Chapter Five


"Look here my slaves." The brunet derp smiles proudly as he slides the flyer across the circular table for his stupid friends to see. "This is apparently top ." 

However, Chen's victorious smile fades when one of his friends, the taller one, slaps him on the back of the head hard, "And how much does this "top" cost?" 

Everyone else joined into the conversation sighs loudly, acknowleding their hyung's cheap , "Kris hyung, your wallet is more filled than all of ours put together." 

The giant rolls his eyes and places his long arm around his friend, "Listen up chocolate icecream and hyung will tell you the secret of not becoming a beggar." 

Kai struggles to free himself from his friend's iron grip, meanwhile Kris gets a kind of sparkle in his eyes. All who know him well, know that Kris Wu wants to play a game. Sehun raises his finger and pokes Kris on the cheek, "no." 

Kris finally snaps out of his trance and looks at the maknae, "Excuse me you ungrateful piece of-"

"We're not playing no game of yours." Chanyeol finishes as Chen nods approvingly besides him. 

"Oh come on!`Kris throws his arms dramatically in the air finally letting Kai go. Kai quickly slides behind the derp thinking that if Kris was ever attempting to choke anyone again, he`d rather sacrifice the weird one. 

"My baby don`t want you grabing at its insides!" Kris shouts while holding onto his wallet closely, "I propose we play duck duck goose and the loser pays all!" 

"I said we weren't going to pla- did you say duck duck goose?" Chanyeol's face srunches up and then smiles widely, "I LOVE DUCK DUCk GOOSE!"

Chen sighs and turns to Kai for help, who clearly was tramatized by Kris's eariler hug. "No." Sehun says when he sensed that his hyungs were no help at all as Chen shakes Kai trying to get him back to his senses.

"Sehunnie!" The two giants whine and clunches onto the maknae's shirt rocking him from side to side. "Please!!!!" 

After endless of shaking and grabing Sehun sighs loudly and agrees, that's when Chen slaps Kai in the face and brags about how y he was and how he dances soooo much better than the tanned male. "I'M CHEN-CING MACHINE!" The brunet screams at the top of his lungs and then to his friends horror "busts" some moves of his own. In the cafeteria. During lunch. With EVERYONE watching. 

"Someone please spray him with a fire extingusher." 

"I agree, look at this mess!" Someone familar laughs besides Chanyeol. Someone with puppy eyes and dark eyeliner. 

Everyone turns to the boy who bursts out laughing while holding onto the owl next to him. Chanyeol couldn't help but feeling his heart beat rapidly against his chest. "New eyeliner?" The giant smiles, trying to "flirt" with his target. 

The shorter boy looks at him with his judging face, "Yah, you giant, did you stalk me?" His puppy eyes widen when Chanyeol does nothing to deny that he has been stalking the boy. "TAOOOOOO!" 

Tao scrolls over to his friend and casually asks him why he was freaking out again until he saw his nightmare. 

"PANDA !" Kris grins and tried to hug his soon to be boyfriend. Tao death glares him and Kris takes back his arms while clearing his throat awkwardly. He secretly envies Sehun for having Luhan cling onto his arm acting all lovey dovey with him. "Why can't Panda be like that?" Kris whispers quietly. 

Sehun took the chance to activate the plan and speaks loudly so that everyone could hear, "How about we all go to whatever is on that flyer?" 

"A hunted house?" Luhan shivers and hugs Sehun harder. Sehun thinks his hyung is so cute like this. He smiles and reassures him that he'dbe there to protect him and that it'll be a good chance for there friends to bond with one another. Luhan smiles and agrees because he could never say no to his Sehunnie. 

"So you es up for this?" Chen finally says and stops to smirk creepily charmingly to the bun hiding in the back behind the bacon. 

"I-I don't really l-like scary things." Kyungsoo says quietly and Kai (finally) comes back from the dead to fangirl over "Kyungie's" cute wording. "Awee, don't worry hyung I won't let you be scared!" 

Kyungsoo blushes under the handsome boy's gaze and hides behind Baekhyun, knocking the bun out into the open. Unfortunatly for him, Chen was a fast fellow and in seconds stood next to Xiumin saying how "round" he looked like today. Xiumin didn't know if he was complimented or not. 

"Well, chocolate bar over here may put moves on Kyungie and ruin his innocence." Baekhyun states turning to every couple who were to go, "Deerhan over there may even offer himself to be sacfriced to that, ugh, that." The sassy bacon purposely stresses on the word "that" only to have Sehun ask what he meant and Luhan fanning his boyfriend's anger chanting, "Baekkie didn't mean it." 

"Tao, well Tao will be fine." Baekhyun says and smirks when he sees Kris's smile, oh no he didn't approve of him its just- "You're the one I worry for, Mr. Lamp post." 

Kris's smile flattens. 

Turning around he sees Chen and a horrified Xiumin who backs away every second, "And those two are questionable." 

"What about me!" Chanyeol chirps. 

Baek glances once at the giant and only says a simple , "no." 

"So t-that m-means we are n-not going, I'm sorry Kai." Kyungsoo says looking at Kai and blushes when the latter smiles and brings him into his arms for a hug, well almost. 

", !" That stupid piece of bacon was at it again, when he took Tao's stick (again) wacking Kai with it this time. "Let go of my Kyungie!" 

"YAH!" Kai screams and takes a hold of the stick, his strength overpowered the other boy and he challanges the sassy bacon, "You scared?" 

"Me?" Baehyun askes too shocked that this choco stopped his stick. "NO!" 

"Then let's go to the haunted house!" 


"You're scared you'd probably take a leak in your pants." 



Baekhyun was never yelled at like this, he always did the yelling. "Fine." 

Kai, on the otherhand was suprised that Baekhyun would give in so quickly. "What?"

Baekhyun was so angry and he took it as an oppertunity to wack the boy when he was distracted, "I SAID FINE!" 

Dispite getting knocked in the head, which hurt like hell, Kai smiles triumpthly and leans in to whisper into Baekhyun's ear so only he can hear what he's about to say, "Oh and stop being a ." 

Baekhyun blinks and pushes the guy away while stomping away with a certain giant tailing him. 

Kai finally pulls Kyungsoo into a bear hug and loves his "squishy-ness" as Kyungsoo blushes profusely. 

"Damn Kai, you should've gotten bacon." Kris whispers, still eyeing his panda, "You know how to keep his crazy under control." 

"Nah, I like my Kyungie!"

"Whatever." Kris says while telling everyone that they'd meet tonight at 7:30 pm. "Oh and bring bacon, we got Chan-."


My goodness! I found out how to put the line! 

>.< How did I not know.... 

ANyways, Comment~ Upvote~Subscribe! Thanks for reading!


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Hahahaha poor poor Kyungsoo and kris. ^o^
Aieru_Sarang #2
Chapter 6: Can u add xiuchen moment moree?? I love how xiumin react to chen.
T-araFans #3
Chapter 6: Poor Kyungsoo
Nice update ^^
queenMell #4
it great story keep updating pls.. and can u make sulay too >.<
hanjaegook #5
Chapter 5: So I subscribed and noticed that the last update occurred a year ago. Uggghh.. Is there any hope for an update to this?
ilabya31 #6
T-araFans #7
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo looks so cute....
Nice update Author...
Please update soon...
Chapter 5: cool..please update soon author-nim ^^