Peter Pan [Editing]
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"Angel Mi Young! Master is calling for you!" Luhan called.

"Ugh wait a minute!" I replied, trying my best to solve the world most hardest obstacle on heaven and earth.. The rubix cube. Well, at least it is to me.
 It's been three hours or so since I've been doing this and God, it's not even getting any near to success. 

"Pabo." He flew next to me, flapping his white wings on his way here and snatched the rubix cube away rudely. "Here, there, hmm.. and here.. Tada! it's done." He grinned proudly and gave the rubix cube back to me in less than ten seconds with me giving a wide-eyed expression. This is some mentally insanely impossible- Miracle that will ever happen on me!

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" I exclaimed, raising my brows at him. "Oh, Miyoung." He spun his head to look at me with his arrogant grin replaced with a smirk, "Simple, it's because I'm smart. Duh. I thought that you knew that already." He laughed as I rolled my eyes, "Such a brat."

Luhan immediately jolted up and sat in a straight posture with that insult, "What did you just- Okay okay, you won. I'm sorry. Forgive me~" He pouted, grabbing my right arm with both of his hands while shaking it. 

Gosh Luhan, not this again. 

I sighed, pulling his two hands off with my free hand like how a mother will do, "Fine fine. Just, don't go all aegyo over me again. It gives me goosebumps," I then stood up when he let his hands off my arms as I shook my head.

He smiled widely before nodding his head like a little kid, "Arraso- Oh ya! You need to go see Master now, it seems like he has something important to tell you, hmm.. I wonder what it is." He puckered his lips upwards while looking up to the scene of pure white clouds.

Wait.. Did he just say.. Important? Could it be something about.. The mission?!

I grinned and clapped cheerfully, "Oh uhm okay! I'll take my leave now then. Bye!" I gave a wave before dashing to where Master is located at without giving Luhan time to wave his goodbye for me to see as well.

Just to get things started, the reason why I get all worked up when I hear the word "Mission" was because it was something that I admired from the first day I entered Heaven. Whenever I see my seniors going for missions on Earth but in a human form- I always wished that I will be just like them one day!

I'm eighteen now and I've been staying here ever since I was.. twelve? Yeah. But.. I've forgotten all about my past life, unfortunately. Not something different actually, everyone here forgets about their past life when they take their first step here. 

I wonder how my past life was like last time.. Was it good? Was I from a rich family? Have I had a boyfriend yet? Is everyone nice there- Oh well, I guess I will never know. 

Anyway, If I am actually going to Earth with an Angel mission, I can at least experience how it is like down there! I bet that it's filled with rainbows and unicorns and the scent of flowers will be everywhere! Oh- Get a hold of yourself girl.

"I'm here Master!" I announced when I've reached at the garden where he will always be at.

"Ah, there you are Miyoung! My beautiful girl! What took you so long?" God smiled softly at me as usual while gesturing me to sit on the luxurious golden sofa right infront of him. "I was getting bullied by Luhan just now. Sobs." I pretended to cry with the excuse that I made as I stuck my lower lip out, "You have to punish him later for me!" 

God laughed when he heard that, vibrating the floor slightly, "Aigoo-yah, that boy never stops moving around like a kid. I'll ask him to water all the plants here as a punishment then.. How's that?" he stopped laughing and raised his eye-brows slightly. 

"Yeah do that! Oh I can't wait to see him whine and complain like an old grandmother!"

"Oh you lovely kids. Anyway, I have a request to ask from you. But my question is.. Are you

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Chapter 1: I actually died of laughter reading this chapter. LMAO. Is he single? SAME. If I was an angel and saw Baekhyun... hehe... but i already know some of the story because I saw the trailerrr
Update soon~
Been waiting for almost a year...
galaskyred #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon :))
Chapter 7: Please update soon. I love your story.
clarissadevina #5
Chapter 7: please update soon!;)
clarissadevina #6
Chapter 3: nice storyyy
Chapter 7: OMG the last question got me laughing HAHAHA!

I can already imagine how baekhyun's reaction will be like XD
iLoveSJ01 #8
Chapter 7: Oh girl no :))) You cant ask that at all xDDD
Chapter 7: lol so cute XD :)
nice udpate :)