Round 2

This Time It's Different

Jina’s POV

His smile shook me to my core. I needed to get away from him but I couldn’t find the strength to move. Even if I did it wouldn’t matter. He was faster, stronger, and more powerful. He always traveled with at least three of his goons. They were probably listening, watching… waiting. Ever since I had run away from him they’ve been after me. This would be the sixth month since my escape. I thought I was safe from him, that he’d stop looking for me, but I was wrong. I needed to gather whatever courage I had, but I knew it wouldn’t matter. I had fallen into the worst possible spot. The alley had no exit, and like always he carried a gun. If he wanted to end me now, he could, he wouldn’t even hesitate.

“Blackstar.” I spoke his name and his grin widened.

“Ah, so you remember.” His deep voice held a slight raspy tone and it cut through me, but I didn’t flinch. The one thing I learned from him was to never show fear. Even at your weakest moment you had to show your strength. Never let people see your weaknesses. ‘That’s when you lose.’ He always used to say to me.

“It’s not like I could forget.”

“I’ve been looking for you.” He sat down next to me, his back against the cold, brick wall. “You’re harder than I thought to find. I trained you well.”

“Or… you didn’t train them well enough.” His presence still intimidated me, but I knew what was coming next. He would take me with him and I would have to follow along if I wanted to escape again. Earn his trust like I did last time. He only had two ‘simple’ rules.

1)      You do as he says, you don’t have a choice.

2)      Once you’re in, you can never leave.

He chuckled and I tensed up. His head fell slowly back against the wall and he took a long drag of his cigarette. Turning to me he let out the smoke slowly. It burned my eyes, but again I didn’t flinch. “You know what’s coming next?”

“I have an idea.”

“Blaze… Shadow…” His words were steady, even. He didn’t raise the tone of his voice, but two men came running and surrounded us.

“Sir!” They said in unison. This wasn’t new to me, even I had to call him ‘sir’, but I didn’t. He didn’t deserve my respect. 

I stared up at the two men. One had pale white skin and dark hair that fell over one eye. The other was tall, also with dark hair, but his was pushed to the side so both his eyes were clearly shown.

“New guys?” I asked.

“Yup.” He got up and I followed suit. The two tried to grab my arms but I moved out of their reach.

“I have legs, I’ll walk for myself.”

“You’re still as feisty as ever, Jina.” I didn’t answer as I walked behind him and one of the men. The third goon, as I predicted, was waiting in a sleek black car. In Seoul, this car didn’t really stand out, so of course no one would realize that I was about to be kidnapped by the most wanted drug lord in all of east Asia. Ironic that this was the man I idolized not even a year ago.



The warehouse was empty. Cold and damp and exactly as I remembered it.

“It didn’t have to be this way, Jina. If only you stayed with me.” SMACK! What was this? The eleventh smack? The twelfth? It was pointless for him to continue. My whole face was numb and I couldn’t feel anything anymore. I smelled the iron scented blood that was now all but dripping from the side of my mouth.


The car came to a complete, screeching halt. I was pushed out of the car and tumbled onto the warm concrete. “Get her inside!” Blackstar screamed at his men. It all happened so fast. I was pulled to the middle of an empty room. I thrashed against, what were their names again, Blaze? Shadow? It didn’t matter. I kicked and tugged but they were stronger than they looked. One of them held me down onto a metal chair while the other tied my wrists and hands with thick ropes. When he was done I could barely move my hands, no way could I get out of these.

Lights were clicked on and the room fell into a light glow. It was empty all for a table at the far end of the wall and smaller doors leading into other rooms. Rooms that held all his power. His drugs were made there. All of them. Crack, meth, , , if it could be named, he was able to make it. He sold to all of the East Asian countries, mostly China and Taiwan, if I remembered correctly. 

“Leave.” His voice was calm as he took off his black jacket. The two men bowed and left the room, one of them almost had a look of pity in his eyes. “So, Jina.” My attention was turned back to him. His arms were covered in thick scars. He had his share of gang wars, ones he insisted on taking part in. He always got hurt, a scar for every battle, there were too many to count… but he always won.

