Someone From The Past

This Time It's Different

Yixing’s POV

I tossed and turned in my large bed as a continuous buzzing made its way through my room. It wasn’t my alarm because I had only been asleep for an hour so the only other explanation was that it was my friends. The buzzing stopped and I let out a content sigh. I closed my eyes only to be bombarded by more buzzing. “WHAT THE HELL?!” I got up off the bed untangling myself from the mass of sheets. “Who in their right mind would bother me at one in the morning?” I grabbed my phone of the table in my room and shielded my eyes as the bright light hit them. I blinked a few times and then unlocked it. “14 messages?” I opened the first one.

From: Suho

‘I liked her! She seemed nice ^_^ don’t screw it up >_<’

I opened the next one.

From: Kris

‘Better than the girls you usually get introduced to.’ I sighed at Kris’ answer. That was just him. Simple and straight to the point.

Opening the next one I saw it was from Sehun and Luhan. I still didn’t understand why they had to share a phone.

From: Sehun&Luhan

S: She understands me T^T I like her. Who knew you had such good taste hyung? Kekeke she’s a keeper.

L: She’s pretty! She seems nice but I really wouldn’t know considering that you didn’t let her talk. >_<

The next one was from Chanyeol

From: Chanyeol

O_O Where did you find her? No way your mom would introduce you to someone normal. >_> I’m watching you … >_>….. <_<….. >_<…. (/_’)

I shook my head. Classic Chanyeol. Him and his weird reactions but I needed to be careful. He was already suspicious of Jina.

From Baekhyun:

She seems good for you.

From Chen:

Yay! You finally have a girlfriend. What made your mom finally find you a good one? IT MUST BE A MIRACLE ^o^

From Xiumin:

:D I like her ^_^

From Kai:

I like her. Ask her if she has a cousin ;)

From Kyungsoo:

Everyone seemed to like her but she doesn’t talk much does she? She seems okay.

From Tao:

Hmmph >_< Her shoes were gross.

I opened the next one. Another from Tao.

She’s pretty though. I like her fashion. Think you can get her to go that Gucci sale with me?

I sighed another one from Tao.

She’s still not as fabulous as me, but she doesn’t seem stuck-up like the other girls your mother puts you with. I approve.

That ended the messages and I turned off my phone knowing that Tao would continue to send me messages on why I was ignoring him. I just wanted some sleep. Pure, beautiful, blissful sleep.

*Jina’s POV*

I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. Taking out my phone I looked at the time to find it was almost 9:30AM. The events of last night played through my mind. I remembered meeting Yixing’s friends, complaining to him, thinking rude things about him, and then going back and to Hyori’s and changing out of the dress. I stuffed my half charged phone back in my pocket, remembering that I should go get my charger from her place.

I stood up and grabbed my skateboard, dusting myself off, and waving goodbye to the homeless man that would often sleep at the same place I did.

The morning air smelled fresh and I could hear the distant sound of cars and ongoing traffic from the nearby freeway. Setting my skateboard on the ground I quickly started my way to Hyori’s house.

*30 minutes later*

I knocked on the door and just a few seconds later Ms. Lim, the head maid, opened it for me.

“Hello, Ms. Lim. Is Hyori home?”

“Yes, Ms. Lee she is getting ready for work. If you just wai-“ I ran up the steps that led to Hyori’s room without giving Ms. Lim a chance to finish. I wasn’t far away enough to where I didn’t hear her frustrated sigh, but I just ignored it.

“HYORI! HYORI! HYORI!!!” I burst through her room door just in time to see her grabbing her purse from off the hanger. She looked surprised to see me and opened to say something but I interrupted her. “Do you know where my phone charger is?” She frowned at me before digging into her purse and pulling out the black cord. She walked over and handed it to me

“Here. I figured you were going to come by the office later so I packed it. By the way, you didn’t tell me what happened last night.”

I opened my backpack, “It’s nothing worth mentioning. His friends seem nice, I don’t know what’s wrong with him though. Anyway I’m gonna head out now.” I turned to leave when I felt her hand on my shoulder. She turned me around slowly and I was met with the pained look that I was so used to now.

“Where did you sleep last night?” Her voice held sadness and worry, just like it always did.

“Where I usually do, Hyori.”

“Why don’t you just move in with me?”

“I don’t have money to pay you rent.”

“Jina you’re my cousin! I wouldn’t make you pay.”

“I’m not going to free load off of you and your parents.”

“You’re not free loading, and they already think that you live here.” I sighed and shook my head we’d been over this a million times.

“No that’s okay. I’m fine where I am now.”

“YOU SLEEP UNDER A BRIDGE!” Her yell caught me by surprise. She was always so calm and collected, this side of her only came out when she was stressed.

“Hyori, I’m fine.”

“No you aren’t! Ever since your parents died-”

“Do not bring them into this!”

“Jina, you have to talk about it. It’s been almost two years now.”

“No, I don’t have to talk about it and I don’t plan on doing that anytime soon. I’m leaving.” I ran out of the room door and down the stairs without giving her a chance to say anything. I opened the front door and ran down the long expanse of driveway just trying to get as far away from the house as possible.


After running as far as my legs could take me I entered a nearby alley and lowered myself to the wall. Tucking my legs up to my chest, I crossed my arms over my knees and lay my head down on them. I tried to silence my cries but the only sound coming from me was ragged breathing and sniffling.

“Well, well, well,” I lifted my head to meet the deep voice. As if I was in a bad dream his face knocked the breath out of me. The eyes of the person I had tried to escape, the eyes that reminded me of all the bad things I had done were now staring down at me. They twinkled as if we had just entered a new game where he set all the rules. A sly smirk plastered on his face, cigarette burning itself away in his hand, his hair that hung low, almost completely covering his eyes. “If it isn’t Lee Jina.”


I'M SORRY! I', SORRY! I'M SORRY! I give you guys permission to kill me >_< I've had like no time to update because of school and stuff and now i'm giving you guys a super short update. I don't know what to say I'm really so sorry TT^TT 

I'm sorry if there are any errors in this chapter and i'm sorry that its short, but i still hope you enjoy it. I'll try SUPER FREAKING HARD to update as sppn as possible, but I can promise you that the next update won't talk nearly this long.

The last thing I wanna say is THANK ALL OF YOU SO MUCH FOR NOT UN-SUBSCRIBING ♥♥♥ I thought all of you would have left me by now T~T

Love you guys ♥♥♥

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Chapter 6: Please update soon!!
Im gonna read this fanfic ! <3
Chapter 4: please update soon :)))
TheGermCafe #4
Chapter 3: I love your story!!!!! Personally Jina is the best =D I love the hunhan couple <3