Chapter 03 - A Date In The School Fountain

Can They Be Together?

       Afternoon classes went smoothly for this time the teachers are around. even if eunhyuk's friends are not afraid of any punishment, they don't want to tire themselves at it. especially eunhyuk since first year he's regular at the office for some punishment. its either vandalism, cutting classes, caught making out or bullying students or even teachers are the reasons for his punishment. he was even suspended for a week or two.




       All students went home except for some who have some extra activities at school. just like eunhyuk's group who are active at dancing and gyuri's group for some group study.


       While others are busy dancing or chit chatting, eunhyuk went outside without anyone noticing. he walk aimlessly until he got in the fountain of their school. he sit there while watching the now orange hue sky. he slowly close his eyes when suddenly he hear someone humming. he still close his eyes, listening to the familiar relaxing humming made by someone. after some minutes that someone stops. when eunhyuk turned around, he catch a glimpse of a familiar figure walking away but can't put any name to it. just when the figure disappear, he heard his name being called.


     "hyukkie~ what are you doing here?" uee asked as walked towards eunhyuk, when she's already in his reach, he guided her in his lap.


       "nothing..... just needed some fresh air."


       Uee hug eunhyuk while resting her head in his shoulder while eunhyuk did they same.


       "are your parents be coming home tonight?"


       "nope. want to stay over?"


       eunhyuk started to kiss uee's cheek and neck. "sure" he answered and this time kiss uee's lips. it didn't last long for they heard someone's phone ringing.




       Gyuri was studying with her friends when suddenly she feels like going outside. so she excuse herself from their studying time and went to the fountain. as she arrived she played with the water a little and then settle herself. she gazed at the sky for quite sometimes. she felt relaxed, contented, almost all the good vibes are in her. so she hummed a very familiar song and a song that conveyed what she feels. without knowing someone is listening to her.


       When she's satisfied, she stand up and walk to where her friends are studying. when she got in the hallway, she wanted to check the time. she tried to get her phone in her pocket but when checking her pocket for her phone she got nothing.


       "aish, i must have drop it in the fountain." she muttered softly and turned around. when she turned around, she saw an unpleasant view. well if it involved with eunhyuk now, its always unpleasant especially with uee beside him.


       When noticing what's in eunhyuk's hand, gyuri's eyes widen. eunhyuk keep playing with her phone, even throwing it in the air.


       "yah! you might drop it. stop playing with it!" exclaimed gyuri.


       but eunhyuk merely just smirk, he throw it even higher while gyuri widen her eyes more, and then BANG!. gyuri's phone made contact with the floor and now shatter into pieces.


       "it slip and you said stop playing with it. so i did." and that eunhyuk and uee walk away towards to dance club.


       Gyuri's too shocked to move and when she come to her senses, she hurriedly grab the pieces of her phone and run to the club where his friends are. she burst open the door that startle her friends and other students.


       "that lee hyukjae will really get something from me!" she muttered angrily and throw her now broken phone to a desk.




any violent reactions???

i hope you comment, please... just to motivate me... please *beg* ((: 



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pls.continue this story it`s really good and interesting....<br />
and also i want to know why eunhyuk lost his memory about gyuri<br />
huhu TT.TT pls...continue this story...
i LOVE this ff~ please do continue this ff~ huhuhu <br />
i hope u will continue to update this story~ really hoping<br />
hyukriislove #4
I really LOVE this story. I was so happy to see it under updated subscription stories even though it wasn't really an update. Please continue, I really hope Eunhyuk remembers Gyuri! :)<br />
But I'll understand if you aren't able to continue this story. But no matter what, I'll deffinitely anticipate more of your stories in the future! Fighting!!
13_anSisni #5
I really wish you could continue this story, I really like it :)<br />
But it's your choice and if you feel like not continuing there's nothing we can do I suppose...<br />
If you want to stop, then I respect your desicion <br />
hyukkieSARANG Hwaitiing! ~ :D
I really like this story of yours so I'm pleading on my knees to CONTINUE it! No matter how long it will take you to update just a chapter I wouldn't mind just please don't delete it...there's so much more i want to know about the story like what's the past between hyukri and what happened to them and so on and so fort. But if it's a burden to you then i guess i can't do anything more but to wait for your new story. ^_^
eunhyuk, please find that girl! and that girl is not far from u! huhuhu<br />
hope he will know the girl is gyuri..soon :(<br />
sad that u gonna be on hiatus<br />
will waiting for u~ and this fanfic~ :)
Linthan #8
I Like ur story.. soooo interesting..^^<br />
update soon please..
13_anSisni #9
It's not a disappointing chapter, don't worry :D<br />
But I'm kind of sad that you're going on hiatus, I was always waiting for your updates :( Well, if you come back someday, I'll be sure to read this story, fightiing! ^_^