Dial Tones

The Mobster

Seungri has never seen his Hyung in such a state. He keeps checking his phone and he keeps sighing every five minutes. They haven't even left the ground yet  and the man is acting like he has a fear of heights. "Hyung...you okay?" 

"Ne?" says the older drawing his attention to Seungri. 

"Well...you just look a little...nervous." The word of the hour may not be nervous but it's close enough to how the man looks right now. Ever since Seunghyun starting seeing Jiyong as a interest his emotions have been coming out more and more. It's good to see a human side to the man, but it's also a sign of weakness in his line of work. Feet tapping hands fidgety...not good. 

Seunghyun then smiles at the younger. "I'm not nervous...I just need to piss but I refuse to use those nasty ing bathrooms..." 

Seungri then grins. "Since when have you been disgusted by air plane bathrooms...normally you don't give a where you ." laughs the younger who is still finding his hyung amusing. YoungBae looks up from his files. "Leave him alone Seungri before you get kicked off the plane." 

Seunghyun loves Bae at these times because Seungri is the prying type to pick pick pick until you give him an answer that suits him. The man will go for days if needed. This is also not good because Seungri is starting to catch on the changes in the man. The one thing that he needs to do is straighten up an get over the fact that he didn't tell Jiyong that he was making a trip to China. 

"How long before we take off Bae" says Seunghyun straightening up in his seat. It's time to turn into the emotionless boss again. His father had to learn how to do when their mother was alive, so Seunghyun can learn to do it too. 

"We should be leaving in a couple of minutes. Oh Hyung you sure you didn't want me to pack more...I could send for more stuff." 

Seunghyun chuckles. "It's only a 7 hour trip once we land." 

Bae then sighs with a glare at Seungri. He then looks back at his Boss. "Hyung...it's not a 7 hour trip...it's a 7 day trip...Seungri miss informed you." 

"For s sakes Seungri." says the older melting in his chair. "How the can you mix up day and hour......" says the older in a groan. He can't even yell he is so pissed making the mood of the small plane feel like a pit of fire. The older then looks at Bae. "Well I guess I need to send for more things..." The older then looks at Seungri. "You go sit at the back of the plane...just get out of my sight..." 

"You mad Hyung?" says the younger with innocent eyes. The older then sighs. "I just need some time Ri..." 

The younger does as told and slowly gets up from his chair. Bae pats the youngers back and gives him a reassuring nod that his hyung won't be mad forever. The flight attendants come on to the plane and they close the doors to the plane. Seunghyun then buckles up for a trip longer than expected. 

//////////////////Morning in Korea//////////////////////

Jiyong wakes up to his alarm clock buzzing. It's 5am and it's about time for the man to roll out of bed to prep the kitchen for the day. Like clock work Granny Kwon knocks on the younger's door making sure that he is awake. She opens the door to see a smiling grandson. "I'm awake Grandma." 

Granny Kwon comes in to the room making the younger sit up. He then forgets that he threw his new coat on his desk when he got home. He does like it...he was just tired and in his habits when he got home. "Where you get a new coat...it's nice." says the older feeling the nice material. "Omo..." she then looks at the tag. "Jiyong ah...why did you pay so much..." 

Jiyong then mutters to himself remembering the moment how his now nice bastard paid for the coat like it was nothing. "I didn't buy it." 

Granny Kwon then makes a face. "Who brought it for you...don't tell me Yoobin did." 

Jiyong shakes his head. "Even if we both put our money together we couldn't afford that coat...Hyung brought it for me." No use in lying. Seunghyun probably would have told his granny as soon as he saw her again that he brought the coat and every time he could get away with it. 

"Seunghyun did?" The woman looks the coat over with a smile. "He is a good friend to get you a proper coat. You can stop layering all those hoodies for once." 

Jiyong then smiles. "It was fine before. I was planning on returning the coat anyways...it's too expensive." 

