You And Only You

Wrapped Around Your Finger

For some reason school had started on a Thursday this year, so the next morning you were already preparing for the weekend. You wondered if Kai and Suho (god forbid) would even remember you today, and if they did, would Kai take you out to ice cream like he said? Was this all just a dream?

When you got home last night your mom and dad skipped asking about school- why ask when you don’t care anyways? You finished your almost non-existent homework in your room and went to bed without a peep.

The next morning you decided to go punk-rock again,

with dramatic makeup as well.

Your hair was braided on the side today; luckily it had ended up looking really cool.

Not even bothering to eat breakfast, you took one last glance in the mirror before walking out the door. You wanted to leave without any parental confrontation, but you had to get the car keys from your mom. This was getting older and older as the days went on but if you voiced any complaint it would be an automatic grounding.

“Mom!” You said, shuffling around the house trying to locate her. “I need the keys or I’ll be late!”

Your mother growled in the distance, footsteps growing closer to you. You stood in place with your hands at your sides impatiently as she approached you. Without a word she tossed the keys at you, and you turned the other direction without so much as a thank you, slamming the door as you ran to your car and started the rackety ignition. For some reason you were really excited and nervous for the day to play out. You just hoped that disappointment wasn’t lurking around the corner.

Parking in the same empty spot as yesterday, you hopped out of the car happily, talking to the parking spot as you grabbed your books from the back seat. “I think we’re going to become great friends!” You said, spinning around.

“Friends with who?” A familiar nasally voice said. Staring at a wall, you rolled your eyes and smiled. He hadn’t let you down just yet. “Morning Kai.” You said, stepping back to look at his face.

Kai stood there smiling timidly at you,

and your heart soared. Before you knew it though, anxiety bloomed in your stomach like a weed and you looked away, embarrassed. Kai was short to notice, however and he grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards the looming school.

“We’re going out to get ice cream today, right?” He said playfully, and you nodded shyly. He grinned, looking up in the sky as he playfully swung your arm.

“Ahh. Maybe I can convince Suho to come?” He asked.

“Ew. No way.” You said it before you could even think. Kai rose his eyebrow.

“I mean- um- well I don’t really think he likes me. At all.”

Kai chuckled, clucking his tongue. “Trust me, that’s how he treats everyone.”

“I noticed.” You said.

“BUT; as I told you yesterday- you have to give him time. I know it may not seem like a friendship with him is worth it-“

You rolled your eyes.

“but he can be a loyal friend if you wait. Trust me.”

“Sure. Whatever.” You said, sliding underneath Kai’s arm as he held the door for you.

The feels overwhelmed you as you nonchalantly covered your with your purse. Kai laughed behind you and you walked as fast as you could to your locker, knowing full well that he was behind you all the way. When you got there an unpleasant surprise stood in wait.

You gulped, immediately slowing down and shuffling to the side as you approached your locker. He was standing right in front of it.

Standing there timidly, he looked you up and down, grunting. “Hey klutz.” Any acknowledgement was progress, but you still couldn’t make eye contact, so you waited for him to move aside. “Hi.” You squeaked.

“Hey.” Kai said, catching up to them. Suho stopped looking at you and focused on Kai.

“Hey man, do you want to go to Twilight tonight? I got VIP tickets. Hot girls will be there.”

Kai’s eyes widened and you took a couple steps back, then gained your confidence and squished behind Suho so you could get in your locker. He moved away without even looking at you. You weren’t sure why you were so upset that Suho wasn’t even interested in you- you had known that from the beginning, right? Maybe some little part of you still wished for the impossible. But why would it even be like that? Suho was a jerk! If anything- her brain should like Kai, he was cool. You still couldn’t help your heart from shrinking inside your chest as you let your hair fall in front of your face once again. Your throat tightened and you were forced to breathe through your mouth as sweat prickled under your armpits like little needles.

“Hey man- what about ice cream? I thought we were taking Summer out after school today.”

You weren’t watching but you could feel Suho’s eyes roll incredulously. You shrank even more into your locker, and slowed down your movements so you could hear more of the conversation.

