Chapter 5

Ending Page (The Rhythm of the Wind)





A little smile was formed on Amber’s face when she listened to the song that she just composed. She was satisfied with her work. Amber needed more than six hours to finish it, and it was finally done.


Amber took off the headphone and the glasses that she wore. She then took the CD from the drive, put it in the case. Amber glanced at the clock that was hung on the wall, it was still 8 PM, it wasn’t too late if she goes to Jonghyun’s dorm to give the CD.


Amber grabbed her jacket and wore it before she opened the door. As the door opened, she saw her roommate was sitting on the floor right next to the door, hugging her knees. The long haired girl suddenly stood up. Amber just furrowed her brows a bit, but then she continued her steps.


“Yah!!”, Krystal yelled at the tomboy. But the tomboy ignored her and kept walking. “AMBER!”


Amber stopped as she heard the girl called her name. She turned around, “what”


“You can’t treat me arbitrarily you know that?!”


Amber didn’t say a word. She just stared at the younger girl.


“You know… I’m not afraid of you. Not-at-all”


“Good then”, Amber turned back and continued to walk.


Krystal snorted, that tomboy pissed her off so much. How she wished she could take off her shoe and throw it at Amber.













“Nuna!”, Jonghyun waved his hand to a light-brown haired woman. He was sitting in the cafeteria while enjoying a cup of hot coffee.


Victoria smiled to Jonghyun. She immediately walked toward his direction.


“Did you wait too long?”, she asked while took a seat.




Victoria looked so happy when she saw a glass of strawberry smoothies was prepared on the table, “whoah! You ordered this to me?”


“Your favorite one”


“Thank you Jjong!”, Victoria patted Jonghyun head, “Where is Amber?”


“I told her you wanna meet us here. But … I don’t know where she is now”, Jonghyun shrugged his shoulders.


Victoria rolled her eyes, “I think she knows what I would like to talk to you guys. As usual, Mr. Lee is really satisfied with her work, and you too, because you’re the one who helped her with the piano thing”


Jonghyun chuckled.


“And Mr. Lee invited you guys to have a dinner with him and the singer of the song that you arranged”


“Amber obviously knows about it, because Mr. Lee Soo Man is always satisfied with her work and invites her to a dinner, but she always refuses you know it Nuna”, Jonghyun blew a sigh, “but don’t worry nuna, I will come and join the dinner”


“I know you will”, Victoria smiled and then she sipped her smoothies.


“Nuna…… I … I wanna tell you something, it’s about Amber”


Victoria frowned, “what did she do again?”


“Have Dong Hae hyung told you that he gave Amber a roommate?”


Victoria almost choked, “what?!!”


“So… you don’t know about it?”


“How come I don’t know about it?! But yeah I don’t know about it not at all!”


“Amber got a roommate, nuna. As I know, this academy received so many new students this year, and no room left, so Dong Hae decided to share Amber’s room with this girl”


Victoria stared at Jonghyun with serious look, “Did Amber do something bad to the girl?”


“I don’t know, that’s what I’m worried about. But there’s something that I’m really scared of”


“What’s that, Jjong?”


“Nuna… the girl—Amber’s roommate—is a pianist”















“Are you Liu’s relative?”


Victoria nodded hesitantly.


“May I know your name, Miss?”


“Victoria Song, Sir”


“Song? So…… you’re not a Liu?”


Victoria shook her head, “But Amber is like my own sister”


“Okay… please have a seat, Miss Song”


Victoria took a seat opposite the old man, “what did Amber do, Sir?”


“Uhh… Miss Song…… Amber fought again with one of her classmates. And she……even broke his arm”


Victoria was shocked.


“What did the boy do? I mean… Amber must have a reason”


“The boy was just playing piano, and Amber asked him to stop. But this boy didn’t stop, he was mocking her instead by playing the piano roughly. And…… this happened”





Victoria fastened her pace. She really needed to meet this girl—Amber’s roommate, she wanted to make sure if the girl is fine. Amber really hates piano, and she would be mad if she saw someone playing piano in front of her.

Victoria finally reached Amber’s dorm. She immediately knocked on the door and a couple of moment later, the door was opened by a long haired young lady, Krystal.


“Annyeong haseo”, Victoria greeted the younger girl with smile.


“Annyeong”, Krystal bowed politely.


“Are you… Amber’s new roommate?”


Krystal furrowed her brows, she smelled something fishy, “y… yes”


“Can I come in?”


Krystal looked at Victoria from the top to the bottom, but she finally nodded.


“First of all, I wanna introduce my self. I’m Victoria Song. I’m Mr. Lee Soo Man’s confidant”, said Victoria as she entered the room.


“Ohh?? An… Annyeong haseo… Jung Krystal imnida”, Krystal bowed politely.