Granny Kwon then frowns. "Kwon Jiyong he brought this coat because he was being a good friend to you. Don't you dare hurt his feelings and return this precious item." 

"It's not Fine China Granny." 

The older woman then glares making Jiyong chuckle. "Fine fine....I will keep it and wear it well." 

"Good boy. Now hurry up and get dressed we need to open soon" The woman takes her time and walks out of the room. Jiyong then rolls out of bed and crosses his arms due to the cold apartment. "Aigo" says the younger over looking his messy room. There are clothes everywhere. The younger looks on the floor of his selections for the day. The clothes are clean...he just didn't feel like hanging them up. Most of the clothes are stained with something from the kitchen so Jiyong doesn't care. 

The coat that was thrown on the desk is now resting on his desk chair. Jiyong looks at his empty closet that should be full of clothes to then look at the coat again. "I will wear it well hyung." says Jiyong to himself as he goes over to his closet to pull out a random hanger. He goes over to his coat and puts it on the hanger. He zips up the jacket so that it doesn't fall off and puts the coat in the closet. The sight makes Jiyong laugh to himself because the coat is the only thing properly hanging. 

As much as Jiyong wants to return the coat...he then really doesn't want to return it. That coat has a lot of memories where Jiyong can just look at the coat and laugh at the good and the embarrassing moments. 

"You ready yet?" says his granny across the apt. 

"Almost!" says Jiyong throwing on a hoodie to then peeling into the bathroom to do a halfway routine of brushing his teeth and splashing water on his face. 


It's almost the end of Lunch and today has been crazy due to Chinese New Year festivities. Most people decided to party early and the daily drunks found it was okay to have a couple bottles more than what they normally have. 

It's normal to hear police sirens constantly but on this day there is always more going on than normal. Jiyong is use to the commotion the drunks the freaks and the creepers. The man doesn't treat anyone unfairly because a customer is a customer and they just want to eat and go. They don't mean any harm most of the time. 

Yoobin comes into the shop and waves at Jiyong. The man totally forgot about Yoobin because he is still in a daze from the day before. His facial expression doesn't show it, but Jiyong wasn't expecting her. He should though because it is New Years after all. 

Yoobin comes over to her boyfriend when she sees that the man is finished with his customer. Jiyong almost wants to slap himself because he still hasn't broken up with this girl. He has had plenty of opportunities but he is a chicken. 

"Hey Yoobin" 

The younger smiles and hands Jiyong over a plate. "My mother and I made some rice cakes and we cooked some for you and your Grandmother." Jiyong smiles and takes the plate. "Thank you Yoobin" 

She then smiles again. "What are you doing tonight Oppa?" 

"Working...why?" says Jiyong lifting the cover wrap to see the goodies. 

"Well...I was thinking that we could go out and see fireworks together...maybe your grandmother could cover for you for a couple of hours?" says the younger with a grin. Jiyong needs to stop this game before he really is involved with a murder. "Yoobin..." 

The younger hears the tone in his voice and her smile quickly drops. "You are breaking up with me huh?" 

Jiyong's eyes widen. "I...I..." 

"I knew you were going to eventually...I just wanted to see how long this would last...it's okay though...you made me happy." says the younger with a small smile. 

"I'm sorry..." says Jiyong feeling like a pile of . "I just didn't know how to tell you with out hurting you." 

The younger then giggles to herself. "I could tell that you wanted to do it our last date...Oppa...did you ever like me?" 

Jiyong hates these breakup moments and for some reason he is always the one to break up with someone whether it's a male or female. "Ne I did like you" Which is the truth. The girl is sweet and kind...but she is not the one for him. 

"When you kissed me...it made me so happy...I hope that you find someone who makes you happy." 

