Chapter 2: She got the wrong person

I Never Really Loved You From The Start, or did I??


"Yah miss! I told you stay put back there! What a stubborn yeoja! " he yelled, making me turn to him.



"I beg your pardon? I’m a stu-" said weakly, before I could even finish he grabbed my hand and placed an ice that is wrapped by a hanky. "I-uhh.."



"No need to thank me" he said "it’s just that I really have the heart to randomly help stupid people."



"Yah, what do you mean stupid?!" So much for 'trying my best not to embarrass myself'.



"What we're you doing on the floor, anyways? You look like you’re trying to wrestle a invisible crocodile?" he said obviously teasing me and trying hard to keep a straight face "possessed? Or your just practicing new dance moves?"






Well, there goes my ego. (−_−;)



"Are you cramping on the floor? Ahahaha!" He said, can no longer hold his laughter. "That was a really great performance. AHAHAHAHA!" He said laughing, even harder. “but you should work with your foot works, you kinda look like a fish out off water!"



"Sure", I said monotonously " go laugh till your heart's content."



"Hehehe," he said trying to calm down. *breath in* *breath out* ,wiping the tears of joy in his eyes, how cute! I so wanna punch his eye ball, right now.



"You’re really funny, how interesting." he said. “Mind to show me how it works?"



This is humiliating. I wanna face palm myself right now! *face palm* there mission accomplished! One burden off my shoulder. Next on the check list is this guy! How will I annihilate this , should I just push him off this balcony and educe it as an accident. I leaned forward and look down. Yup if he falls from this high, my plan will be successful.



"Yah! Don't do that you might fall!!" He said, then I felt a sudden tugged from my arm. Then I ended up slightly bumping on to him, and making eye contact. I swiftly diverted my sight to anything ~I tell you, ANYTHING except him!



He then let’s go of my arm.



I stared at the pretty city light they look like stars with different colors. Maybe they're in one of those building. I just can't help wondering where my parents are, because sometime they're just gone and our maid will tell us they're on a business trip to other countries. Why can't we just live like a normal family, for about 18 years of my life that's what I've been asking.



At a young age I would always ask Santa clause for a small potion my parents time as a gift for Christmas, i asked the Easter bunny for my parent praising words and even the tooth fairies to give me super power so that I could read my parents' minds as an exchange for all my teeth. But why can't my parents understand I need their presence in my freaken life?!



"Hey, sorry about that." He apologized.



"Huh?" His apology took me back to reality. "Ohh, I y-yeah." I weakly nodded.



"Can you do me a favor?" He added, I wasn't in the mood to but I just turned to him and waited for what he'll say.



It took him a few seconds before saying "Can you lift your cheeks? Wait, without using your hands!"



'Huh, what does he mean?' I just raised a brow at him in confusion, but he stared at me and waiting for me to do his freaken favor. He looks like a boy patiently waiting for his mommy to give him a candy that she'd promise.



Not in the mood, I just did what his asking for I tried to lift both of my cheeks without the use of my hand. That when I realized what he's trying to make me do.



"There you go, now your smiling!" He said then genuinely smiled at me.



That automatically made me chuckle. For even just a few minutes I forgot all of my problems, I was happy like the world is perfect again. Because of this guy, mirth suddenly came back into my life even though it’s just for a brief moment but there’s a warm fuzzy feeling that came with it. Realizing it I suddenly felt the pressure and heat rising up my cheeks.



"Ohh, look you're blushing" he continued,



"No, I refuse to believe it’s just a normal body reaction to different kind of circumstances where in the hypothalamus of the brain releases hormones in the body that makes the heart pumps faster sending more blood to the body and face that makes the skin appear redder" I murmured to myself "yes, that's it. Long story short I'm not blushing! Yeay!"



"Yah why are you murmuring? You know I can hear you," he said "seriosly, you're blushing big time!"



"R-really?!" I regained my composure "I mean ~no, I'm not."



"Yes, you are"



Ugh! "How do you even know?"



"Because your mask is obviously just covering your eyes, and I can see your nose, lips and cheeks." He answered smiling. There it goes again my heart screaming in my chest! "Your perfect nose, pink pouty lips and crimson red cheeks." He added, I felt lost in those deep caring eyes.



"Uhm.." I uttered, unable to say anything.



I tried to ignore the feeling building inside.










[In the Club: TOP's POV]



"The loud blasting music is melody to my ears." Daesung said.



"Hi, ladies" Seungri winked making the girls giggled as they passed by. Seungri and Taeyang high-fived and chucked.



"Yup, this is where I belong", Taeyang said, turning to the bartender and asking for a drink. "This place is my sanctuary" he added and sipped at his drink.



"Look Taeyang, that girl" Seungri pointed at the girl a few meters away from my left. "She's kinda hot, and I bet I can get her number in just 10 minutes."



"Maknae, to slow. I can get any girl's number in just 4 minutes" Taeyang said boastfully.



