Chapter 5: Awkward Encounters

Is it Possible to Love Two People at Once?


It’s been more than a week since Taecyeon and Tiffany talked to each other. 
This isn’t the way Tiffany had planned to spend her break. 
With Taeyeon gone for vacation, and the girls also gone for vacation, she was alone. 
She didn’t have anyone else to talk to nor did she want to talk about her problem anyway. 
She was just by herself and she hated it. 
Tiffany always loved the company of others especially those whom she sees as family. Not being with Taeyeon and the other girls really put Tiffany in the sourest of moods. 
She was all alone. Up until one day when her phone rang. 
“Yeoboseyo.” She says with no ounce of energy. 
“Mi-young? Is that you?” The person says on the other line. 
“Oh, yes oppa. How are you?” She responded. 
“I’m good, I just wanted to check up on you. You haven’t replied to any of my messages, so I just wanted to know if everything was okay. How are you? You sound so down.” He says. 
“Mianhe, Donghae oppa, just wasn’t in the mood to talk. But I guess I’m okay, I could be better though.” She jokes. 
“Want some ice cream?” Donghae asks. 
For some reason, Donghae always knew when things weren’t great when it comes to her. He knew every bit of Tiffany. He knew what to say when she was upset. He knew what to do. 
If there was one person to ever write a “How To” book about Tiffany, Donghae would be it.
She agreed. 
She needed his company. 
She needed to talk. 
She needed to forget. 
With years of training together, being under the same management and dating, Tiffany and Donghae definitely have an undeniably great chemistry and history between them. 
Something anyone or anything cannot erase. 
In Tiffany’s heart, there’s always going to be a place for Donghae even if she didn’t want to admit it. 
And in Donghae’s being, Tiffany will always be apart of it. 
They love each other. 
Even after breaking up, this love was never replaced by anything or anyone. 
Donghae finally reaches Tiffany’s house. Holding bags full of different flavored ice creams. She welcomes him with a big smile on her face, almost immediately forgetting about the situation with Taecyeon after seeing Donghae’s face. 
Donghae is Tiffany’s safety blanket. 
Obviously not in a bad way. He isn’t just some guys who she can always fall back to when things don’t work out with any other guys but Donghae is someone who makes her feel calm and safe when her world is falling apart. 
Donghae is her hero.
- At the 2PM dorm - 
Taecyeon continued to sulk, regretting everything he said to her. It has been more than a week since he talked to his best friend. 
It has been a week too long. 
He misses her, and he was going crazy. 
The others were gone so no one could take his mind off her. He wanted to talk to her so badly, but he didn’t know how. 
He just laid in bed, wishing he could turn back time and change everything. 
After hours of thinking about what he’s going to do, he picked up his phone and decided it was time to try and talk to Tiffany. But he thought doing it over the phone would not be sincere enough, so he got up, showered, and drove to Tiffany’s house. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t do this. What if she’s still mad at me?! What if she doesn’t talk to me? Should I give her a call and tell her I’m coming?” He thought to himself. 
“AH! This is just too much. Why must she be so difficult, Hwang Mi-young, you never make it easy for me.” He continued to talk to himself. 
He finally arrived at her place. 
Unsure of what to do, he sat in his car. 
Thinking what he should do.
“Should I knock and talk to her or do I just leave?” He thinks to himself. 
Minutes passed, to him it felt like hours and he finally decided he had to talk to her. 
It was driving him crazy not to. 
He had to talk to her. 
He slowly walks towards her door. Calculating what he should do and say. 
He had to talk to her, that’s the only thing he knew. 
He rings the door bell twice. 
He was growing impatient. 
He hated waiting. Well he didn’t really mind waiting, but the suspense was killing him. 
He just needed to talk to her. 
- At the girl’s house -
The door bell rings twice. 
“Oppa, do mind getting the door? That might be manager-oppa checking in on me.” Tiffany yells from the kitchen, putting the ice cream in the freezer.
Donghae opens the door. 
Surprised. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t say anything. Words wouldn’t come out of his mouth. 
This part he didn’t calculate. 
“Hi.” Taecyeon faintly says. 
“Hey.” Donghae says as he opened the door. 
Confused, disappointed, upset, some words to describe how Taecyeon was feeling. 