Jiyong smiles. "Thanks Bin ah." Jiyong then goes to give the younger a hug but Yoobin backs away. "Sorry Oppa...I just need some time." She smiles again. "I will see you around Ne?" The younger leaves the store and Jiyong is not sure if the younger was playing the strong card or she was genuinely okay with breaking up. Either way Jiyong feels like . The girl didn't deserve it and he knows it for playing with her heart, but that's just how things turned out. Jiyong is learning more and more that you can't always control things in life. 


Seunghyun sits in his suite living room while Bae and Seungri unpack their Boss's things. Seunghyun is here once again to gain more investments for his firm. Yea he has an investment company called Choi industries. They invest in many companies which earns them more capital with every deal that they take.

Yes there are a couple of gun shots involved...some people may die, but that's not all the time though. Seunghyun considers his firm more sophisticated than others. Of course all of the deals are crooked and certainly not legal but that's what YoungBae is for. He is Seunghyun's right hand man and he is also the company's lawyer who turns things from illegal to legal. Bae probably knows the company more than anyone in the room. Just the thing that Bae lacks is making those pin point decisions that makes a company grow. With the two of them together they are unstoppable. 

"So when is the first meeting." says Seunghyun taking off his coat and putting it on a chair. 

"The first meeting will be with Lui Bei industries at 8am" Bae then hands the older the proposal. Seunghyun then takes a seat and looks at the figures with a nod. "They look promising." 

Bae then takes a seat on then sofa. "They look like they wish to work with Korean investors. I think that they are our ticket to getting into the Chinese market Hyung." 

Seunghyun nods. "Ne. I just hope that they are not full of stupid demands like Sony" 

"Song is Japanese Hyung." 

", does it matter...either way I'm loaning money. Remember money has no color." 

The younger nods. "Ne hyung. Did you want to eat now?" 

"Do I look like I'm a two year old. I can figure that out." says the boss man being an . Bae is use to it though and bites back. "I'm not some mind reader hyung. Are you hungry or not." 

Seunghyun always gets amused when Bae gets irritated with him. He then smirks. "Why don't you prepare something for me Yeobo." 

Bae then cusses under his breath as he makes his way over to the hotel phone to call room service. They all decided to stay in for the night to prepare for the meeting for tomorrow. When they all were younger they would go to clubs and bring home random hoes who wanted a good from a rich man. Seunghyun got tired of that scene years ago and now his mind is only on one person. 

Jiyong is of course on his mind and he can't stop thinking about him. It's driving him crazy not even knowing a simple thing like a cell phone number. The man just wants to hear Jiyong call him bastard...he wonders if he even ate. 

"Hyung what do you want?" says Bae walking over with the room service menu. Seunghyun then murmurs. "Just give me some noodles." 

"Noodles hyung?" 

"Neee noodles. I'm speaking Korean right?" says the older slightly annoyed. He is just a in a mood because he simply misses Jiyong. 

It's minutes later and room service comes into the room. The food is placed in front of the Boss and Ri and Bae take their food and start eating. Seunghyun looks at the Korean style dish and already is finding himself comparing. Seungri looks at his hyung staring at the food. "Did they do it wrong?" 

The older then shakes his head. "No...they gave me noodles...." Yea they gave him noodles but it's not the same. There is not the right assortment of veggies in the bowl and the noodles are not as white...and the taste is definitely not the same...they are not Jiyong's. 

"Jiyong makes really good noodles Hyung. You should go there more. I bet they would be better than those things you are eating." says Seungri with a grin. "Maybe I will stop by when we get back." 

The older then glares at the younger. "I told you to not go there." 

"Woah Hyung...I would be just getting noodles....why are you so defensive every time I bring up Jiyong." 

The older didn't realize. He almost lost himself. "If you go there idiot that ing Dongwook cop will be there too. He has been on to us and I don't want us in a place were we will get ed." 

Seungri then nods. "Oooooh I see." Seungri then laughs to himself. "For a second I thought that you were protecting Jiyong." The younger laughs again and making the older laugh as well in a believable fake laugh. His cover is supposedly good enough to fool the others but this moment is making the older's heart beat out of his chest. 