He smiled at me. A smile that only held vengeance. “Why did you leave?”

“I didn’t want to be a part of this anymore. It’s disgusting all of it.”

“You came to me because you needed help. Because you were weak.”

“You didn’t help me find strength, Blackstar. You reminded me of why it was important to have hope. So I don’t end up like you. Like them. I pitied you.” SMACK. That was the first one. It stunned me to absolute silence.  I turned to him, eyes steady. I tried to show him that he couldn’t hurt me. SMACK! There was the second one. “I never told you to look at me, .” He spat the last word. I looked up once more, eyes straight. He paced around me. He put his hand on my shoulder and lowered his mouth to my ear. “Didn’t you come to me because your parents died? Because those people left you? Because you felt you had no one?”


“Wasn’t it me who gave who a place to stay? Provided you with food, clothing, and the freedom you desired?”


“Then tell me, Jina. Wasn’t it I…who pitied you?”

“Is that what you’re going to call it, Star? Pity? If you pitied me does that mean you pity everyone of your ‘people’? I don’t think you keep them around because you pity them. It’s because you’re alone. You’re the person that has no one.”

SMACK! The third slap came harder than the rest. A loud gasp escaped from my mouth and blood oozed from my lip.

“I’m right, aren’t I?” SMACK! The fourth one. I spat blood. SMACK! The fifth one. He leaned in-front of me.

“You’re quite the brat, Jina.”

I couldn’t help myself. I spit in his face. He moved away and wiped it slowly off his face. Quicker than I could register what was happening the hits came. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! And then it all went black.


When I came back to my senses he was still there.

“Only five minutes. You were out for five minutes.”

I looked around. It wasn’t a dream; I was still here in the warehouse.

“Just let me go.” He laughed. A laugh that was actually filled with humor. It held no twist of sarcasm.

“That’s funny, Jina.”

“You wouldn’t be able to do anything with me anyway, Star. I’ve been off the streets too long.”

“I have plenty of uses for you. I wasn’t thinking of making you sell in Seoul anymore. Perhaps after you’ve earned my trust, I’ll let you go international. One of my sellers in China was just murdered; I’ve been meaning to get a permanent replacement.”

“It’s not like you to leave a spot un-occupied.” He laughed again.

“It’s not. Apollo is filling in for now. You remember him? He was the boy trained with you last time.” I thought back to the red-haired boy with the thick lips. He was funny and loud. I never did find out why he sought after Blackstar’s help. I think the boy’s real name was Dongwoo, but I couldn’t be sure. I just nodded.

We were silent for a while. I waited for him to say something but he just stared at me. He looked me over, a question obviously reeling away in his mind.

“Yixing.” My eyes widened and I cursed myself for losing my poker-face.


“Who is Yixing?” He asked.

“I don’t know a Yixing.”


“Yes.” I lied.

“Well, he knows you.”

“What do you mean?” My voice trembled slightly at the end and a smirk graced his lips once again.

“Who is he, Jina? He called asking for you. You need to charge your phone by the way.”

“No one to worry about.” I looked down again. This time to my tightly bound feet. I wasn’t going to get out of here anytime soon.

“Your boyfriend?”


“Liar.” I met his eyes.

“I said he wasn’t my boyfriend. I also said he wasn’t someone to worry about so drop it.” His smirk dropped.

“I really hope for your sake, that he isn’t. It would be a shame for one of your friends to lose their life because of you, wouldn’t it?”

“Don’t touch them.”

“I’ll do what I want.” He left the room and shut off the lights. I was left in a cold, bland darkness. The last words he said were barely audible. “Put her in the cage,” was all I heard. 


Hey guys ^^ Long time, no update..? Keke well I hope you guys liked this chapter.

To all of you who subscibed to my story thank you so much because it means a lot ♥ Saranghae ^_^

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Chapter 6: Please update soon!!
Im gonna read this fanfic ! <3
Chapter 4: please update soon :)))
TheGermCafe #4
Chapter 3: I love your story!!!!! Personally Jina is the best =D I love the hunhan couple <3