Peter Pan [Editing]
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"Aish Luhan, be a man for once will you?" I sighed, shaking my head at my best friend. 

"B-but.. I'm going to be alone if you go! Can't you tell someone to replace you or something?" He wrapped his arms together as he kicked the ground made of clouds. 

I in the air through my clenched teeth as I stared back at him. 
Just because I got a mission before him and without him, he's all jealous. Aish, this kid. Stubborn and immature, just like a kid indeed.

Squinting my eyes, I tip-toed before pushing his forehead lightly with my index finger, "This is a rare chance for me mister now stop whining and let me go okay?"  I gave a tilt of my head as I waited for a response.
His expression changed immediately; lips formed into a thin line as he frowned deeply. "Fine, do whatever that you want. It's not like I ever matter to you anyway." He said with a tone that sounded like he was hurt.

I mean, I don't blame him for being like that. The feeling of letting someone you treasure, leave for quite a period of time- It's painful. I have never experienced the feeling of that before but I guess I know how it feels. I was the one that left the people who loved me in my past life through dying and worse, without any last words. Waking up the next day knowing that the person whom you love so much is no longer alive anymore- That's the worst kind of pain.

"Hey," I reached out to hold his wrist from the back, "I'll make sure that I come back safely okay? Don't worry, I won't take too long. When I'm done with my mission, which will not last that very long with the very awesome me that can cheer anyone's day up! Hehe. It'll just last for awhile. I'll be back, okay?" 

Finally, he spun back to face me as I heaved a sigh of relief. What surprised me was when he pulled me into a hug though, or should I say.. A tight hug that could actually suffocate me if I was a human. We may be close best friends but we don't really hug that much- Well, except special occasions like Christmas. After exchanging gifts with a greet of 'Merry Christmas!', we'll share a friendly hug. Not that I feel uncomfortable with hugs just- This feels sudden.

Luhan released the tight hug slightly and made it a more comfortable one as he patted my back, "Make sure that you come back safe okay? If anything happens I won't hesitate to ask for God's request to teleport down to Earth and be there for you. Nope, no jokes. Also, make sure that you eat well, live well and complete the mission successfully. I believe in you Miyoung-ah, that you'll be able to overcome any obstacles coming in your way. I've got your support." He pulled back from the hug as tears were visible in his eyes. "Oh no no, don't cry!" I exclaimed as I wiped a tear that was streaming down his cheek. 

"I'm not-" He choked back on his tears, "crying. I'm the manly Luhan, remember that? So go now! It's okay, really." He gave a smile, which was obviously fake knowing him for so many years and- That manly Luhan thing? Oh, you've got to be kidding me. "Yes yes, manly Luhan, you're not crying. Your eyes are just pouring out dirty water from your eyes. Like what you'll always say. Heh. Okay then, I'll be going! Goodbye Mr.Lu!" I gave a wave before turning my back on him to avoid seeing him cry.

I'm so sorry Luhan, but this has always been my dream and, I can't just let it go like that.

I took a deep breath before taking a step into the teleportation cloud when I felt a great strength my whole body in.





I felt a hard push as I fell out of the teleportation hole and onto the ground- The earth ground. It was hard and it felt like stones were poking my skin. 
Slowly, I pushed myself off the hard ground as I studied my surroundings. I was in this small area with brick walls around

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Chapter 1: I actually died of laughter reading this chapter. LMAO. Is he single? SAME. If I was an angel and saw Baekhyun... hehe... but i already know some of the story because I saw the trailerrr
Update soon~
Been waiting for almost a year...
galaskyred #3
Chapter 7: Please update soon :))
Chapter 7: Please update soon. I love your story.
clarissadevina #5
Chapter 7: please update soon!;)
clarissadevina #6
Chapter 3: nice storyyy
Chapter 7: OMG the last question got me laughing HAHAHA!

I can already imagine how baekhyun's reaction will be like XD
iLoveSJ01 #8
Chapter 7: Oh girl no :))) You cant ask that at all xDDD
Chapter 7: lol so cute XD :)
nice udpate :)