Victoria chuckled, “no need to be formal, girl. Don’t make me feel so old, okay?”


Krystal tucked her hair while smiled shyly.


‘She’s just a little girl’, Victoria thought.


“Well, Krystal sshi… Are you free now?”


“Yes. I just finished my schedules few hours ago”


“Oh, that’s good. Because I need to talk to you. We…… we’ll talk about…… Amber”






Suddenly the door was opened by someone, “Victoria? What are you doing?”


Victoria and Krystal were dumbfounded by the tomboy’s appearance.


“Oh… H…Hi, Amber”, Victoria walked toward Amber, left the dumbfounded Krystal on the couch, “I told you to come with Jjong, but you didn’t come. So I came here”, Victoria lied. She actually came to Amber’s room because she was worried about Krystal.


“Oh”, Amber took a seat on her bed. She threw her bag on the bed, and took off her sneakers.


“Our Boss invited you and…”


“You know I won’t come”


“Yes…… but at least I’ve already told you about this, so Boss won’t blame me”




Victoria folded her arms while watched the tomboy, “hey… you got a beautiful roommate here and you haven’t told me anything about her”


Amber glared at Victoria, she didn’t say a word.


“What’s your name again, young lady?”, Victoria pulled Krystal’s wrist gently.


“Krystal”, Krystal smiled awkwardly. She glanced at Amber a bit.


“You’re really pretty just like your name”


“T…thanks Victoria sshi”


“Aish… just call me unnie, okay? All the students here call me ‘nuna’ or ‘unnie’”


“Oh… okay, unnie”


Victoria smiled at the young lady. But she showed her grumpy face when she turned to Amber, “yah! Amber! Take care of her okay? She’s younger than you. You have to take care of her, you got it?!”


Amber rolled her eyes. She lied her body down on her bed and covered her face with a pillow.


“Yah!”, Victoria snatched the pillow.


“Aish! What do you want, Vic?!”


“Listen to me, Young Liu!”




“You have to take care good of Krystal, okay?!”


“Why should I?”


“You stubborn Liu!”, Victoria hit Amber’s head with the pillow repeatedly.


“Ugh!! Stop it Vic!”


“This is for you’re your dense head!”


“Hey it hurts!!”



Krystal just watched the two bickering.


‘Is she Amber’s sister?’















“Yay!! Finally I found a prefect place to practice my role! There are a lot of trees here!”, said Sulli excitedly to her self.


It was just a week since the academy started, and the professor already gave the new students a mini-drama to be played. Unexpectedly Sulli was chosen as main character in the mini-drama, she was really happy and she wanted to give her best. That’s why Sulli had been looking for a good place to practice her role.


“I know it’s silly, but I need to do this so that I can really feel my character”, Sulli said to her self. She put down her bag under the tree, afterwards she started climbing the tree.


It wasn’t easy to Sulli to climb a tree since she had never done it before, but for the sake of her character, she thought she really needed to do this.


“Akh!”, Sulli yelled when she fell for the third times, “why is the main character should live on the tree…aish…”, she let out a deep sigh before decided to try again.


Sulli took off her shoes. She held onto a branch and put her feet on the bole. This time she climbed better than before. She even reached a higher place.


“Ahh!!”, Sulli slipped when she was about to put her foot on a branch. She tried to fix her position but it was too hard. “AAAHHH!!!”, her other foot fell of the branch, now she just had her hands hung onto a branch.


Sulli looked down, “oh God… help… it’s high”, she closed her eyes, “heeelp… any body here?! Please help me!!”




“Hold on!!”


Sulli heard someone shouted. She wanted to know who was it but she was afraid to look down.


“Close your eyes, don’t look down. Keep holding the branch you can do it”


Sulli nodded, “o…okay”, she closed her eyes.


“Now open your eyes, but don’t look down. Give me your hand”


“O…Okay…”, Sulli opened her eyes. And she gaped as she saw the one who was helping her, “Soo… Soojung’s roommate?”





Next on Ending Page...



"......The cold hearted Amber Liu that we know isn’t the real Amber Liu. Soojung ah, don’t leave her, now I know why your heart keeps telling you to stay with her, because she needs you”











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wintwar #1
Chapter 21: Always.....
ezz1824 #2
Chapter 21: I've been waiting for years and im still waiting for the next update.
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Chapter 21: After all those years, our giant baby is now in heaven...
You kno what....

We all your readers are still here.....

We miss u.....

Stay safe....
Nnamaste #4
I keep waiting this story to update.. huhuu T_T
Chapter 21: mmmmmmm
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Chapter 21: I ma still here ... ummmm
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Chapter 21: Still here!!!
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Chapter 19: Hundred years later and im still waiting for an update