Be Brave

My Innocent Girlfriend is Secretly Bad

KiSeop was kissing you in a passionate way.

You pushed him. “WHAT THE ?! WHY THE YOU DO THAT FOR!” you screamed. He tried to kiss you again, but you pushed him away and made him fall. “JUNYOUNG OPPA!!! HELPPPP!!!”

KiSeop quickly got up, covered your mouth with a cloth, and made you knocked out.

Junyoung heard you screaming and ran outside. He saw you knocked out in the passenger side and saw KiSeop driving away and waving goodbye.

“THAT IS KIDNAPPING HER AGAIN!!” Junyoung couldn’t go after them because he already lost them. He texted the ZEA gang and told them what had happened.

The first reply back was from Heechul. “AGAIN?! WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM!!! DIDN’T HE LEARN HIS LESSON BEFORE?! THAT IS GONNA REGRET IT!...” and so on.

It’s now 7:45PM (about 30 minutes later after the incident) the ZEA gang arrived.

“OH MY ING GOD! WHERE IS MY CUTE ~~~AH!!!!” Kwanghee screamed once he entered Junyoung’s house last.

Everyone was yelling and screaming with sentences such as “SHE ING BETTER BE SAFE?!”, “SHE BETTER BECOME JACKIE CHAN SO SHE CAN SAVE HERSELF!”, “I HOPE THEY DON’T ING KILL HER!”

Dongjun yelled “I HOPE THEY DON’T HER, because I was gonna do that.” Everyone went quiet and each person smacked Dongjun’s head. “OUCH! I WAS JUST KIDDING!!”

“surrreeee.” Kwanghee rolled his eyes.

“Guys we have to do something to save her.” Siwan stated.

“Well no Derrr Sherlock.” Kevin said in an attitude.

Junyoung thought of it. “Guys. I have a ing great idea.” He told them his idea and they smiled and nodded. They headed towards The Night Plaza.


At a HUGE mansion.


You woke up on an elegant couch. “W-Where am i?” you asked quietly. You were dizzy.

“Welcome to U-Kisses home.” Someone said behind her. She turned around and saw KiSeop with the other crew.

You were scared, but you played it cool like you didn’t care. “So why am I here?” you gave them attitude and looked at your nails.

They looked at you like wtf.

“Uhh. Aren’t you scared?” Eli asked.

*HELL YES!* “Hell no. Why would I be scared. I mean like you are people and I’m a person. Everyone’s the same. Duh.” You answered back while looking in the mirror from your compact powder.

“That is really…smart.” AJ said quietly.

“Anyways we kidnapped you.” Hoon said.

You put your mirror away and looked at them. “No Derr.”

KiSeop look at you and had nothing you say. “Umm. Uhh. You wanna know why we kidnapped you?”

“Hit me with it. Like I give a damn.” You said while looking at your nails again.

The U-Kiss gang walked around the couch so they can stand in front of you.

KiSeop is now looking tough. “We kidnapped you because you will be MY hot girlfriend.”

Dongho looked at him like WTH! “Umm Hyung! I thought she was gonna be my girlfriend!!!”

“Wait no! She is my girlfriend.” Eli joined in.

“She is SOO cute! She is gonna be my girlfriend.” Kevin said in excitement.

Everyone argued to see who was gonna be your boyfriend.

You rolled your eyes and went around the argument to go to the bathroom.

Everything became silent. “WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!” Eli screamed.

You turned around and looked at them. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom! Jeez. What? A girl can’t go take a damn piss.” You said angerly. “Aish. I’m not stupid enough to run away. Jeez.” You headed your way to the bathroom. *Junyoung oppa. Please come save me.*


ZEA gang reached The Night Plaza.

They tried to open the doors. It’s locked.

“Yah look at the sign. It says it only opens on Friday, Saturday, And Sunday at 9:00PM” Taehun said.

They all looked at each other. “All we can do….is wait.” Heechul said calmly.

They looked at him O.O

“Dude. That’s…. your first time not screaming or cussing.” Hyungsik said in shock.

“Just hearing that ~~~ah got kidnapped again and we can’t find her makes me feel…. Gloomy.” Heechul confessed.

They looked at him in shocked, but couldn’t say anything else.

It’s now 11:00PM

Everyone fell asleep in the guest room in Junyoung’s mansion. Everyone was gonna sleep over until Friday to go to the club and get help.

Junyoung was the only one awake. *Don’t worry ~~~ah. I’m gonna save you. Trust me.*

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koreankimchibaby #1
Ikr i like gang fics so much....
AmberLow5555 #2
Yay,your like me,i'm also intested in gang stories and movies :3 ^^
Chapter 2: Lol of course tou would kwanghee :)))
new reader^^
SeoulSweetheart #5
Chapter 55: I think I teared up a little :'( great story so far ^^
SeoulSweetheart #6
Chapter 51: I am so confused!!
SeoulSweetheart #7
Chapter 45: Asdfghjkl arrrggghhh this is frustrating me!! L needs to leave them alone -_-
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 11: As soon as I saw that it was U-KISS that kidnapped her my reaction was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Side note, I'm a REALLY big KissMe ^^
Yeah!!! I kan read the story again
Its hard to read cuz of the handwriting i hope u can change it to another one that can be seen more clearly. Thank you