Easy Money


Baekhyun is smart. So is Chanyeol, but he's also sort of dumb and careless. His pockets are a bit loose and he leaves his bag ped halfway, but he's perfect for Baekhyun's nimble fingers and small living expenses.




I started another thing OTL. Not smart of me cuz im 6h away from where i live but I really had to... So here's the foreword for a lighthearted au oneshot and I'll try to post an excerpt later~

Temp. jokes teaser /me being dumb wow it's too late for me: pickpocket!baekhyun and rich!chanyeol and baekhyun peterpanning himself (wow what an )




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baekyeol only suits crack man write some crack amidst this romcom splsplsplslspls
exocase #2
update soon, neh? ^^
ShineeBlack #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
10006442 #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Super excited for this one, Tiff! Looking toward to it~!