"I'm going to shower." says the older pushing the noodles away from him. 

////////////////////////2am in Korea//////////////////////////

Jiyong is cleaning up shop when Dongwook comes into the shop. The man is no harm to the younger so Jiyong has no problem talking to him. "Oh sorry we just closed." 

Dongwook then pouts. "Awe...I just got off shift...I really wanted some noodles." says the older with a grin. Jiyong then smiles back. "Okay okay...have a seat. I will bring you what's left." 

Dongwook takes a seat. "Thank you Noodle chef shi." says the older looking around. The man has actually been off work for hours. He just wanted to see if his brother was any where in sight. 

Jiyong comes out with a hot bowl of noodles. "Here you go. Eat it well." Jiyong bows again. 

"You look happy. Something new happen to you?" says the man taking a bit of food. Jiyong shyly smiles. "It's nothing really. I just have been in a better mood the past couple of days." 

"Oh really well that's good. You should continue to smile it suits you" 

Jiyong laughs. "Thanks." 

"Oh yea...I have been making progress on the murder case. No one is bothering you right?" 

Jiyong's heart then skips a couple of beats. "Noooo not at all" says the younger averting his gaze. 

"You sure? You just lost eye contact with me and your position changed." 

Jiyong then mentally freaks out to the man's eye for detail. Jiyong then looks in the man's eyes again. "I'm fine really. Look I'm smiling." 

"Oh is it because of me?" says the older jokingly as he takes another bite of food to then put his chopsticks down. "Oh that was delicious Jiyong Shi." 

Jiyong then bows and takes the bowl away. "Thank you. Please come again when the Noodles are more fresh." says the younger with a smile. 

"How much I owe ya?" 

Jiyong chuckles. "It's for free. Don't worry about it." 

Dongwook then smiles. "Well you just made my night" The older looks at Jiyong. "Are you not cold? It's freezing in here." 

Jiyong chuckles. "I really don't own a lot of winter gear. I always forget to buy it. So I just layer hoodies." Jiyong chuckles to himself. Dongwook then takes off his winter cap and pants it on the younger one's head covering his eyes. Jiyong laughs at the sudden move. "Customer...I can't take this..." says Jiyong about to take the hat off. "You better not move that hat. You need to keep warm it's below freezing outside and it feels like it in here. 

The older then smiles. "Good seeing you Jiyong shi. Maybe we can have some coffee sometime." 

Jiyong then smiles. "Ne...maybe" 

"Oh are you turning me down already?" 

Jiyong then studders. "Were you asking me out just now?" 

The older then smirks. "Maybe....goodnight Jiyong shi" The older walks out the door leaving Jiyong speechless. He has no idea how he is attracting these men to actually like him. He didn't even shave today. 

//////////////////////////2:34 am///////////////////////////////

*ring ring ring ring ring ring* Jiyong goes over to the Noodle Shop phone and looks at the caller ID. The number is unknown so he just ignores it. The phone stops and Jiyong goes back to gather more trash. *ring ring ring ring* "Aish" says Jiyong tired and annoyed. He goes back over to the phone and look at the number again to see the same one. "Hello....Hello....." Jiyong hangs up the phone and shrugs his shoulders. 

Jiyong picks up a couple of bags and brings them to the back door he grabs the knob *ring ring ring...ring ring ring*

" you phone." says Jiyong as he goes through  the back door. He puts the trash in the dumpster and hurries into the Shop again. *ring ring ring ring ring*

"..." says Jiyong looking at the phone again. "Hello....Hello..." There is nothing on the other line. Jiyong then rolls his eyes and hangs up the phone again with a slam. *ring ring ring ring ring* 

Jiyong the growls and answers the phone."Hello.... you have been calling this number over and over again...you have the wrong number!" Jiyong SLAMS the phone down again. He then goes over to turn off the light in the main dining hall. *ring ring ring ring ring ring* Jiyong then storms over to the phone. "I ing swear I will" "I missed you...." says a deep chuckle on the other line. Jiyong almost melts. "Hyung?" 

