
Assassin's , Sorry Dear ......


Jessica OPV

Princess , we need go back to seoul today  ! Knock knock 

i can hear a loud call and knocking on my door , sorry im a sleepy head 


i open the door with my sleepy face 

"Why dad? as i remember we still on holiday right ? until tommorow ..... "

"You dont watch TV?" 

"Something happend?"

"Mr im and his wife have a car accident , we go to funeral today ... "

"WHAT ? " im so shock ......... "sorry for hear that "

 "Its'okay just start packing you things , me and Yul wait in lobby"


In Lobby ...



I see my dad busy with that check out things and my brother just sit down at that corner lobi

"Oppa , do you know about this?" he didnt answer me , he just nodding he's head

"How can good person like that die in tragic accident , what a world"  he just silence and look to outside

"Oppa , are you hear me right ? " why he's acting this way !! ignoring me 

the one should mad is me , he's broke his promise !!!!

"I need go to toilet" i see him stand up and go

really what a weirdo


"Ready ? where's YUL" 

"bathroom , dad what's wrong with him , he act strange "

"maybe just too tired and also his first job got cancel"

"Why? " with my shocked expresion

"i dont know , but client cancel it "

"Ohh that's why , too bad"


Then i see him going back from toilet

"Okay lets go now" 

i see my broither carry out my things


Haaaaaaaaa seoul ............ again !!


Next day 

Funeral day of Mr Im and his wife 


I can't go to funeral because i have a "School thing" to do because my absent for holiday 

so im alone at home 


END OF Jessica OPV




Funeral Place


"Dad , may i waiting in here ?" i still cant get over about this , they die because of me 

"Sure , just dont go anywhere" i think my dad really know what ive been trough now


Im waiting outside , i see people come and go 

That's a really crowd Funeral 

I just seat in the corner at park area 

all about that night , about how stupid i am cross my mind again 

i start to tearing 

"Mr Im dont worry , i promise to protect you son and love him like my brother you can rest now"

"I promise"




Byun hun OPV


i saw a boy crying out of loud 

"Yonna ............"

"yeah , who are you ?" with a sobbing sound

"im byun hun , you dad friend but we close like a family"

"oh mr byun hun , i know you dad always tell about you"

"really ? he's a great guy right"

he just crying than i hug him

"i doesnt know you feel now , but you father once tell me , you a though guy"

he wipe his cry 

"Why they me leave me alone ?" 

"They didnt leave you alone , you can start stay with me netx week. i know you still need time alone for now"

"Why you're so kind Mr ?"

"Because we never leave family behind, i already take care your school and you thing"

"Thank you Mr"

"About other things we discuss later , i gotta go now"

"Thank once again Mr"

"Okay bye take care , i know youre fragile now , dont do something stupid that can makes your parent sad or worried"


at car park


"YUL ! Lets go now"

he just nodding and get in the car

"YUL , dont punish youre self , it's not your fault . i dont try to cheer you but really not your fault"

i can see he crying and start to sobbing before screaming out of loud

"MY FAULT all my fault if im not that dumb just ignore a little thing , Mr im still live happy now"

"You see dad? How many people crying and sad , losing a great guy like that because a stupid jerk like me can do one little things right"

"Son , you remind me to one person ...... Princess" in a sad tone






Now i know how Jessica feels to be a reason other people died

i know that feel , even yourself know you not a really reason they died but cant accept a reality you're also a part of reason they died

start blame yourself 


"Dad , i need time alone to refresh my mind.I wanna go to Country side for a while"

"take your time son , i can take care everything here"


Maybe im to selfish just think about my self i never think how hard this thing for my dad

He lost his best friend , his son gone crazy , he must take care Yonna and Jessica

but at that time i never reliaze this matter , i just focus to my self , blame myself for ruin everything


" I leave tommorow , dad"

"What can i do for you YUL?"

"Nothing just take care our family for a while dad, sorry i leave you in all this situation"

"It's okay ,Take care and dont hard to yourself"



Finally finish my chapter here 

next move to the chapter



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maryrose11 #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating this author-ssi. Can you give us YulSic moments please!!!
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 17: Okay! Now give me YulSic momenr..
maryrose11 #3
Chapter 15: Do you abandon this author-ssi?
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 4: You always has a good ideas in your stories, but your English? I'm sorry.. English is not that good too but atleast I still know what I wrote..sorry,I beg a pardon.. :(
Greencol #5
Chapter 14: That will be good author ....
PJParalejas #6
Chapter 5: no problem :)
PJParalejas #7
Chapter 3: hey whose color are these ?
I think it's best dat u make dat clear ..