24 years ago when all of this start ......

Assassin's , Sorry Dear ......

Lee byun hun profesional killer expert is this area doing this because of money 

He's wife have a cancer that why he desperate need money really love child but can't have one because his wife healthy

only comunicate his job with email 

He already do this job with hes wife more than 5 years together


One day in 24 years ago ,

To : [email protected]

From:[email protected]



Tonight Kwon family,Gag,Gagnam do street number 22 , target : all of it , kill them all 

dont leave a trace , witness , evindece

Do it clean , i already make a payment check your account


Byun hun wife check they's acoount + $100,000


To [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Done in 4 hours


"Honey we got a job tonight"

"Where ? who's the target?"

"Gag,Gagnam do street number 22 target all of it "

" what we deal ?"

"Let's see ....High security, there 4 people on front door , 13 cctv , 2 in gate , 3 inside the house , you have 4 hours"

" Okay that enough i go there know , give me a direction inside the house"

"ok take care i help you from here"

"after done lets have a dinner""

"okay finish it early love you"

" Love you"



" there 2 guard in gate side"

Byun hun shot his gun so fast "Done"

"okay one down there 2 guard , youre in now , there's a 4 guard in front door take down without noise"

"Done , Where the kwon?"

"they sleeping husband a wife "

" All done , are clear ? can i leave now? i cant wait for a dinner"

"Hon there's a problem there's a baby in room 3"

"WHAT ? A baby?"and byun hun goes to room number 3 and found a little boy in corner of big baby room crying

"WOW , so cute little angel, dont cry baby ,can you take it home?"

" Are you out of your mind ? its our job to finish all"

"Please , we can said the job already done and have him as our baby , it's a baby for the SAKE are you really gonna kill it , Look at those eyes"

byun hun see that adorable baby and take that baby "Okay , i going home now looks like we not going to have a dinner at our house"

"Yey , i wait you please hurry" 



"look those eyes , he so adorable , what we gonna call him"

" im worried how about if after he's grow up he know everything about his family"

"We are his family"

"im just worried"

"Just cut this out , what gonna we call this cutei pie?"

"let call him YUL"



Please give me a comment to improve my writing hahaha

Thanks all

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maryrose11 #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating this author-ssi. Can you give us YulSic moments please!!!
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 17: Okay! Now give me YulSic momenr..
maryrose11 #3
Chapter 15: Do you abandon this author-ssi?
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 4: You always has a good ideas in your stories, but your English? I'm sorry.. :D..my English is not that good too but atleast I still know what I wrote..sorry,I beg a pardon.. :(
Greencol #5
Chapter 14: That will be good author ....
PJParalejas #6
Chapter 5: no problem :)
PJParalejas #7
Chapter 3: hey whose color are these ?
I think it's best dat u make dat clear ..