Plane to jeju "love plane ? maybe"

Assassin's , Sorry Dear ......

On plane to jeju @ Night

Sitting Seat Window Sica -YuL-Byun Hun


YuL OPV( i made typo on OPV hahah in hmm i forget what chapter)


My dad is sleeping , maybe he's tired

 I see her , see looks really happy ......... i like to talk to her.. i want advice her to be careful because she all alone 

she never been like that before but just keep my mouth shut and look at her , remember how mad she is that day 

i keep looking her with my worries 

"Oppa , what wrong? "She ask me with a cold expresion , i didnt realize she's know i looking her , really what a fool

"oh.. no , nothing sica" lie me

" ppa you can lie to me , are you worried about me right ?" she tease me and glare me with that ice glare

yeah i never can lie to her , how much we fight , we know we close to each other and love each over 

i love her my sister , she just my everything , i cant forgive my self if something happen

"little" i low down my head and back off 

"Dont worry oppa , ill be responsible and if something happen i find you in first place" with that agitated face

 i smile to her 


"Sica, what you gonna do there ?" ask me 

"i really wanna see Jeongbang Falls and walk in the beach " she look really excited answering my question

"wanna go to jeonngbang together ? i plan to go there too" my Heart beats faster really whats wrong with me , she my sister 

maybe because i never walk just 2 of us without dad or anyone, really walk together not spying from far away

i must be nuts

"really you wanna go there? or you just wanna make sure im okay ?" show her evil smile , she really love tease me 

i just remain silence 

"Okay , lets go together" and finally she smile 

oh my GOD whats wrong with me ? my check goes red and flying up like its gonna explode , my heart feels like racing car

really wake up YUL she's you're sister for god sake !! but damn that SMILE , i always love that smile that rare smile

i become numb and speechless , She's back staring at window adore night view from the plane


I still numb and speechless , how can my little sister make me feels like this , really 

Youre really crazy yul , i thought


"Oppa ......." i heard she call me , i see her eyes

i can feel there a touch on my hand , she touch my hand

"Sorry for that day oppa , i mad at you" she look sad

"oh no that's my fault, dont be sad, that never happend again i swear" i smiled at her with my charming smile

"that our fault oppa not just you or me , that;s fair enough" she answer me . this word make me realize how much my little sister grow up

then she goes hug me

"Oppa you know right how much i love you"

that hug so warm , i really feel so comfort , why what ever see does make me look like a fool

make me numb and speechless i really wanna told her how much i love her too but my mouth

it stuck like i feel there's a glue between my lips , i really trying hard to say it

but i just stun like a stone

"Oppa wake up appa , we ready to landing now " she realase the hug  

"Oppa !" she call me again

"ohh , ok ok yeah" than i goes wake up my father 

"oh sorry" sounds sleepy to me or i dont feel that excited , i still feel that wories 

"Dad we already arrive , dad" 


And then the plane goes landing 

we took our bag 

"ok are you ready all ? lets have a beautiful holiday" sounds sleepy to me or i dont feel that excited , i still feel that wories 

"dad really thank you for this dad , i love you dad" then she hug my daddy 

Damn i really stupid to feels the hug special , i was just a family hug really YUL are you you really nuts

see that too , really what a stupid and fool YUL

"Just enjoy your holiday, ok let's go to hotel , its already night " my dad take my sis hand 

and i push the troly


i hope everything gonna be rock and okay in this holiday my thougt still worrying


Jeju ?What story gonna goes here




Thanks for are the love to my story haha

still many mistake and im still improving 

sorry if i keep show a short update , but i really trying haha

really THANKS ALL , another short update to my really long story 

for the one who's ask when yoong show up ? plese wait hahaha

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maryrose11 #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating this author-ssi. Can you give us YulSic moments please!!!
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 17: Okay! Now give me YulSic momenr..
maryrose11 #3
Chapter 15: Do you abandon this author-ssi?
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 4: You always has a good ideas in your stories, but your English? I'm sorry.. English is not that good too but atleast I still know what I wrote..sorry,I beg a pardon.. :(
Greencol #5
Chapter 14: That will be good author ....
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Chapter 5: no problem :)
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Chapter 3: hey whose color are these ?
I think it's best dat u make dat clear ..