Peter Pan [Editing]
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Wow. That was close.

I hid behind a wall when that guy who I supposed is Baekhyun turned his head back. If he knows that I'm stalking him then.. R.I.P for me.

Oh wait, I'm an angel. I can't die. 

He turned his head back infront and I followed him with quiet foot steps, like a ninja. He must have felt like someone is following him. Man, I shouldn't had followed him too closely-

"AHH!" I screamed when a weird sound reached my ears. A sound that sounded like.. Meow?

"Who's there?" That guy asked, turning his head back again as I hid behind a trash can in a crouching position, my heartbeat pacing rapidly.


It came again as I turned my head to where that sound came from. I turn wide-eyed when I met eyes with that weird human. It had two ears, a nose, a small mouth, whiskers, a tail and.. four legs?! I thought all humans had two legs only- Did I learn about a wrong theory from Mrs.Dong? Well, now's not the time to talk about this. I need to get this human away before that guy comes this way due to suspicion. 

"Shoo, go away." I whispered while doing the shoo away gesture to that four-legged-human but it only came closer. 

Oh my gosh.. What do I do?! This human is creeping me out!

"Uhm.. Hi, can you please go away? I'm doing something now.." I raised my tone slightly to that human but he/she only gave a tilt with his head.

Aish.. What do I do- Oh! Maybe this human speaks another language instead of English. Ah, yeah! Smart Miyoung strikes again.

"Meow meow meow meow meow!" I tried saying that human's language as I did the shoo away gesture again however, it made no effect. Ugh, this is pissing me off. I stood up this time and gave a loud "MEOW!"
This time it ran away as I gave a small smirk of victory. Ah, I did it!

I stood up and dusted some dirt off my leg when I feel a presence behind me. I felt my breath pause as I spun my body back when I locked eyes with a pair of brown eyes.

Crap! He saw me! Okay, Miyoung, act normal. Breathe in, breathe out.

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Chapter 1: I actually died of laughter reading this chapter. LMAO. Is he single? SAME. If I was an angel and saw Baekhyun... hehe... but i already know some of the story because I saw the trailerrr
Update soon~
Been waiting for almost a year...
galaskyred #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon :))
Chapter 7: Please update soon. I love your story.
clarissadevina #5
Chapter 7: please update soon!;)
clarissadevina #6
Chapter 3: nice storyyy
Chapter 7: OMG the last question got me laughing HAHAHA!

I can already imagine how baekhyun's reaction will be like XD
iLoveSJ01 #8
Chapter 7: Oh girl no :))) You cant ask that at all xDDD
Chapter 7: lol so cute XD :)
nice udpate :)