Chapter 11 - Hard-headed Troublemakers

Can They Be Together?
          dinner time came and miraculously their parents are present. eunhyuk and yoona settled their selves opposite to their mother. they eat silently, until his dad start to discuss some things regarding the engagement thing where eunhyuk still don't know about it.
          "hyukjae, next week you'll be engage with uee." his dad stated.
          "what?" eunhyuk let out a short chuckle. "two years of using me is not enough?"
          "we have a deal. you'll marry uee and you can come here and you did." his dad still eating calmly. "so you should do your part of the deal."
          eunhyuk smirk. "arasso."
          the dinner was spend in silence again. eunhyuk's the first one to finish. he went straight to a terrace to get some fresh air. he was watching the moon when yoona walk in and stand beside him.
          "oppa." yoona started. "are you sure about it?"
          eunhyuk face yoona seriously. "do you know something about my past? are you one of the people taking advantage of me because i don't remember anything? are you like dad, manipulating me? the two years, i don't have any choice but to obey him. he didn't want me to remember my past. are you one of it also? that two old people, are having fun manipulating me."
          "oppa, dad told us not to talk about your past, and of course, i didn't take advantage of you." yoona started to cry.
          "that old man, will get something from me."
          "oppa what are you going to do?"
          "before the engagement, i'll find that girl. i won't let him interfere anymore. and i need to find out why i lost my memory."
          "so you really remember the girl already?" yoona question. "how about uee?"
          "what if i am?" eunhyuk lied. "you'll tell that old man." he sighed "i'll continue to pretend to like her until i find that girl.' he walk away leaving yoona. he walked to his room and sleep immediately, after falling to his bed.
          two days later, eunhyuk still can't figure who the girl is. every time he dream about her, he can't catch what her name is.
          "hyuk, you're not in your usual self these two days. are you okay?" heechul asked.
          "nothing, where's the teacher?" eunhyuk asked.
          "lucky no teacher around." donghae cheered.
          eunhyuk's group starting to play inside the room, much to the annoyance of the other students, especially gyuri's friends.
          "YAH!" exclaimed gyuri, eunhyuk watched her with a brow raise. "QUIET! you're all starting it again."
          "why? still not used to it?" yuri asked.
          "GO OUTSIDE! KNEEL ON THE FLOOR WITH YOUR HANDS UP." gyuri commanded. "if we can't kick you all out in these school at least we can punish you all.'
          "ah~ the SECOND goddess is mad. something happened? are you in your period?" sungmin mocked.
          "or are you heart broken because our eunhyuk will be engage already?" donghae teased, the others started to laugh.
          "YAH, DIDN'T YOU HEAR HER. GO OUT!" jiyeon said.
          "omo, my cold seat mate is burning in annoyance." heechul said. "so hot."
          "what?" jiyeon glared at heechul.
          "chul, you got your match." sungmin said and the others laugh again.
          "it's been so long, we didn't fight. you don't miss it at all?" shiwon asked as he passed a ball to donghae.
          "i miss their shouting voices, right hyuk?" donghae said as he passed the ball to eunhyuk who almost hit gyuri.
          "ahjumma, you're he most talkative here, let me hear your voice." eunhyuk said trying to hide that he's in trouble. "here!" he throw the ball towards dara and eli managed to get it before it hit dara.
          "CUT IT!" eli said.
          "omo~ seat mate you want to join us." donghae said, putting an arm casually around eli.
         eli slap donghae's hand hard, that made the latter hiss in pain. "who would join such stupid things."
          "we know you won't." shiwon immediately got the ball in eli's hands and pass the ball to heechul.
          they played all they want, forgetting what gyuri ordered them to so. while the girls are chatting quite loud. other students also are also chatting and others are trying so hard to concentrate in studying.
yeah, i know disappointing chapter.... it's just hard to find any inspiration to write..... so this is the last update for now.... i'm going for an indefinite hiatus.... i don't know when i'll come back or if i ever come back.... but if ever i'll come back, i hope you still going to read my story and wait for it.....
thanks for the people who read and comment, really appreciate it~!!!
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pls.continue this story it`s really good and interesting....<br />
and also i want to know why eunhyuk lost his memory about gyuri<br />
huhu TT.TT pls...continue this story...
i LOVE this ff~ please do continue this ff~ huhuhu <br />
i hope u will continue to update this story~ really hoping<br />
hyukriislove #4
I really LOVE this story. I was so happy to see it under updated subscription stories even though it wasn't really an update. Please continue, I really hope Eunhyuk remembers Gyuri! :)<br />
But I'll understand if you aren't able to continue this story. But no matter what, I'll deffinitely anticipate more of your stories in the future! Fighting!!
13_anSisni #5
I really wish you could continue this story, I really like it :)<br />
But it's your choice and if you feel like not continuing there's nothing we can do I suppose...<br />
If you want to stop, then I respect your desicion <br />
hyukkieSARANG Hwaitiing! ~ :D
I really like this story of yours so I'm pleading on my knees to CONTINUE it! No matter how long it will take you to update just a chapter I wouldn't mind just please don't delete it...there's so much more i want to know about the story like what's the past between hyukri and what happened to them and so on and so fort. But if it's a burden to you then i guess i can't do anything more but to wait for your new story. ^_^
eunhyuk, please find that girl! and that girl is not far from u! huhuhu<br />
hope he will know the girl is gyuri..soon :(<br />
sad that u gonna be on hiatus<br />
will waiting for u~ and this fanfic~ :)
Linthan #8
I Like ur story.. soooo interesting..^^<br />
update soon please..
13_anSisni #9
It's not a disappointing chapter, don't worry :D<br />
But I'm kind of sad that you're going on hiatus, I was always waiting for your updates :( Well, if you come back someday, I'll be sure to read this story, fightiing! ^_^