Chapter 3

Caged Birds

 Hello Readers!!! I have updated a new chapter, and Thanks to those who subscribed!!! Someone asked me who that girl is. Can you clarify what girl you are talking about? Sorry >.< Next chapter coming soon!! Please leave a comment saying what you think and subscribe if you like!!


Kuro’s POV


I let go of Youngmin’s hand, pushing my way through the crowd. Minho had left Taemin to fend for herself. Taemin wasn’t weak, but she couldn’t put up a fight, especially against two buff, mean looking guys. Taemin yelped as the guys grabbed her wrist and tried to drag her to the door. I finally got to her, and kicked the guy closest to me behind the knees. He collapsed, and the other guy looked at me, surprised. I balled up my fist and punched Buff Guy #2 in the face. He stumbled backward, letting go of Taemin. “Are you alright?” I asked. Taemin nodded. “Thank you. Oh my god behind you!” I turned around and Buff Guy #1 loomed over me. “Hello.” He swung a punch at me and I dodged. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Buff Guy #1 getting ready to punch. Crap, I don’t have enough room to dodge…


I heard a series of thwacks. “Minho!” Taemin yelled. Buff Guy #1 was on the ground groaning, holding a bloody nose. Minho nodded at me. “Thanks. Stop the party, some party crashers decided to come uninvited.” He walked past me and beat up Buff Guy #1. I nodded at Taemin and ran off in the twins’ direction. “Youngmin!” I yelled. Youngmin was ushering some drunken boys toward the door with a designated driver. “I know. Help me get people out of here. In a nice way.” He glanced at Kwangmin, who was forcefully pushing girls out the door. I nodded and found a group of scared girls trying to get away from three boys. Three boys who I recognized as Minho’s posse, the baddest boys in school. “Hey. Party’s over. Out.” I hollered. The boys turned in my direction. The oldest looking one had brown hair and looked gentle, if he wasn’t smiling like a maniac. I recognized Jonghyun because of his flaming orange and blond bangs. The other one was like a diva. I wanted to wipe that confident smirk and I’m-better-than-you look off his face. “Hey Onew, the girls are gone.” Jonghyun said. “Did you just realize that?” the one named Onew laughed. “I know!” The diva exclaimed. “We can play with that one.” I stepped forward. “No more playing, time to leave.” I growled. The boys chuckled. “It’s okay, we’ll be nice…” 


Jonghyun grabbed my wrists and held me still. Onew my cheek and rested his hand under my chin. “So pretty, if only you didn’t look like a killer.” I bit his hand as hard as I could, drawing blood. Onew roared in pain and slapped me hard in the face. “.” The other guy whined. “Onew, I wanna play too.” I struggled to get my hands free as the Diva smirked at me. Jonghyun dug his nails into my wrists and I winced. The diva inspected me. “I guess you are pretty, but not for much longer.” I spat Onew’s blood into the Diva’s face. He shrieked. “You scream like a little girl.” I taunted, which earned me a kick in the stomach. I bent over in pain. “Calm yourself, Key. We don’t want to hurt her bad. Not yet anyway.” Jonghyun let go of me. “Get up.” I waited. “Get up.” He ordered again. This time, I shot up and kicked him in the nuts. He bowled over and lay on the ground. The other two advanced. I stood my ground, and got ready to fight. Why do I always get into trouble?


Kwangmin’s POV


There were still so many teenagers dawdling in the house, and I was getting sick of them being here. I growled at them to get out. Walking through the hallway, I heard laughing and punches being thrown. I turned the corner. “Hey, party’s ov-” I rushed forward and rammed my fist into the first guy it touched. Kuro was on her knees, holding her stomach and coughing. I was mad, but I didn’t really understand why. Why did I care about Kuro? She was Youngmin’s girl, not mine. “Onew!” The girly looking one went to help up his fallen comrade. The one originally lying on the ground and holding his nuts got up and looked at me. “You wanna go?” He challenged. The other two held up their fists. I chuckled. “I don’t know if you can handle me.” We started fighting, me skillfully dodging and throwing punches. It was more of a dance than a bloody fight, since I was leading. “Ha, you guys .” I stuck out my tongue. I didn’t notice that the blonde one, whose name I learned was Jonghyun, crept up beside me and was about the punch. Suddenly, he got hit in the side of the face by a boot, and he fell over. Kuro stood behind him, blood dripping from her lip. The other boys, bruised and bloody, dragged their comrade away. “This isn’t the last of us.” They snarled as they left. Kuro appeared beside me. “I don’t think they’re kidding.” She said. I shrugged. I turned her so she faced me. There was blood dripping from the side of and she looked so fragile. “Where does it hurt?” I asked. Her eyes widened. “I’m fine, you should be- DUDE!” She winced. I poked her in the ribs. “It hurts, right?” I asked. She looked down, embarrassed. I sighed. I picked her up bridal style, ignoring her protests. She was surprisingly light. Youngmin rushed down the hallway when he saw Kuro. “Oh my gods, what happened, Kuro, are you-”  “She’ll be alright.” I interrupted and continued walking.


I carried her to my room and lay her down on my bed. “I’ll be back. Don’t move.” I left in search of first aid.


Kuro’s POV


I never knew Kwangmin could be so gentle. I shifted my body so I could see his desk. It was neat and tidy; everything was in perfect order, unlike Youngmin’s desk. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something under Kwangmin’s pillow. I picked it up and smiled.       


HOHOHOHOHO WHAT COULD IT BE!!!! Teehee only I know, and you'll find out when I update! Oh and I has a question, so you guys like short or long stories? So long, my readers!!

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kwangminshypika #1
Ahh so cute at the end!♥
I read ur story only in 2 hours! Believe it n I just found ur story 2day<br />
BTW good job. I like ur story. :)
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
alice24 #4
i can relate it to a true to life story hhehe thanks for it hehhe
omg I found your fic today and I finished it in like idk how many minutes? or hours? i have no idea.<br />
it's amazing <3 great job!
8DDDD I finally finished, and... OMFUDGE~ I loved it xD <3
craziiazian123 #7
awh, good ending, but could have been longer. Dx<br />
hope you make a sequel~
Taeminblossoms_16 #8
Ohmigah! I hope no one will actually die in this fic =/ kwangmin!! Huhuhu...<br />
Hope kuro wont get hurt and youngminnie too...<br />
Thanks for updating!!!~
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I'm mad! You never wrote a chap THIS short!! You done this... to make me feel scared right? Kuro's ok, right? U just wanna build a suspense mood, right? Kwangmin, Youngmin and Kuro's OK, RIGHT????? Pls answer yes!!! Pls.... T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
*sobs*<br />