50 First Dates

It had been a long time since I had seen Jongin. A year in fact to this date. He had gone away to India to study and finish research for his doctorate and, even though he was gone to better himself, I couldn’t help but feel selfish and want him to never leave my side. I counted the days as they passed, trying to continue life without Jongin, but it was impossible.


Ever since we had started dating five years ago, I could not see my life without him, and now that he was gone, I didn’t feel right. Food didn’t taste the same, work was no longer fun, and life in general had no allure to me.


I sat on the couch in our empty house, running my hands through my hair over and over again, anxiety overcoming me as it usually did, but for a different reason today. Jongin would arrive at LAX in four hours. I was nervous of what could’ve happened when he was gone. What if he had found someone else? Someone.....better? What if he didn’t like me the same way?


Questions kept buzzing through my head as I began to panic. I had waited for this day for so long, but I was so nervous. It was like our first date all over again. I had nearly screwed that up because of my nerves, but luckily he had forgiven me, but would I be so lucky this time?


I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet, walking out the door to begin my journey. As I began driving on the highway, fighting Los Angeles traffic inch by inch, my nerves tightened in my stomach. Maybe I should get him something.


I fought mercilessly through the traffic to get to the off ramp, seeing a sign for just the thing to get him - See’s Candy. I ran into the little black and white candy store, rushing to the counter ordering the biggest box of candies there were, picking out each and every individual chocolate flavor that went into it. I knew Jongin would love these, or, at least he used to. With the box tucked under my arm, I sat back in my car, pondering on whether I should struggle back into traffic.


Deciding against it, I did some creative California edition driving, rolling through stop signs and speeding as fast as I could to get through yellow lights as I took surface streets. Finally, I came upon LAX, passing the iconic light up towers that were colored ‘blue’ today.


I parked the car and ran into the airport near the waiting area, anxiously searching through the crowd for my boyfriend. I checked my phone and noted that he should have gotten off the plane some time ago. My stomach dropped as the bad scenarios started to roll in my head. I was about to have a nervous breakdown when I saw a blonde head bob towards me.


There he was, smiling, luggage in tote. I walked over to him slowly, reaching out to touch his shoulder. I pinched my cheek.


“I’m not dreaming,” I whispered, looking at him with wide eyes.


“No,” he hummed, pulling my hips towards his in an embrace.


“You didn’t forget about me,” I choked, tears beginning to fall from my eyes.


“How could I? Why would I?”


I grab his cheeks and looked into his eyes, tracing his lips with my thumbs. I smiled because he was finally home and I was finally with him. I closed the distance between us, kissing him passionately until my head was spinning from lack of oxygen. We broke our kiss, only to kiss again.


“As much as I’d like to stay here and kiss you all day Jongin, I have a box of chocolates melting in the car for you,” I muttered, breaking away from him.


“See’s?” he asked excitedly as he laced our hands together.

I nodded, smiling the biggest smile I had put on in a year. Now, instead of my stomach hurting from nerves, it was hurting from giddy butterflies from getting my love back.



A/N: Oh I feel like this one isn't as cute!! How was it?

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