
Nothing Lasts Forever


My head felt like exploding the night I was going to go out with Kris. Kris was someone who was well, high class. He didn’t have to tell me he was high class. The way he dressed and spoke and how he would go on and on about the company he worked at with his dad. The company his dad owned and how he was next in line to own the company. 

Now that I think about it, that’s all I ever really learned about him at the beginning of our relationship. He insisted that I was more interesting but how could that be when I was only a university student, barely getting by? It doesn’t make sense but it made me happy when I could make him happy talking about myself. He laughed at my corny jokes and always somehow manage to say that I was handsome at the most randoms of times. Like, at times when the two of us would be sitting at the usual spot in the coffee shop, he and I would be talking about nothing really, like just a book I was reading and he’ll quietly blurt out to me, “You’re handsome.” the word alone made me blush but kinda sad. 

I wasn’t handsome. Not once has any of my exes had said I was handsome, cute maybe but someone like Kris who is almost godlike said I was handsome, and it was ridiculous he thought I was. I never understood how he could possibly believe that. 

The time told me that I had about 15 minutes before Kris was going to pick me up and I wasn’t close to being ready. What was I suppose to wear? I didn’t want to be underdressed. And I didn’t want to look sloppy at all because I wanted to impress Kris. Prove to him that even though I wasn’t getting a lot of money, I could look better than what I do on a school day. I’ve never been like that before. I never felt the need to impress anyone, but Kris seemed worthy to impress and I really wanted to impress him.

In complete frustration, I just threw on the closest shirt I had and some black slacks. My roommate, Baekhyun, was sitting at the kitchen table, snickering while I was walking back from the kitchen to bedroom like a chicken with no head. 

Someone at the door knocked three times and instantly, I knew it was Kris, but before I could get to the door, Baekhyun answered it. He was being polite and let him in as I was walking towards the door and my heart jumped a beat once I got a glimpse of Kris. He was undoubtedly breathtaking with the way his shirt clung to his frame just perfectly; not too tight, just right. And how he had a sly smirk on his face that would instantly put a smile on my face. I could go on and on about how perfect he was but it just comes down to, he was perfection I almost feared but a part of me was willing to embrace it.

“Hey,” I called out. Baekhyun shrugged him off and sat back at the table as soon as I spoke. 

“Hey,” he shot back, grinning, “Ready?”

I nodded, grabbing my phone off the table, along with my wallet and keys, quickly waving to Baekhyun before stepping out of my apartment. 

Kris and I didn’t say much on the way to his car or to our destination. It was quiet but comfortable. The music hummed softly during the drive and it was relaxing and I must have had a smile on my face because Kris quickly told me I looked good. Lies, I thought to myself but I didn’t say anything because what’s the point to ruining a good night? Absolutely nothing. 

We got to the club and instead of waiting in the long line to get in, Kris went to the front and got us in. I didn’t bother asking how he did that and followed him in. Once we were inside, the music blared in my ears and my heart started to pound hard when I felt the music course through me. It had my blood pumping and quickly, I grabbed Kris’ hand and dragged him towards the bar. Without consulting Kris about what drink he wanted, I ordered two shots of vodka.

“What?” I said, looking at Kris. He shook his head and smiled. God. If looks could kill, I would be dead right there. I never understood cliches but the more I spent my time with Kris, I finally began to understand.

We took the shot, letting the alcohol burn our throats and I felt lighter but not light enough. I ordered two more rounds before I was satisfied. Kris kept looking at me with a warning glance, like to not drink too much but I shrugged it off. I needed courage to survive the night and the vodka was perfect for that. 

I admit, by that night, I liked Kris. Like, liked liked Kris and it terrified me. He liked being around me and I knew that, I mean, he could be doing god knows what with the money he had, but he met me at the coffee shop and it meant a lot to me. The thing is though, I didn’t even know if Kris swung that way or even wanted a relationship and he was so mysterious he drove me mad. 

He hardly ever tells me about himself and things would be so much easier for me if he opened up a little bit. It’s selfish to say that because Kris probably has his reasons to keep me talking rather than him. 

I stopped myself from over thinking; I was with Kris and that’s all that really mattered at the time. 

Kris leaned in, close to my ear, his voice low as he asked, “I know we just got here, but do you want to maybe, go for a walk?” his voice didn’t falter when he spoke and almost instantly, I nodded. 

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, realizing how close he was too me and I blamed the alcohol. “L-let’s go,” I said, flustered. He smiled and this time, he was the one to grab me by my arm and drag us out. Once outside, I pressed the backside of my hand to my face, trying to keep it cooler, but I felt like it was getting hotter as we started our walk.

It was definitely the alcohol making me more flustered and happier because I was with Kris. We were just walking but I was extremely happy. Kris must have noticed this as he lead us towards a park because he smiled, that beautiful smile and asked, “Chanyeol, do you want to go on the swings,” and I blame the liquor that coursed through my body because I said yes and ran towards the swings once they were in sight. Kris only smiled, following behind me.

He remembered what I told him about my love for swings because it’s one of the few things that I can take from my childhood without losing any of the innocence that comes along with it. It’s so childish but I can’t help but admire how carefree I feel as I swung on them. He sat on the swing beside me, smiling as he saw me kick my legs up and down as I got higher towards the sky. Once I was high enough, I jumped and as I was falling to the ground, I was laughing. I felt so free.

I laid there, on my back, and I looked at the sky. There wasn’t any stars because of the city lights but I watched the blank sky and it was just as beautiful because beyond that, there was a galaxy full of stars and planets and god knows what else there could be. He laid beside me, no words, just the two of us laying on our backs and watching the blank night sky. 

“Hey, Chanyeol,” I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. He looked sorta nervous and it didn’t make sense why he would. We were just enjoying each others company.  “Can I, uh, ask you something?”

He laid on his side to and stared at me with those beautiful eyes and I must have been gawking for too long because he cleared his throat but before I could ask what was wrong, he kissed me. It was so sudden to have his lips pressed so hard against mine that I felt I would crumble in his touch but then fireworks exploded inside my chest because it was so perfect. It’s cliche to say fireworks but I finally understood why people said it was. My feelings flew and parted like a firework in the sky. 

It was so perfect and I fell too quick, too easy and so ing hard for him at that moment. It was the beginning of the end.

a/n: okay, this is a long awaited chapter. my god i can writers block forever and then write forever and ever and then it's gone lol. tell me what you think. thanks for reading. -scarecrowscreams

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BabySkypeia126 #1
Chapter 4: I kinda confused of how things going between kris n yeol. they seem to b find but... actually isn't.
n what makes thing go wrong with their relationship then???
BabySkypeia126 #2
Chapter 3: what wld happend to them??
Chapter 3: hello new reader here ^^
I think that you wrote this story nicely but I still curious about kris' life because he never actually talked a lot about his life and then chanyeol too.
but I'm happy that they are finally together though, can't wait to see how their relationship going~
hope you update soon, fighting!
xycouple #4
Chapter 3: dont tell me they break up after that kiss!!!! please....
and may i ask you question?
Chapter 2: wow~ i feel that this story is more in drama? i don't know why but the way you wrote your chapters was just utterly beautiful. i can't help but wanting more...please update soon if you can <3
This looks like it's bound to be a great story! And with the two of you writing it, I'm sure that there's no way that it won't read me expectations. :3

I'm a bit busy right now, but I'll bookmark your first chapter. I'll read this as soon as I have the time!