He didn’t know to react with seeing Donghae there instead of Tiffany. He couldn’t think clearly. He wondered to himself if they were back together, if Tiffany had forgotten all about him. 
“Taecyeon?” Tiffany says. 
“Hey Tiff.” Taecyeon says. 
Eyes wide open, frozen in her spot, Tiffany didn’t know what to do. 
“Uhm, what are you doing here?” She asks looking at him like a deer in headlights. 
“I just came by to say I’m sorry but you seem busy.” He answers looking directly at Donghae.
Awkwardly standing there, Donghae didn’t know what to do. Was he supposed to leave or stay. 
“It looks like this isn’t a good time for ice cream Mi-young. I better get going.” Donghae suddenly says. 
“Oppa, no, no, no, Taecyeon oppa is about to leave anyways, right?” She says giving Taecyeon a glare.
The only thing Taecyeon felt. 
“Yah, sorry to bother you guys. And Tiff, I’m sorry again.” He says as he walks away heading to his car. 
“So want to tell me what that was all about Mi-young?” Donghae asks Tiffany. 
Tiffany looks at Donghae with puppy eyes. 
“The night we went to the club....” She pauses.
“Mhmm.” Donghae mumbles. 
“When he was driving me home. Just out of nowhere he asked me why me and him never gave it a chance. And I panicked and ran out of his car.” She answers, hiding her face like a child. 
Donghae looks at Tiffany finding her so adorable but couldn’t help but be jealous. 
“Ahh...” Donghae quickly says.
Donghae and Tiffany’s relationship was one of a kind, they were able to tell each other things that Tiffany could never tell anyone. 
“I don’t know why he even said it. Until now I can’t even process what happened. It’s like I’m just trying to forget about it all. But anyways,  I don’t think I can ever give him a chance. I’m not fully there, you know? I don’t know what I really feel about him, to be honest.” She explains. 
Donghae stands there looking at her with a confused look. 
“You look confused oppa!” She says as she smiles. 
“I am.  I guess I don’t understand what you mean by that. I don’t really get the ‘not fully there’ part, is there someone else?” He asks concealing every bit of jealousy he is feeling. 
With the long list of of guys adoring the ever so twinkling Tiffany, Donghae was sure that it could be any guy. From his own band mate Siwon to the Taiwanese artist, Vanness Wu. 
“It really could be anyone.” He thinks to himself. 
She looks at him, almost hinting that, that someone else was him.
“I don’t know how to say this, or even if this is how I really feel.” She stops. 
“But you know those people that you can never get over as hard as you try but you just seem to love them anyways, no matter what?” She continues. 
He looks at her with eyebrows furrowed. 
“I keep telling myself that I shouldn’t but I still love you oppa.” She pauses again. 
His jaw literally dropped. 
“I don’t think that’s ever going to go away. But I also love Taec-oppa, I think do at least. I mean, he’s always been there, hell, I was in loved with him back then however, that was then and I think I’ve gotten over all those feelings so I don’t know if I love him because he’s my best friend or because I’m actually still in love with him.  But whatever I’m feeling for him now isn’t the same as I felt before.” She says making no sense at all.
He goes back to looking confused. 
“It just won’t be fair to even for a minute think about giving him that chance when I’m not fully in love with him. There’s always going to be you and I don’t blame you for it oppa...” She pauses.
“Mi-young...” Donghae says trying to make sense out of Tiffany’s words. 
“I don’t have anything to tell you. Heck, I don’t even think I understood what you just said.” He continues as he shyly laughs. 
“I’m not the wisest when it comes to these things. Look at us, we’ve been at this for what? More than 2 years now but I know one thing, I still love you and whether that’s just because of our past or I’m actually in love with you, I still love you. And you’re right, that’s probably never going to go away. They say your first love never dies and you happen to be mine.” He says as he wipes off the first tear to fall from her eyes. 
“I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible for all of this. When we broke up again for the, I don’t even remember how many times we’ve broken up, I feel like we should’ve given each other more space but instead we remained friends.” Donghae continues to talk. 
“Friends with a LOT of benefits...” He emphasizes. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t have done that and maybe you wouldn’t be as confused. And I’m sorry that I’ve caused you such a hard time without knowing.” He finally stops. 
