First Meeting

Unrequited love
The guy turned around. Minah let out a small gasp.
*I have never seen any guy this pretty.* His brown eyes were big for a guy and he had perfect jawline. Minah was mesmerized by his good looks that she forgot she'd look like a fool staring at him for so long. After realizing it, heat grew from her face. The beautiful stranger stared at her. Minah was feeling utterly uncomfortable by the silence. *What am I going to do? He's probably going to think I'm some wierd girl barging into a stranger's room.* "I-uh-I I' Minah stuttered.
Fortunately, Haejung came into the room saving Minah from embarassing herself any further. 
'Oh. I see you two have met. Minah, this is Luhan and he's my son. Luhan, this is Minah and she'll be staying here for some time. ' *She has a son?* Minah was confused. Her mom didn't tell her that Haejung has a son. 'Why don't you show her around, Luhan?' Haejung smiled and Minah noticed a hint of playfulness in it. Luhan nodded breifly before his eyes shifted to Minah once more. Haejung left the room and awkwardness filled the room. Minah was thinking of what to say when she saw luhan got passed her. She turned around to see luhan gesturing her to follow him. She hurried after him. 
Luhan showed Minah around and she really liked the place. There was the old garage, the horse barn, the garden, the small lake and many other places Minah haven't been to before. After about 2 hours, the two decided to rest under the shade of a huge tree on a hill. 
The clear, blue sky and the green trees were so natural and peaceful. Cool breeze passed letting Minah's long, brown hair fall effortlessly behind her. She was fascinated by the peacefulness of the surroundings. After all, she has never experienced this in Seoul. Her life back was so dull. 
"Nice, huh?" Luhan broke the silence, his gaze still to the front. Minah almost forgot Luhan's presence beside her.
Minah turned around and she nodded at him as a curve line appeared on her thing lips. "It's beautiful" she spoke calmly. 
Small cool breeze whizzed by her ear making her hair fall on her side, half-covering face, blocking her view of Luhan. 
Luhan moved closer to her. She could feel his mint breath brushing her nose. Minah isn't the type of girl who gets freaked out easily but quite shy when it comes to guys. Her rosy cheeks blushed under her brown hair. 
She felt a warm tingle on her left cheek. Her nervousness went down from her spine to toe when Luhan's cold soft hands came into contact with her now red cheeks. He gently hold her falling hair, and tucked it up behind Minah's ear. Swiftly then, he backed away and stiffened his position back. 
The atmosphere was awkward as both of them stayed silent after the 'moment'. Minah's face was blank, her heart poundering fast along with the seconds. Her brain and eyes couldn't get away from the last image of Luhan she has captured. Lost in her flashbacks, she didn't hear what Luhan has said to her. 
"Pardon?" she asked. Luhan chuckled slightly before clearing his throat. "Why are you here?" Minah stiffened a bit since she didn't want to think of her home. She missed her parents eventhough they didn't have much time to be with her. Noticing the discomfort on Minah's face, Luhan added "You don't need to answer if you want. I mean-" He relaxed when he saw Minah smile. But this one didn't reach her eyes "Maybe later, I'll tell you." 
"Okay" Luhan replied. "We should get back, it's getting dark" Minah was surpised that time flew by really fast. It was around 6 in the evening.She followed Luhan and had to hurry since Luhan's strides were wider. Suddenly, a hand appeared before her and Minah looked up to see Luhan offering a hand. She slipped her hand into his and Luhan held it tightly. It was MInah's first time holding a guy's hand and she had to admit. She liked it. 
Chapter three up! x] How do you guys like it? Oh and special thanks to my bubbly (and short xP) friend. She helped me write this chapter! We were busy writing this in class haha. Lucky we weren't busted. xD 
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mushuu234 #1
Chapter 3: I'm liking this, so far. Hehe, you're doing a great job, author! :)
hehe17 #2
Chapter 1: Why Yoona as a MOTHER?????????? And a bigger font size would be a lot better. xP
catherine123 #3
Chapter 3: Lol. Thadar? This chappie is cool! Update soonnn!!! Luhann *.*
Chapter 3: Bubbly (and short xP) friend-->Thadar??
Chapter 2: AHHH!! Luhan, is it?? Yayy!!
catherine123 #6
Chapter 1: Update soon! :DD
Sounds great. Update soon...