"Yah, hyung don't be too proud of yourself." Seungri said, rolling his eyes.



"Ohh, come on" Taeyang laughed, about to stand up "wait, and learn from the master."



But Seungri stopped him "no, hyung! I saw her first!"



Then they started bickering at each other. I'm getting really bored. I stared at the girl their bickering about. Is she really hot? I smirked, time to find out. “This one’s mine.”



Both Seungri and Taeyang, stopped from bickering when realized what I said, yet they’re too late I’m already half way there.



I stood beside her and turned to the bartender “Can you give me a ‘Kai-Pee-R~’, is that what you call it?” I asked.



“Sir?” asked the bartender, not understanding.



“The ‘Kai-Pi-Rae~” I pretended to try again.



“I think it’s called Caipirinha,” our noise must have got her attention.



“Right that’s it!” I said to the bartender, and then turned to her “you know that drink, huh? Are you always around here?”



“Yup, works every time,” I heard Taeyang, who’s not very far, said , smiled and shook his head in disbelief.



While Seungri tried to shout, “I SAW HER FI-wrmmph!!” but Daesung just covered his mouth to stop him. It just makes me laugh.



“Uhm, yeah,” she replied “I always go here with my friend” she added, making my attention to be diverted back to her.



“Aww, so would you mind of join you for a while?” I asked putting my boyish smirk that would always make girls go crazy.



She giggled “Oh no, I wouldn’t”



I smiled at her, “So what does a beautiful girl like you, doing here all alone.”



“Dunno either, I think my friends won’t make it tonight,” she said looking down at her drink, “but its fine.”



I just smiled at her, and remembered something, “I forgot to ask, what’s your name again?”



“Oh, I’m Yuri Laine,” she smiled.



I extended my hand and said “you can call me TOP.”



She shook my hand and said “interesting name, it suits you.” She then smiled.




Yup, it’s kind of obvious that she’s interested in me~ I mean who wouldn’t be? I’m Mr. Hottie (that what his girls call him, lol). I could date any girl in this club by just winking an eye and a smirk, that’s all I need.




“Wanna dance?” Yuri Laine asked me.




I smiled and shook my head, “no, I’m not very good in dancing freestyle.”



“Come on, don’t be shy” she insisted “I’ll teach you then.”



Yuri was about to stand and drag me to the dance floor when ‘someone’ grabbed my shoulder. I expected that it would be a guy searching for a fight but when I turned I saw a girl holding a drink. I just stood there staring at her.



“Hey, you” she asked, obviously drunk, she can’t even stand steady she keeps on wobbling. “You stupid bastard!”



I raised a brow. Seriously, what's wrong with her



“You think you’re so hot, huh? Hmp!” she said while pointing an accusing finger at me. ME?!



I opened my mouth about to say something, but she suddenly stopped me and said “STOP! I don’t need your explanation.” Then she turned to Yuri Laine “You! Are you the girl he’s with? I know you’re probably thinking in that little nut head of yours that you finally found your prince, I hate to burst your little bubble sweet heart but that’s not true. He’ll just make you fall for him and soon hurt you and tear your heart out that monkey chest of yours!” she said slightly raising her voice.



Yuri turned and stared at me with her hurt expression. I turned back to this moronic drunk girl in front of me, she such a bother. I neared her and tried to calmher down  “Miss, I think you got the wrong per-“



“Enough! I refuse to listen to your idiotic excuses!!” she stopped me once more. ‘What?! Idiotic, this girl is really testing my patience.’



I clenched my jaw to calm myself. “YAH! Miss I don’t even know who you are!” I tried to explain.



Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri heard her shouting then hurriedly came near us. I turned and saw people looking at us, this girl's atracting to much attention!



“Hmp!! Don’t you lie to that beautiful lady,” she sneered “and don’t lie to me, Maru.”



Maru?! Who the hell is Maru. I turned to my three monkey and asked for help but they just  shrugged and acted like they dont even know me! How dare they just shrug at me?!



“You’re such a liar, you bastard. You’re so arrogant, and so full of yourself. You think you can run around and hurt every girl you see, with that handsome face of yours. Well, hate to break it up to you boy, but you need to wake up,” she said then splashed the iced drink she’s holding into my face. That made me close my eyes but I still have a straight face. I rolled my fist into a ball.



Okay, this is too much! Too much for my patience to handle! I grabbed her arm and making our face near each other. Does this girl really want a piece of me, well she going to have it.



“Because you CAN'T. You can hurt every girl” She continued, “EXCEPT me” giving emphasis to the word ‘except’.



What those tha mean? I stared at her face; I never expected to see her, this close.  I stared at her eyes as she did the same. I saw pain deep in her eyes, that she's trying so hard to hide. The anger inside me turned into grief for this girl.  I can feel her warm breath that smells like sweet pineapple. My heart suddenly skipped a beat. My breath deepened a little. Her eyes then flickered downward. I need to get back to my sense. I tried to get a hold of myself. I started loosen my grip on her arm so that she could back away. But the moment I did, she closed her eyes and as well the gap between us. My mind went blank.













