
Nothing Lasts Forever


Busy. That’s what my life was almost all the time. There was hardly a time when I would be able to sit back and just relax. I was always on the go but it didn’t bother me all that much. My whole life was always go go go and eventually I had no choice but to get used to it. That was it and then meeting Chanyeol at the coffee shop, I had a feeling that my life would slow down if we became friends. Then in all honesty, I loved my life the way it was––fast and predictable, but Chanyeol, he changed me and even though he was one of the greatest things that had happened to me, I wish I never met him.

My life was always on a schedule. I had to do this and I had to do that and make sure that I was on top of everything. Anywhere I went, anyone I met, they knew who I was because of my businesses. At the age of twenty-five, I became an owner of the biggest franchise known in South Korea. What I did was nothing big. That was how I saw it. In reality, I never did anything. It was all my father. All my life, I had been told that I would own his businesses and that I would become well known everywhere.

I had no choice but to agree because I never had the choice to pick my own life. My life was already chosen and all I had to do was have a pretty face and look like I was happy. Who was ever happy anymore anyways? That was the biggest question I had first took over my father’s business. When I first started to work, I was so miserable. There was no time for me to just stop and think and actually breathe. Go Go Go. That was all I was able to do. No one cared about how I felt, only how I looked and how well the businesses was going.

My father was happy, so I had pretend I was happy as well.

Then one day, I was so fed up with everything and decided to go out for a bit. I left the office early and told them that I would be headed home because of a headache I had. This was the day that I met Chanyeol. Instead of going home, I had my driver drop me off to a random part of Seoul and getting out of the car, I grabbed my umbrella and started walking before he could ask where I was going. That day, I was in no mood to talk to anyone and truth be told, I was annoyed. Where if someone were to talk to me or even touch me, I would snap. I don’t know what caused me to feel this way, but I knew I needed out for a bit.

Walking by a random coffee shop, I decided to go in and order a coffee. After getting my coffee, I looked around and realized the place was packed and if I wanted to sit down, I would need to ask someone if I could sit with them. In my mind, I knew I was smooth with my words and I knew I would be okay with this. All I needed was someone to sit with. Scanning the place, I noticed a pale skinned boy sitting by himself in the back and I chose him to ask. I walked up to him and before asking him, he looked like he was caught up in studying and I felt like I should leave him alone and just leave.

“May I sit here?” I asked, my mouth moving faster than my mind. He looked up at me and I asked again. After he said I could, I sat down and examined him. It was obvious he was just in university, and judging by his clothes, he came from an alright family. Not overly great, but alright. I noticed his ears were a little bigger than average. He probably couldn’t hear well or it was because he was so focused in his studies he didn’t hear me the first time.

I told him it was raining and for some odd reason, I found it cute with his reaction. Everything he had said or did, I found cute. Judging by his flush cheeks, I noted that he was embarrassed. With that in mind, I decided to tell him that it was time for me to go and left my umbrella with him. I walked out and before he could find me, I turned around the corner and hid in front of a store so he wouldn’t find me. I called for my driver and went back home.

Going home, I laid down on the couch and just thought about Chanyeol. It was a brief meeting with the University student, but deep down, I knew I wanted to see him again. So mentally, I told myself that I would go to the coffee shop every time it was raining and I kept that promise.

Each time I went to go see him, it was like he also knew that I had made this silent promise of going to the coffee shop when it rained because there, in the back of the shop, he would be studying. Even if it wasn’t full of people, I would walk to the back and sat with him. It was then that I found out small details about him. For coffee, he would ask for a lot of creme, but little sugar. Some days, he would have a brownie added or a banana muffin.

It was the little things that he had done that slowly, I was falling for him. It may have been nonsense since I barely knew him, but that didn’t matter to me. What mattered were his feelings towards me as well because with every meeting at the shop, it was evident in his eyes he was falling as well. Knowing that drove me wild and craved more of him.

By the time I asked him out, a month had already passed and it was no longer raining season. Even long after the rain had stopped pouring, we kept on meeting at the coffee shop. Just like any other time, I bought my coffee and he bought his with a muffin this time. Instead of Chanyeol studying, we sat there, enjoying each others company, telling each other of our day and such. As he spoke, I sat there, my head resting in the palm of my hand.

“Hey,” I interrupted him, his hands were in mid air when he looked at me.

“Hm?” he said, resting his hands on his lap.

“Are you busy tonight?” I asked calmly. He shook his head in response. “Let’s go for a drink,” I stated, looking at him for an answer. He bit his lip as he tried figuring out what to say.

“Sure. What time will we meet up?” he asked. I thought of a decent time and told him that I would pick him up at nine o’clock. “Cool.” He told me his address and it was set. I left after he told me where he lived and just as I was leaving, I told him to put something nice on.

here's kris' chapter. had fun and i hope you enjoyed it


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BabySkypeia126 #1
Chapter 4: I kinda confused of how things going between kris n yeol. they seem to b find but... actually isn't.
n what makes thing go wrong with their relationship then???
BabySkypeia126 #2
Chapter 3: what wld happend to them??
Chapter 3: hello new reader here ^^
I think that you wrote this story nicely but I still curious about kris' life because he never actually talked a lot about his life and then chanyeol too.
but I'm happy that they are finally together though, can't wait to see how their relationship going~
hope you update soon, fighting!
xycouple #4
Chapter 3: dont tell me they break up after that kiss!!!! please....
and may i ask you question?
Chapter 2: wow~ i feel that this story is more in drama? i don't know why but the way you wrote your chapters was just utterly beautiful. i can't help but wanting more...please update soon if you can <3
This looks like it's bound to be a great story! And with the two of you writing it, I'm sure that there's no way that it won't read me expectations. :3

I'm a bit busy right now, but I'll bookmark your first chapter. I'll read this as soon as I have the time!