Chapter 6

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)



“Next week, I wanna see your skill. We will practice. You guys will perform a solo performance, one by one, okay?”


Krystal remembered what the professor said. She sighed. She was actually happy that she finally had a chance to play piano in front of her new friends and the professor. But she wanted to show a perfect performance so she needed to practice. But then she remembered Amber’s reaction when she saw her playing piano. She was so pale, and her hands were even shaking.

“Stop it…”

“Don’t say anything just don’t play that thing when I’m here you got it?!!”



Krystal blew a sigh again.


“What should I do…”, she whispered to her self.




“Can I help you?”


Krystal looked up and she found a guy was standing in front of her, yes, it was Jong Suk.

“Uhh?? Op… Oppa… since when… you”, she stuttered.


Jong Suk chuckled, “you were busy daydreaming so you didn’t notice my existence”


“Oh? Ah… I’m sorry”, Krystal bowed her head.


“Nah… don’t mind it. What makes you so confused anyway?”


“No… I just… the professor asked us to perform the solo piano next week, and… I don’t know… I don’t think I can practice”




“My… my roommate…… doesn’t like the sound of piano, so I can’t practice in my room”


“Wait. Are you…… are you Amber Liu’s roommate?”


Krystal nodded.


“So… the rumor is true…”, Jong Suk mumbled.


“You know her, oppa?”


“Who doesn’t? She’s even my enemy”


“What?? why??”


“She ruined my performance once. She punched me during my performance, she even broke some of piano keys. And since that, I hate her so much”


Krystal covered with her palm, “……what……”


“Krystal sshi, you should talk to Sir Dong Hae. She’s a bad person, don’t share a room with her, okay? She’s danger”


“But… but”


Jong Suk held Krystal’s shoulders, “I’m worried about you. Please, stay away from Amber Liu”












Krystal put her bag on her desk. Her roommate hadn’t come yet, so she had some time to practice the piano. Krystal took off the white fabric from her digital piano. She then sat on the chair, she put her hand on the piano keys and her fingers started dancing on it.


Krystal always looked happy whenever she played piano. Somehow she forgot about her worries, she just wanted to play piano, she just wanted to hear the sound of piano.




“STOP IT!!!”


Krystal startled. When she turned around she saw Amber’s face was really red.



Krystal stood up and immediately left the room.




Amber felt he knees became so weak and paralyzed so that she fell down on the floor.















“Sulli ah! Luna unnie!”, Krystal knocked on Sulli and Luna’s door.


A couple of moments later the door was opened by Luna.


“Krystal sshi? Sulli isn’t home yet. You wanna come in?”


“Yes unnie”




Luna opened the fridge to get two cans of coke.


“Coke isn’t good for my voice but nooo I can’t live without it”, she chuckled, “here, for you”, she handed the coke to Krystal.


“Thanks, unnie”, Krystal smiled.


“So… how are you, Soojungie? Do you enjoy your days?”


Krystal nodded, “I’ll perform a solo piano next week”


Luna gulped the coke, “that’s cool…”


“Mmm… but I’m afraid, unnie”


“Afraid? Why? I know you’re a good pianist”


“…It’s not that... you know… I can’t practice for my performance next week because… you know… Amber…”


Luna put down the can and held Krystal’s hand, “it’s not too late to move from that room, Soojung. Let’s ask Sir Dong Hae”


Krystal let out a deep sigh. She herself couldn’t understand why did something in her heart forbid her to go from that place.


“Soojung sshi… you can’t stay with Amber Liu, she’s a bad person… She’s…”




“You’re wrong, Luna unnie”



Luna and Krystal looked up.


“Sulli?”, both of them looked at Sulli with confused look.


Sulli walked toward the girls, and she took a seat next to Krystal.


“Amber Liu isn’t a bad person”, Sulli stated with serious tone.


Krystal and Luna looked at each other.


“Wha… why did you say that?”, Krystal questioned.


“Last time… I wanted to practice my role on the tree, but I couldn’t climb properly, and I almost fell down. But then someone came and helped me, and you know who was it? It was Amber Liu”


Luna shook her head in disbelief, “impossible”


“But it really happened, unnie. She climbed the tree and helped me. She even comforted me”


“Close your eyes, don’t look down. Keep holding the branch you can do it”


Sulli remembered how Amber comforted her.


“She ordered me to close my eyes, and keep holding the branch, she said I can do it”, Sulli stared at Krystal’s eyes, “if she’s a bad person, she wouldn’t do that right? I could feel it, Amber Liu is kind hearted person. The cold hearted Amber Liu that we know isn’t the real Amber Liu. Soojung ah, don’t leave her, now I know why your heart keeps telling you to stay with her, because she needs you”

















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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
ezz1824 #2
Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
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Chapter 21: After all those years, our giant baby is now in heaven...
You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
Nnamaste #4
I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
Chapter 21: mmmmmmm
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Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
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Chapter 21: Still here!!!
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Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update