
Unrequited love

Pit-a-pat. Pit-a-pat. 

Clear raindrops in various shapes and sizes dropped onto a window. A pair of round, hazel eyes gazed at the window somehow entertained by the raindrops. The owner of the eyes was non other than Im Minah, the only daughter of the Ims who were one of the richest families in Seoul. Minah let out a bored sigh with her sight still glued to the raindrops. Her action was soon interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door. Minah turned around to see her mother inspecting every corner of her room. 

'Done packing, dear?' Im Yoona, Minah's mother asked. (see what i did there? *wink*) There was no doubt that they're related, same hazel eyes, same dark brown hair, and same fair skin. 

'Imm.' Minah nodded and glanced at her sky blue suitcase placed in the middle of her room. 

Im Yoona stepped towards Minah placing a hand on the petite girl's shoulder. 'I'm sorry we had to do this, Minah. It's just that-'

'Its okay, mom. I understand. Besides, staying Busan for awhile is not that bad. Who knows? I might even love it. ' Minah put on her best fake smile and put up a thumb for the sake of her mom. 

Yoona hugged her daughter tight while the latter put her arms around the tall woman. 

'Be safe, dear. I love you' 

'Love you too, mom'

After releasing from the hug, both smiled at each other. 'Okay then, the driver's waiting for you.' 

'I'll be going now. Bye, mom.' Minah grabbed her suitcase and set out the door. She paid a last glance at her house from the inside of the car. 

*Bye, Seoul.*



First Chapter up! I know this is boring. What do you think is the reason for her moving? ^^ Comments are welcome! 

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mushuu234 #1
Chapter 3: I'm liking this, so far. Hehe, you're doing a great job, author! :)
hehe17 #2
Chapter 1: Why Yoona as a MOTHER?????????? And a bigger font size would be a lot better. xP
catherine123 #3
Chapter 3: Lol. Thadar? This chappie is cool! Update soonnn!!! Luhann *.*
Chapter 3: Bubbly (and short xP) friend-->Thadar??
Chapter 2: AHHH!! Luhan, is it?? Yayy!!
catherine123 #6
Chapter 1: Update soon! :DD
Sounds great. Update soon...