“Is it even possible to love two people at once oppa?” She says. 
He grabs her in for a hug, and they stood there like time was frozen. 
“I don’t know Mi-young. But know this, whether it’s me or him, I’m always going to be here for you no matter what.” Donghae says. 
Truly, Donghae knew what to say to calm down every bit of Tiffany’s nerves. 
- At the 2PM dorm - 
“What was I thinking? What was he doing there?” Questions just keep coming up in Taecyeon’s head.
Still confused of what just happened, Taecyeon sits on the couch and tries to make sense of what just transpired at Tiffany’s place. 
“They couldn’t be back together, right? It’s only been a week since I last spoke to Tiffany. They couldn’t be back together that fast...But what if they are?. Did I just lose my chance?” He continues to speak to himself. 
Feeling lost, he calls his safety blanket. 
“What has brought the all mighty Taecyeon to call me?” The person on the other line tease. 
“Hi to you too Suzy.” He says. 
Suzy a quarter of the girl group called miss A. She is titled as “Nation’s First Love”. Pretty, versatile, famous, words that are associated to her name. She also happened to be Taecyeon’s ex-girlfriend. 
Like Donghae and Tiffany, Suzy and Taecyeon remained friends even after calling it quits. 
“How are you oppa? I haven’t heard from you in a while, and you usually just call me when there’s a problem. So what’s up?” Suzy asks. 
“What?! I don’t just call when there’s a problem. But I’m not doing so ‘mighty’.” He responds.
His answer received a laughter from Suzy, proving that she was right. 
“So what’s wrong Taec?” She asks sounding a little worried.
“Tiffany.” He answers. 
Although they have broken up for more than a year, Suzy could still be put in the sourest of moods just by the mention of Tiffany’s name. 
“Surprising.” She says sarcastically. 
With Tiffany being one of the reasons why Taecyeon and Suzy broke up, she could not bring herself to like Tiffany or even pretend like she does. 
“I know you’re the last one that wants to hear about her. But you’re the only one that really knows me.” He explains knowing fully that Suzy does not like Tiffany. 
“You’re right, I really don’t care much for her. But I care for you. So I’ll listen and be a good friend.” She responds.
“I think she’s back with him.” He says. 
“Wow, shocking.” She again says sarcastically. 
“You need to get it together and kind of move on Taec. You’re a lost cause. Donghae and her, they’re like end game and you my friend, need to realize it.” She explains. 
“You need to put yourself out there.” She adds. 
The thought of dating anyone else never ever crossed his mind. It was such a bizarre idea for him. 
He wanted Tiffany, no one else. 
“I don’t know Suzy, last girl I seriously dated was you.” He shyly tells her. 
“Exactly my point oppa! That’s been so long ago. Trust me, you need to put yourself out there. There’s ton of girls that would love to be have a date with you, girls that could be a lot better than her.” She says. 
“Ok, have dinner with me Suzy.” Taecyeon confidently says. 
“What?!” Suzy says, shocked of what she just heard. 
“Well you told me to put myself out there. So here I am, putting myself out there.” He explains. 
- At the girl’s place - 
Tiffany and Donghae spent the rest of the day curled up on the couch watching TV. Both were not saying anything, just each other’s presence was enough to compensate for the lack of words. 
It was dark, the TV was the only source of light when Donghae woke up from his sleep. 
Unfamiliar setting but didn’t feel so different. He was about to get up, but found Tiffany sleeping right beside him. They had slept beside each other, cuddled up in a small space - the couch. 
With the fear of waking her up, he laid back down, hugging Tiffany tightly and heads back to his slumber. 
End of Chapter.
[A/N: I feel like this chapter wasn't as well written but I am trying! 
It's definitely lenghty that's for sure. It's taking me forever to write these chapters!
But I'm having so much fun doing it so thank you for reading it! I hope you like this chapter.]
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Chapter 5: I think Taec should just date someone for a while, like Suzy so that Tiffany will realise what he meant in her life
Chapter 4: Stop running away Fany. Face ur problems
Chapter 3: Who are u to judge? Pany, Taec likes u...
Chapter 3: i love haefany and the plot, please do update.
Chapter 1: please make it longer :)
Chapter 1: Nice first chapter. And yeah, you should make it more longer but nice try :)