Big Plans Lead Somewhere (part 1)

Bring On The Stuffed Animals!

Leo sat in Young Mi's apartment waiting for her to finish getting ready. He was super nervous and didn't know what to do. He had it all planned out, but was second guessing himself. What if she didn't like go cart racing? Was mini golf a little too childish? Maybe he should rethink this.

He text his hyung, N, with his worries. And paced the living room as he waited for a reply. When his phone vibrated, he looked at the text.

"First off I'm surprised you even asked for help. Especially from me. I hope you know, I'm holding this over your head forever. Second, you've been planning this for a while now. You thought of things you think she'd enjoy. Even if she doesn't like what you have planned, she'll love it because she's with you and loves you." Leo sighed and put his phone back in his pocket. N had a point, but what he said didn't help his nerves at all.


When Young Mi walked out of her bedroom after getting ready, the first thing she saw was Leo pacing. She watched him for a little while.

His phone went off and he checked it. Sighing he put it away, tosseled his hair and continued pacing.

"Are you ready Taekwoon?" Young Mi walked up to her boyfriend and smiled at him. She knew using his real name would calm him down a bit and he looked too stressed just for dinner.

He stopped in his tracks and turned towards her. His eyes were wide and he went pale. "Taekwoon.. are you okay? Do you need to sit down?" He shook his head. "We don't have to go out tonight darling." Young Mi put her hand on his forehead to feel his temperature.


That was the last thing Leo wanted to hear. "I'm okay Young Mi. Just.. really excited to see you again. I think.." Leo blushed and looked down. "I think I have butterflies.."

Young Mi smiled and grabbed Leo's hand. "Me too."

He looked up at her and smiled. "Then lets go so the butterflies can be free."


"GO CART RACING?! OMO I LOVE GO CART RACING!" Young Mi jumped up and down excitedly as they waited for the employee to come back with their change. "The second best thing is mini golfing! Childish, I know, but what can you do?" She giggled and held onto Leo's arm. In his mind, Leo and doing a victory dance. Why had he been worried again?

"Well, good news for you, mini golfing is next on the agenda."

Young Mi's face lit up and she started dancing around in anticipation. "You're the best boyfriend in the world, Taekwoon. Saranghae." She kissed his cheek as the woman behind the counter returned with a giant smile on her face.

"You guys are adorable together. How long have you been dating?"

"Two years exactly today." Young Mi smiles brightly at the lady.

"Oh my! Congratulations! Hey, would you like a round of mini golf for free as an anniversary present? I just love it when kids your age are in love and stay together for so long."

Before either of them could reply, she handed them their tickets for both the go carts and mini golfing. "Have fun darlings!" Looking at each other they turned and bowed to her thanking her profusely.


After the go carts, Leo excitedly hurried Young Mi to the mini golf station.

"Shesh Taekwoon, why in such a rush?" Young Mi laughed while hurrying along with her beloved boyfriend.

Leo stopped and looked her in the eyes grinning. "I can't wait any longer. I have to tell you now."

Young Mi knew there was a reason he wanted to go out tonight. Last year they just sat at home with movies and made dinner together. "Okay. What is it darling?" She smiled brightly and held onto Leo's hands.

"Starting today. You will be...."

Your fiancee? She wanted to ask, but she didn't want to make assumptions.

"VIXX'S PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER!" Young Mi's jaw dropped. "No way!" "Yes way! I talked to manager and got him to okay it. From now on I don't have to leave you when the band has to go away! And! You get to move into the dorm with us!"


It wasn't exactly what Young Mi was hoping for, but it was one step closer to being with her Taekwoon forever and she was definitely okay with that.

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Chapter 7: Omooo~~~ This was like the cutest thing ever!! ^^
Ilovekpopforever #2
Chapter 7: Best and the cutest Taekwoon story I have read ever!
yurina17 #3
Chapter 7: Awww that was too cute! I am kinda hoping Leo finds his first love like that :)
aegyojjang #4
Interesting! Please update soon!
Chapter 3: This is so cute~ I just love how Leo's being all cute and shy and stuff cause i'd totally picture him like that if he's in front of a girl he likes! Update soon author-nim, it's really interesting!
sunrong #6
Chapter 3: This is so cute, I really like it so far.
KpopLov4 #7
Chapter 2: omg keep writing
i love ur style and the story
leo is my fav male idol