Peter Pan [Editing]
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"So, prove it to me then." 

"I will." 

I rubbed my both hands together as I pointed to that pencil on the table. 

I can make it move without even touching it, just you see, Byun Baekhyun. 

Slowly, I lifted my hand upwards, confident that the pencil would move at the direction my finger is pointing at.

But.. Wait, It's.. It's not moving! What?!

I frowned my eye-brows as I gave it a second try, concentrating hard on that pencil. 

It's still not moving!

"What in the heavens are you doing?" Baekhyun asked, arching his eye-brows.

"I'm trying to move that pencil without touching it." I said, trying again. However, the results were still disappointing.

"I don't have time for your games. The only thing that I know right now is to get you out of my house. Please leave," Baekhyun said, holding the door wide open infront of me. 

Wait uhm think Miyoung think.. You can't fail this mission! Uh.. Fly! Yes,  Angels can fly!

"Follow me." I pulled his hand and dragged him towards his room's balcony.

"What the- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Baekhyun raised his voice. 

I climbed up onto the ledge of the balcony and stood there. "I'm trying to prove to you that I'm an Angel. Duh."

"By.. Commiting suicide?"

"No, stupid. I'm going to fly." I said, smiling. Flying has got to be one of my favorite hobbies when I was in heaven.

I took a deep breathe and shut my eyes close before taking a step towards the empty air. I was about to leave my another leg off the ledge when I felt an arm around my tummy, pulling me back. Falling back, I crashed onto Baekhyun's body when his back landed onto the ground.

"Are you crazy?!" He frowned his eye-brows, "I don't want your dead body to be lying on the floor of my property! Why can't you just leave this house?!"

"I'm trying to let you acknowledge me as your Angel!  Plus, I won't die, trust me. I can fly."

"You're crazy." He shook his head and gripped onto my right wrist, pulling me out of his balcony.

"No! You can't chase me out. I'm a real Angel, Baekhyun!" 

He ignored and continued to pull my wrist despite me struggling with all my strength to pull his hand off.

Baekhyun was about to reach the door when the door bell rung, startling him for a moment there. 

"Nobody had rung my bell for so long.. Who could It be?.." He whispered to himself, tilting his head to the side. "Don't move." He ordered and let go of my wrist. 

He paced towards his door and took a peek at the hole. His next reaction got me confused though. Baekhyun's jaw dropped and this is actually the first time I saw his other expression other than his straight and frowning face.

"W-Who is it?.." I asked, stepping towards him. 

"G-go to my room! Quick!" Baekhyun pointed to his room upstairs with an eager expression painted on his face. "W-what.."

"QUICK!" He raised his voice this time, scaring me a little. "Okay okay! Geez!" I spun my body and ran up the stairs before he could actually turn into a volcano and kill me with his fire.



Baekhyun's P.O.V :


I spun my head back to make sure that she's gone before opening the door. 


Could.. It really.. Be-


"AIGOO YAH!~ MY BABY!" I got ambushed into a tight hug suddenly. Suffocating in the hug, I pulled away as I stared at her in shock.

"A-auntie?.." I stuttered, scanning my eyes up and down. "Homaigawsh! You actually remember me!" She clapped, grinning so wide that at least twenty of her teeth can be seen. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked with my eyes still stuck in the same circle state. 

"I came to visit you of course! Finally, after so many years.. I get to see my favorite nephew! Oh, you don't how much I miss pinching those puffy puffy cheeks of yours!" She leaned in to pinch my left cheek. Before I could actually bombard her with more questions, she dragged her luggage into my house. 

"Uwaa! You have such a nice house!" She looked around, eyes filled with much amazement. "I should get my house build like yours in America. Oh yes! I heard that.. After the deaths of your parents and your grandmother.. You're currently leaving alone in this house?" She turned to face me as she asked. This time, a smile finally left her face. Smiling is nice but when you smile too much.. It gets creepy.

"Yeah.." I looked down on the floor as I answered. This topic sure ruins my mood. Sigh.

"Hey hey! Don't be sad! Come here," she walked towards me and pulled me into a hug, patting my head like I was still a small child, "I'm here for you, alright?"

Sure, I love hugs like that but the words that she said.. Everything enters and comes out from the other side. Words like that fails to pull my mood up. In fact, nothing can actually cheer me up anymore. Now, I treat those words as trash. Everyone who is close to me would say that but in the end.. They would all just leave without any last words. I don't trust anyone anymore.

She let go of her hug and smiled at me lightly, "I know I know.. My words aren't doing any help. Anyway, I'm going to stay here for awhile. So, that also means that I'll need a room!" 

I got pulled back into reality right away. "W-wait.. What? You're not just here to visit me.. You're also staying for awhile?"

"Yep! Unless.. You don't want me to then it's okay-"

"N-no! It's not that.." I muttered. If Auntie sees that crazy girl.. Oh..

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Chapter 1: I actually died of laughter reading this chapter. LMAO. Is he single? SAME. If I was an angel and saw Baekhyun... hehe... but i already know some of the story because I saw the trailerrr
Update soon~
Been waiting for almost a year...
galaskyred #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon :))
Chapter 7: Please update soon. I love your story.
clarissadevina #5
Chapter 7: please update soon!;)
clarissadevina #6
Chapter 3: nice storyyy
Chapter 7: OMG the last question got me laughing HAHAHA!

I can already imagine how baekhyun's reaction will be like XD
iLoveSJ01 #8
Chapter 7: Oh girl no :))) You cant ask that at all xDDD
Chapter 7: lol so cute XD :)
nice udpate :)