“Wouldn’t you much rather come to the opening?” Suho said tiredly. “Twilight is gonna be the most popular underage club in this town, and I’m kind of sick of playing welcome committee.”

Your vision blurred as tears welled in your eyes. You pinched yourself on the arm, hard, angry at why your were getting upset. Who did this jerk think he was? On the other hand- who did you think you were- expecting these guys to even want to be around you was a stretch. Shaking your head, you closed your locker and started to walk away.

Either neither of the boys saw you or they just didn’t care- you heard their conversation end in the background as you walked to the first class of the day.

“Seriously man? Why are you acting like such a douche? Summer’s pretty cool- and I’m not playing welcome committee, I’m trying to make friends, unlike you. Summer- wait up!” Kai said, and you heard someone run in your direction.

You straightened your back and tried to make it look like you weren’t about to cry.

Kai stumbled around you, turning in front of you to make you stop, and instead pushing about three books out of your hands onto the floor.

You looked anywhere but his eyes as he bent down to pick them up, and he chuckled as he turned to your side once more and gestured to continue walking. You did, looking at the ground.

“Listen.” He said, with the tone of trying to corner an injured animal.

“Forget Suho. We’ll go out to ice cream today and have a friggin’ awesome time without him, okay?”

You grinned, happy he picked you over Suho, but still suspicious.
“Are you sure you would rather hang out with me? I’m pretty sure I heard that hot girls were in the equation.”

Kai rolled his eyes. “Why would I do that when I have you?” You playfully smacked him in the arm and he played hurt as you entered the class and sat in the same seats as yesterday. The teacher started immediately and Suho didn’t appear for the rest of the day, so that was a good thing.

After school had finally ended, You drove home after agreeing to meet Kai at the local Fro Yo in one hour. You weren’t sure if this would be considered a date or what- but you’d be ready. Luckily your mom wasn’t home and you didn’t have any homework, so there was nothing to worry about right then at least.

Quickly undressing and re-dressing into a lighter outfit

You made sure your makeup was halfway decent and walked out the door.
Wondering what kind of ice cream Kai would get, you pulled into the Fro Yo parking lot after the ten minute drive, Kai standing outside waiting for you in a suit and tie.

 You giggled before getting out, wondering what he was doing.

He eyed you up and down as you shrank timidly out of your car, and he trotted up to you to hold the door. You once again shrank under his arm, then went inside and shyly walked to the back where you grabbed a cup and picked the original tart frozen yogurt, then topped it with raspberries and strawberry mochi.

You waited at the register for Kai to pay, (I mean obviously) and he brought his penut-butter syrup slathered ice cream to the front to be weighed. After that he whipped out his wallet and handed a 20 to the attendant. She handed him his change and you grabbed your yogurt then made your way to the nearest table and sat down.

“What’d you get?” You asked him.

“Peanut butter yogurt with crushed peanuts and peanut sauce.” He stated simply, and scooped some into his mouth, smiling. You grinned. “Peanuts are good.” You stated, scooping some into your mouth as well. Kai promptly wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked straight into your eyes. “Isn’t there something you’d like to ask me?” He said suavely. You crumbled under his gaze.

“Um, why are you wearing a suit? I feel a little underdressed.”

“Because. We’re going clubbing tonight. You’re dressed just fine- I just like going above and beyond the call of duty.” He stated. You gasped. “Twilight? Are we going there?”

He nodded.

“But- but!” You spat out, panicking. “I can’t go there! Suho will be there and I think the last thing he wants is to see me…” You said.

“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. He won’t care that you’re there.” It was a simple comment but your heart sank. Of course he wouldn’t care.

“Fine.” You said, taking a bite of your own yogurt. “But I am NOT wearing this. We need to go back home so I can change okay?”

Kai agreed wholeheartedly, admitting that he wasn’t sure you would agree with his plan.

“So let me guess- you just couldn’t pass up the hot girls huh?” You stated.

Kai gasped dramatically, holding a hand to his heart. “Your words hurt me Summer!” He said. “And of course not! We’re going to have some good old fashion fun! My eyes will be on you and only you the whole time!”

You smiled gratefully, and after yogurt drove home to get dressed in a different outfit.

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