Chapter 14

Caged Birds

Hello my readers!! I have another chapter for you!!! I hope you like how it turns out :)



Kuro’s POV



“I… I love you.” My heart skipped a beat when I heard these words whispered into my ear. Wow, I guess I really did end up with the other twin. I should have just accepted that I had feelings for Kwangmin earlier, then Youngmin wouldn’t have been so hurt. Instead of saying I love you back, I said, “How could you not notice that I like you? Stupid.” Kwangmin laughed and hugged my tighter. “I’ll take that as a yes.”



~Next day at school~



Rumours circulated about my relationship with Kwangmin. Some of them were way exaggerated, such as, “Did you know Kuro cheated on Youngmin just so she could hook up with his twin?” and “Oh my god, that idiot monster totally ditched the King of the school for his TWIN. Like who does that?” I walked past those girls and shot them a glare. They backed away and gave me dirty looks from afar. I went to my locker, which had the words , LOSER, CHEATER, and DIRT written on papers. I ripped them off and twisted my lock. I opened it and confetti blew out from nowhere. “HAPPY ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!” I turned around and saw Minwoo, Hyunseong, and Jeongmin holding out gifts. Youngmin was standing behind them, a little bit farther than the rest. I laughed. “What do you mean one month anniversary? I don’t think it has been that long yet.” Jeongmin smirked. “We know that you guys have been together since January. Its obvious.” He gave me his signature cat-like smirk, making me feel like kicking him. Hyunseong shyly held a colourful little bag. “Umm… I didn’t know what to get you, so I just got some chocolate. Everybody likes chocolate so I thought that would be a good gift.” He blushed. I sighed. These boys seriously need to stop stalking the twins and me. Kwangmin appeared out of the shadows and stood next to me. “Good morning.” He mumbled in his low voice and yawned. The boys saw Kwangmin and all the gifts into his arms. “Congrats!!” They shouted as they ran off. Youngmin silently followed. Kwangmin stared, half-awake, at the gifts in his hands. “What was that all about?” He asked, bewildered. I laughed. “They think we’ve been together for a month and these are anniversary presents.” I made air quotations around the word anniversary. Kwangmin chuckled and stuffed the gifts into my locker. “They are nice people. Its nice to have friends.” He mumbled, then blushed after realizing what he just said. “Of course its nice to have friends!” I giggled. Kwangmin took my hand and intertwined our fingers. “I love you, girlfriend.” We walked to class with our fingers locked, receiving stares and whispers from our classmates. Kwangmin, still shy about our relationship, quickly dragged me to my desk and made me sit down. I smiled. He’ll always be the same old Kwangmin.



Kwangmin’s POV



Aish, cardboard is hard to move. Why do those people need so much stuff? Why can’t they get their own damn stuff? I cursed under my breath as I carried large pieces of cardboard down the hallway to class A12. They were making booths for selling goodies and knickknacks. Kuro followed along with bags of random crap in them. I entered the class, and that Minho guy took the cardboard from me. “Thank you.” I nodded. The Taemin girl bounced over happily and collected Kuro’s bags. “Thank you so much!!” she chirped. Her voice was beginning to piss me off. Why was I in such a bad mood today? Aish this is annoying…

Taemin glanced at me and dragged Kuro away. I was about to stop her but then I decided not to. I heard something about “boyfriend”, “other guy” and “Yipee!” Kuro was blushing and Taemin looked totally ecstatic. I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Must be girl talk again.” I muttered. Minho appeared beside me and chuckled. “Girls can be so weird sometimes eh?” I shrugged. Minho frowned, then said. “How did you two end up together? I thought the blonde dude like her…” My top lip twitched when I thought about my twin. “It just ended up this way. Nothing more.” The tall boy stared at Taemin with affection, then laughed. I suddenly thought of something. “Hey, you’re a dude right?” Minho looked at me with a strange expression. “I-I mean you’re a dude, s-so you must know about girls, since y-you have a g-girlfriend…” I stammered embarrassed about the strange question. Minho chuckled. “Girls are like pets. You give them the affection and love they need, and they’ll return the favour. Then again, they’re also like birds, you can’t cage them, yet you can’t set them free either.” I stared at him blankly, confused and still slightly irritated. “So, what am I supposed to do to keep her with me forever?” I asked. Minho shrugged. “Do whatever it takes.” He walked towards Taemin and hugged her from the back, startling her. Kuro laughed and walked away, coming back to me. The tall boy’s words were making me confused, and I didn’t have a clue what to do. Kuro waving her hand in front of my face interrupted my thoughts. “Yah, you awake?” She asked. I must have zoned off. I snapped at her hand playfully. “What does it look like?” Kuro pouted and suddenly ran off. “Hey where you going?” I shouted, running after her. Still ahead of me, she turned around. “Catch me if you can!” she giggled. I chuckled, following behind her, but always a few steps behind.

She led me to the forest area behind the school, through the trees and up a hill. I was panting but what was on the other side of the hill made my jaw drop. A field of white flowers swayed gently in the breeze, accented by the setting sun. Kuro giggled. “Wonderful, isn’t it?” She took my hand. I saw bees flying in and out of flowers and it reminded me of what Minho said. “Hey, you know what? I’m like a bee and you’re the flower. Without a flower’s nectar, a bee can’t make honey, and without a bee, the flower has no means to transport pollen.” Kuro looked at me funny for a second, then light bulb. “Ah, so what you’re saying is they can’t live without each other right?” I laughed. She was so clueless sometimes. “What I’m saying is that you’re what keeps me wanting to live. I need you.” I pulled her close and caressed her cheek. Kuro blushed and punched my chest. “Come on, don’t be like that…” I kissed her.

She didn't hestitate to kiss me back.


So... How you like it? Good :)? Bad :(? Tell me please!!! I'm also going to start another fanfic soon, and its probably going to be about SHINee, so please anticipate it!! Also give me your opinion on the poll which I put as Chapter 12!!! :) Thank you for reading!!!

Kwangmin: I am so happy right now :)

Youngmin: *sulking in corner mumbling about black magic*

Hyunseong: Is something wrong with dongsaeng? He's seems out of it...

Jeongmin: He's being really jealous... LIKE A WOMAN!!!

*Minwoo and Jeongmin roll around laughing*

Youngmin: Say that again? *Death Glare*

Donghyun: Ah children these days... *sips tea* (LOL)


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kwangminshypika #1
Ahh so cute at the end!♥
I read ur story only in 2 hours! Believe it n I just found ur story 2day<br />
BTW good job. I like ur story. :)
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
alice24 #4
i can relate it to a true to life story hhehe thanks for it hehhe
omg I found your fic today and I finished it in like idk how many minutes? or hours? i have no idea.<br />
it's amazing <3 great job!
8DDDD I finally finished, and... OMFUDGE~ I loved it xD <3
craziiazian123 #7
awh, good ending, but could have been longer. Dx<br />
hope you make a sequel~
Taeminblossoms_16 #8
Ohmigah! I hope no one will actually die in this fic =/ kwangmin!! Huhuhu...<br />
Hope kuro wont get hurt and youngminnie too...<br />
Thanks for updating!!!~
TheSHINeengBoyfriend #9
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! I'm mad! You never wrote a chap THIS short!! You done this... to make me feel scared right? Kuro's ok, right? U just wanna build a suspense mood, right? Kwangmin, Youngmin and Kuro's OK, RIGHT????? Pls answer yes!!! Pls.... T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
*sobs*<br />