Car Ride With a Deer

The Secret and the Wish

I took out the sticky notes from my pocket. Kris's pocket? Whatever. I read them all, and I wasn't sure where to go next. Then I read Lu's. Come to my dorm room after you've finished your business with Kris. I decided to go there, but, Where's Lu's dorm room again?

I asked Kris where it was and he just said "Straight across the hall." I guess I never noticed it because I was always with Kris, and usually Lay, too, since they shared a room. I left Kris's room, not making eye contact with him, and went into LuHan's.

"LuHan?" I asked quietly. No one was in the room. I asked again. "LuH-" Someone jumped out from behind me and grabbed my by the back. By instinct, I thought it was a murderer, so I tried to elbow him, but stopped when I saw who was there. And guess who it turned out to be? "LuHan!"

"Hi!" He cheered like the happy little kid he seemed to be.

"Don't do that, you scared me less."

"Ehehehe.." he did the same awkward smile and back-of-head scratch that Kris did pretty often. "You know, you have a pretty big trucker mouth for a 14-year-old.." I blushed. "Whatever, I can't say I didn't say something every now and then when I was your age."

"You make me sound like a child."

"Sorry... anyways, I'm taking you somewhere." His childlike eyes lit up. Where could we possibly be going? My thoughts were interrupted when LuHan picked me up by the waist and carried me to his car, even down stairs and all. I didn't squirm or shout, because, firstly, I thought I would fall, and because I kind of liked it. By the time the car was in front of us, I expected him to be tired, but he just let out one deep breath as he put me down and opened the door to the passenger's seat. "If I may, m'lady, I'd like to you to our chosen destination." he said, along with a 90-degree bow.

"Why, I'd be delighted, kind sir." I replied, with an in-air curtsy, for I was still wearing clothes that belonged to Kris. I stepped into the car, which was completely full of his scent, like a cologne with his fragrance spilled all over. During the ride, we passed by the ocean, which I was staring at for quite a while, when any other EXO fangirl would be staring at LuHan kindly driving you to a surprise place. I guess now I've started to view them as people rather than idols. Well, people with incredibly amazing talent, looks, and personalities.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" I barely heard LuHan ask me. I nodded, although it was hard since my chin was buried in the palms of my hands. I couldn't tell how long the car ride lasted, because there were so many beautiful sights around us. I would be extremely surprised if LuHan could top them all. Before I knew it, LuHan pulled over and got out of the car. He opened my door, once again putting on an adorable butler-type act.

"Wah, where is this?"

"Yeojwa Stream. I've wanted to come here for so long. But I also want to talk to you about a few things."


"Well, actually, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll tell you while we walk, alright?"

"W-walk? Down the stream?"

"No, all the way back to Seoul. Yeah, silly goose." LuHan played with my hair.

"Yah," I playfully yelled at him. "It took me an hour to straighten my hair!"

"Ahahah, sorry." LuHan grabbed my hand and we started walking across the side of the stream, under sakura trees with falling blossoms.

"LuHan, lately I've been feeling a little... I don't know, weird. I mean, I don't know if you heard or not, but earlier, Kris con-"

"He confessed to you, I know. It's actually... uhm, I actually shouldn't say. Oh, and you don't need to call me LuHan. Call me Lu or even oppa if you'd like."


LuHan nodded. "Ne. O-ppa." We both laughed.

"It's really pretty over here," I started. "But why isn't anyone else here? Surely a place like this would usually be crowded."

"Ah.. a bunny has his powers." Bunny? I thought. Oh! I almost forgot, LuHan is the member that changes into the bunny. Once I realized what he meant, I laughed. I found a balcony and rested my elbow on it, while still holding Lu's hand with the opposite side. I took a few minutes to take in all the scenery. I was interrupted by Lu's voice. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

At first, I thought my ears were playing tricks on me, or my brain wasn't functioning correctly from zoning out while looking at the trees and the stream. "What?"

"I like you. I really really do. And I just, I want to do things with you that friends don’t. Like hold hands and kiss and..." he let out a deep sigh. I started talking when I was sure he wouldn't finish the sentence.

"Y-you said earlier that you knew that Kris confessed to me and-"

"Yeah, I think I'm getting ahead of myself, yet again. You may or may not have figured it out already, but pretty much every member likes you, and instead of fighting over you, we decided to let you pick. But to be fair, we've all set up different times to confess to you, and this is mine. Oh, and you didn't hear it from me." Although he's one of the "shorter" members in EXO, he's well over 10 centimeters taller than I am, so he tilted my chin up to kiss me. Although it was short, the kiss was romantic and deep, and I feel like he'd be the kind who would enjoy French kissing if we were to ever kiss again.

"You don't seem to transform as easily as the other members do, huh?" Lu shook his head.

"I try to control myself, especially if I'd be doing that often." I smiled. Lu grabbed my hand and we continued walking down Yeojwa Stream silently.



I literally haven't updated in months.

Eh, whatever. I'm back now! How were your holidays? Did you get any kpop merch, for those who celebrate Christmas?

I got an EXO bookbag, EXO-K umbrella, Wolf 88 hoodie, Chanyeol baseball cap, EXO touchscreen gloves, a new gi for mma, Hot Topic $60 gift card (which I may or may not have already spent), and my Ace the Alpaca is on the way! I also got some extra money (around $200), which I'm spending on books at a book store on Sunday.

Happy 2014, everyone! Hopefully this is the year where I learn how to update fanfics more often, huehuehue T-T

XOXO, Taemintatee/Sophia

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Chapter 7: Omo! This is getting goooood!
Chapter 6: Suspense............I can't waitttt~~~~~ xO
exoticallyinlove #5
Chapter 6: ............... wooooowww. that escalated quickly! I can't even imagine what the other members want >.<
exoticallyinlove #6
Chapter 5: YAY!!! UPDATE!!!! I LOVE YOU FOR UPDATING ^_^ super cute! I'm so curious about what's going on!!! I won't be able to read until later today, so I'm glad I caught this one before logging off!! :D THANK YOU AUTHOR-NIM!
anitamahaexo #8
Awesome story
exoticallyinlove #9
Chapter 4: JUST WHEN HE WAS TALKING ABOUT IT MORE alsdghslkg lol can't wait for more!!
Chapter 4: Please update sooner! I'M DYING!!!!! x.x