"It's good calling me Hyung for once." says the older happy to hear the younger voice. 

Jiyong then looks at the number again. "Was that you calling all those times before?" 

"Ne...I enjoyed listening to you hang up on me." 

" you really had me thinking it was a prank call. How come you didn't say anything?" 

"At first I just wanted to hear your voice...then I wanted to hear it again...then I couldn't help but tell you who I was." says the older on the other line. Jiyong smiles to himself. "I'm not even going to ask how you got this number." 

"It's called the internet." 

"Bastard...." says Jiyong with a chuckle. 

The older then sighs. "Hey Ji...I'm going to be in a China for a bit..." 

Jiyong then sounds sad. "Oh...really...for business?" 

The older then starts to feel bad. "Sorry I didn't let you know that I was leaving...but I didn't have your number..." 

"It's okay...how long will you be gone?" 

"7 days..." 

"7..." says Jiyong sadly

"Ne...but I will be back soon. Listen out for this phone. I will be calling you on this number. I would just get your cell phone number but it's too risky..." 

Jiyong nods. "Ne..." The younger then chuckles. "I feel like I'm in a movie sometimes with you....this life you live almost seems fiction...but it's so real." 

"Ne...it's takes a bit for people to get use to. My mom always talked about how she and my father dated.." 

"Oh did you pick up a few pointers?" 

"Ne. I'm doing one right now. Call you on the ole' land line" 

Jiyong laughs into the line making the older feel warm inside. "Are you wearing the coat that I got you?" 

"Oh ne ne" says Jiyong feeling on his hoodie. 


"Okay...no...not at the moment...it's just so expensive I look odd serving in it." 

"I see..." says the older "Well I will buy you six  lesser value." 

"Nooo I have one coat. I don't need six." 

"Okay...." says the older disappointed. "I will think of prices for now on" says the older more serious. "Hyung....hyung..." says Seungri in the background. "Who are you talking to?" 

Jiyong then smiles into the phone "You don't have to say anything....It was good talking to you." 

"Who the do you think I'm talking to you nosey bastard. Neeee we do short term and long term loans." says the older speaking in a business tone. 

Jiyong laughs a bit. "I miss you too. Goodbye" The younger hangs up the phone. To then hear the phone ring again minutes later.


"I miss you more" 

**Thank you for reading. Please UPVOTE and SUBCRIBE!! PLEASE comment below and tell me what you loved about the chappie^^ Later!!



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updated Mobster again!


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Chapter 6: Your plot is such a bae
Chapter 35: Aww this story is so cute. Im happy because the happy ending??. Love it!!!
Chapter 19: I don't really like when Top bottom and Gd is top. It's make me felt weird for some reason. Gd is smaller man and Top is strong man so... I feel disgusting.. But it's okey, it's your story by the way..
mspennyles #4
Chapter 35: I know you wrote this quite a while ago, but I just discovered it. And I'm really glad I did! This story had my emotions all over the place. Thanks for devoting the time to it over the years. This story was truly amazing!
Chapter 35: Your story is really amazing !! It was third time i read your story and I never get tired ! Thanks for your hard work author-nim !! ( sorry for my english , i'm french )
Dayonyl #6
Chapter 35: Absolutely amazing, loved every sentence!
lovelydarling #7
Chapter 35: As always another great story came to an end. I always enjoy reading your stories. Your the best!!!
ayaayawae #8
Chapter 35: Tks for updating :)
Wysmom #9
Chapter 35: 2 thumbs up.
Chapter 35: I LOVE U AUTHORNIM TT THX FOR UPDATING ALL THESE FICS i will deffinetly read this fic again as its one of my favourites ever and the fact that i related this fic to my fav gtop song i couldn't stop thinking abt the fic whenever i listened to the song.