Our lips met, and she kissed me. My eyes slowly closed and without even thinking I kissed her back. I can, feel her tiptoed as our kiss became deeper. My hand unconsciously went on her waist and her arms went hanging around my neck. I can taste the sweet flavor of the cocktail drink she spilled on my face. It feel so right, as if I would stay like forever if I could.



I felt her arm slid down my chest then grabbing a fistful of my shirt and soon pushed me off her, my eyes fluttered open. Suddenly, I don’t know why but the slightest feeling of disappointment hit me. Nah! Stop that brain! Stop thinking useless things. I’m talking to my own brain, now. So what’s next? I’ll be riding unicorns in a marshmallow room and wear a jacket that will make me hug myself?!  GET IT?! XD 



She placed her left hand on my shoulder for support and bowed in front of me, little did I know she’ll cause more trouble. When she vomited on my shoe I just shut my eyes in frustration. In all the places in the world where she could puke, she choosed to do it infront of me. Soon I opened my eyes and asked her “You done, yet?” slightly pissed.



She just panted heavily, and looked up at me. She straightened her posture then wiped with her free hand. She came closer, once more, tempting me to kiss her again, and it took me all my strength to stop me from doing it.  She smirked at me and then ever so gently patted my cheeks. But wow man I  can smell the puke on her hand , “But don’t worry,” She pulled her hand about a foot away from my face “I never loved you, anyway” she said before returning her hand on my cheeks with enough force to make my face turn to the opposite direction.



I stared at the floor for a few moments. I felt her hand lifted from my shoulder. “You can have him” heard her say confidently and soon walked away.



I was temporarily paralyzed in my position. I heard other people saying 'awww, there so cute together' but I couldnt care less. I just smiled and shook my head, remembering what just happened. Honestly, today’s events went by very fast. . I turned around and saw the three little monkeys with wide eyes and mouth hanged open while standing in a row while Seungri's holding a camera. Ther're obviously dumbfounded by what happened, well, I can’t blame them I was too.



“Wow, hyung that was intense!”  Seungri shouted. It seems that they suddenly went back to life when I passed by them. "It was all-in-one. there was action, drama and romance, what do you wanna call your mini drama series?"






“Nice, was that what you call ‘hitting 2 bird with one stone’” Daesung added,”TOP style?” Then they all laughed in unison.



“I can’t believe this, after being publicly humiliated; I’ll be laughed at by my own friends?” I said with disbelief in my voice.



“Mianhe,” Taeyang handed me his hanky so that I could wipe the sticky cocktail drink and vomit on my face. “It’s just, that was kinda harsh, I mean you don’t even know her right?”


“So how was the kiss?”, Daesung asked, teasingly.



“Delicious”, I absent mindedly said.



“DELICIOUS?!” they shouted in unison.



“I mean- not, NO!” I tried to explain “It’s the cocktail on her lips, that was delicious.”



“OHOHOHO! That was some girl!” teased Seungri, “come to think of it she did this to our tabi, our tabi ‘the Womanizer’! and turned him into this kind of freak", look at top head to toe ,"by just kissing him!! ”, Seungri over reacted.



“Yah, stop over re-acting! I hit his forehead and glared at him "and what do you mean freak?!"



"Hehe, mianhe hyung"



"Thatgirl has some nerves to just slap me, huh?!" I just couldnt help but smile



Then my attention was caught by something sitting on the floor. I came near it and picked it up. The three monkeys then followed me.



“Hyung what’s that” Seungri said “OH!” Seungri’s panda eyes went big by the sight of what I’m holding.



“What is it?!” Daesung shouted.



“It’s the ID of the girl who kissed TOP hyung,” Seungri said.



“So Park Bom, aye?” I stared at it smirked evilly “don’t worry I’ll get even with you.” And put it in my pocket and went back to my drink. "Soon."














So how was it?

Yup that all for our chapter 2

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wenkie0414 #1
Chapter 9: update please
pepden #2
Chapter 9: I just found this story and i love it..kekeke..please update soon..
fishzie #3
Chapter 8: nyahahahahaha!
Chapter 8: Woooh~~~i like it ^^
Chapter 7: Omo omo omo omo omo omo~ who could that guy be???? (I think i have a feeling that it's........) kekekekeke :D please update, and thank you for the nice chapter~ it's a cliff hanger!!!!!!!
annesophie #6
daramaegon #7
Chapter 6: aigoo! this time hope they would know they're arrange for marriage right? it's kind of hide and seek though several times they coincidentally met but didn't know who they are...pls update soon:)
daramaegon #8
Chapter 5: new subscriber here~~~ thanks for this story``i really like it..please udate soon:)
Chapter 3: Wow!!! I hope the guy was Jiyong that kissed Dara :D
Hahaha He called me a horse?! xD
forEvErLouiSe31 #10
*\(^o^)/* update plssss!