The truth always hurt

Assassin's , Sorry Dear ......

After thinking i should finish what i started right =p so im back




Country vilagge backyard


Yuri POV

"Cleaner , Cooler , Faster" Yul said while keep train his shooting 

"How's There ! comes out" Yul shouted he know there a movement

"Sorry , i just pass by but..." A little boy comes out

"Who are you?" Yul said and put down his gun , hide it

"my name Kim taeyeon 25 y.o" he said

."Weeeeeee we same age" Yuri shocked


End of Yul Pov (start now im not gonna use pov make me dizzy lol)


"Why are you here?" Yul asked

"I hear gun sound , i thought there's something" Taeyeon low his head

"Something?" Yul confused

"mmmm ... You shoot really well , you aim perfectly" Taeyeon said

"That just luck " Yul joked

"I wish im lucky" Taeyeon sad face

"eh .... why ? why you ........ you wanna try?" Yul said and hand him a gun and teach him

Taeyeon nod happily

they spent 4 hours and yul teach taeyeon the basic , only the basic ............


when they rest

"Why you come to me , i know you need something from me" Yul said

Taeyeon smriked

"Who sent you here?" Yul asked again 

"Indeed Lee Byung Hun never pick some random people out of there to be his son . You really something" Taeyeon said

Yuri Grab Taeyeon collar and pushed him to the wall

"WHAT ! What do you eman picked? mind you words or .........." Yul Yelled

"Or what ?  You Gonna kill me like that guy killed your father, Your real family?" Taeyeon glare at Yul eyes

Feeling like thunder and strom just hit him , His leg become weak and he fell

"What do you mean ?" Yul said 

"This , my father is the one who handle , your family case" hand yul a map 


DEA Case 1497

Kwon Family Gangnam do street 22

one woman died

eight man died

one baby boy lost 

Related to Case 1494

Yul start to teary look at the picture its really all like his dream , but why why why and ergh he still cant believe it

"After my Dad pass away . Im the one who take care of this now and im promise to him. I will cleared it" Taeyeon said " I hope now you understand Kwon Yuri"


Taeyeon just hand him the dna test paper

"This the result from a week ago "

"Where you get this ? this is false . Listen to what gonna im say now , Listen cleary . I dont believe you just go before i shoot you right on your heart" Yul said

"i never know are you this blind or are you just coward who afraid about the truth" Taeyeon said

Taeyeon hand him More of the evidence that yul really the KWON

For the first time yul let his tears falls down . His really mad right now how can all of this years this just all lie . He live with the one who murdered his family

"Im really sorry i have to tell you all of this but we really need your help now in this case 1494 " Taeyeon said

Yul just quite head down and tears fall

"You need some time alone?" Taeyeon asked

Yul wipe his tears stand " No , Let me help you First please explain why That man have to killed my family"

Taeyeon explained all about the case "This case about the asia mafia name CFs , Your father is excellent engineer at DEA. Your father after year by years experimenting.Finally he comes with M145 The machine gun that can hit 12/sec amazing ! But after a week he found out that the prototype of M145 Missing. So he try to find out but before he cant as you know CFs hire Byung hun as an assasin to kill him and the whole family, But luckily you alive i dont know why he save you.After that byung hun disappeard"

"But ....... A week ago byung hun shows up after a while in some police officer funeral and CFs know that something fishy and now they know byung hun keep you. Youre not save now they gonna try to hunting and kill you like a crazy dog hungry for food" Taeyeon said

"Once again who are you now?" Yul said

"Im Kim Taeyeon Special Agent DEA . Im the one incharge at CFs case and now you and byung hun related" Taeyeon explain again

Yul still doest understand about everything . his mind wandering around like why ................. WHY HE HAVE TO KILL MY FAMILY

"YUL we really need you and as you know this in not byung hun fault , no i mean of course this byung hun fault but the one who one your family died is CFs" Taeyeon said

"Now leave me alone , i need some space" Yul said and back to his house

"I hope he understand" Taeyeon said and leave 



what a fail chapter because i still try to get the feeling back to this story wkwkwkwkw



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maryrose11 #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for updating this author-ssi. Can you give us YulSic moments please!!!
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 17: Okay! Now give me YulSic momenr..
maryrose11 #3
Chapter 15: Do you abandon this author-ssi?
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 4: You always has a good ideas in your stories, but your English? I'm sorry.. English is not that good too but atleast I still know what I wrote..sorry,I beg a pardon.. :(
Greencol #5
Chapter 14: That will be good author ....
PJParalejas #6
Chapter 5: no problem :)
PJParalejas #7
Chapter 3: hey whose color are these ?
I think it's best dat u make dat clear ..