The city life always has this cruel effect on you, throwing you back to reality before you can even think of defending yourself.. So, here I was again, returning to my everyday lonely existence..

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ExoLuhansWendy #1
Chapter 6: A very nice story! Kai's message make me cry.
Chapter 6: she killed two birds with one stone! Firat lulu is hurt and then KAi!!!!