
50 First Dates

The start of the new term brought all sorts of chaos among students. From parking passes to paperwork to dues, everyone was running about like chicken with their heads cut off trying to finish everything in a timely fashion while still attending classes. I, for one, was among the crowd rushing around with my mind scattered over the long list of things to complete before all the deadlines passed.


My current goal was to get all my books for a research project, however. I needed to push aside all the boring required office paperwork to get a head start on the major project for this term.


I entered the large library on campus, taking in the massive bookshelves lit up by the skylights. I walked around, mouth agape, as I searched for the astronomy books. To my surprise, I found them fairly quickly, searching through various cliche titles until I found a few books that seemed reasonable to start my research with. I tucked them under my shoulder, pleased that this task had taken significantly less time than all my other tasks.


I looked towards the exit where the young student aid sat at the librarian's desk, waiting to check out any books. I suppose I have a few extra minutes to spare since I found these books so fast, I thought, looking back towards the back of the library I had yet to explore. It was, afterall, my first time in the library since I had started attending university. It was really the first chance I had gotten to to come in here since I had transferred from a lower level community college with a library equivalent to a shoebox.


I walked through the rows of books to the back of the library and nearly gasped. There were so many comfy lounge chairs and study areas it was perfect. Once all my paperwork was done, I knew I’d definitely be spending a majority of my time in here.


“Time to go,” I breathed quietly, before I turned and noticed something I hadn’t seen in a very long time.


In the corner sat in an oversized lounge chair was a dark haired boy barely visible behind stacks of books. He was currently reading one in his lap, but the amount of concentration was unbelievable. On top of that, he was smiling. Most people these days don’t enjoy reading, let alone school, but there was something special about this boy. I could feel it.


I walked over to the chair and waited for a moment before trying to get his attention. His eyes broke contact with the words, when I spoke up, looking around confused as I broke his mind from another world.


“Sorry to bother you,” I began nervously.


“Oh, it’s alright,” he chuckled. “What can I do for you?”


“I saw how into your book you were and let me just say not many people enjoy books these days the way you do.”


His face perked up, a smile spreading across his lips at my statement. His cheeks grew pink as he fumbled putting a bookmark in his spot, closing his current novel.


“Ah, thank you.... no one ever seems to notice,” he muttered shyly.


“I’m Luhan,” I smiled, extending my hand.


“Suho,” he responded, taking my hand in a firm handshake.




A few days later, things had slowed down since I had completed my paperwork and my classes weren’t piling on mountains of homework yet. I decided to take my few assignments to the local coffee shop located right off campus to study a bit.


I entered the dimly lit shop, ordering myself a large coffee before settling in one of the lounge chairs. I flicked through the pages, turning over fact after fact in my head, trying to retain every single detail I could for the hopes of the highest marks on the test. I reached down for another drink of coffee, but found I was out. I frowned for a moment before turning back to my reading material.


“Excuse me,” a voice said a few minutes later.


I looked up and noticed it was the barista with another coffee in their hands.


“Here you go,” she said, smiling, handing me the coffee.


“What’s this for?” I asked.


“A man asked me to get a refill for you. He paid for it, so it’s free of charge. Enjoy!”


She walked away, leaving me with the coffee some random person left me with.


I examined the cup, noting a number on the side. A phone number. I looked around the shop and there, in the corner, seated in an oversized chair, sat Suho smirking to himself while he read his book. I smiled, sipping my coffee thoughtfully, wondering when I should text him and buy him some coffee.

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