Chapter 9

The future that could never be

A/N: Another chapter without Yesung, though crazy things keep happening~

Sungmin p.o.w


I walked in to my shared room, towel drying my hair after a nice warm shower. I really love weekends since I can sleep in.

“Took you long enough~” a voice came from behind me and arms wrapped around my waist.

In a flash I dropped my towel, grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder.

He groaned when he landed on his back on the floor.

“Jinki? Oh my god, I’m so sorry~!” I panicked as I quickly crouched down next to him.

“Don’t apologize, I shouldn’t have sneaked up on you like that. This happened last time too” he chuckled and sat up.

How come I’ve got such an adorable boyfriend? I really have no idea where I found him.

“Mind helping me off the floor though?” he asked.

I stood up and reached my hand out, taking his and pulled him up on his feet again. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"Thank you,” he grinned and leaned closer, “however ..." he whispered in my ear, "I have another activity in mind for you."

I shivered in his arms just before he let me go. I sat down on the bed and watched him as he locked the door. He came up to me and  my cheek lightly before he pushed me down on my back and crawled up on the bed, laying down on top of me. 

He pressed his lips against mine and his tongue darted out trailing along my bottom lip at once. I parted my lips, granting him access to my mouth. We tongue wrestled even though I knew he would win in the end. 

His tongue examined every inch of my cavern and his hands trailed over my chest and toned abs on the outside of my shirt. He rose himself slightly from my body, supporting his weight on one elbow as hi slipped his hand up under my shirt. When his fingertips brushed over my , I pushed him away from me.
"Stop it hyung, not now. I do not want to take a shower again." I protested as he wanted to continue.

“Aww, you’re no fun to tease Min,” he coed and stuck his tongue out at me.

I just ignored him and got of the bed again, picking up my wet towel.

“Kyuhyun wanted me to remind you about not ‘loose the last straw to the important room holding the princess’…” I said and looked at him, knowing a frown was upon my face, “do you have any clue about what he meant by that?”

He just shrugged at me and also got of the bed, “maybe.”

“If you are cheating on me I swear to god…” I started threatening him.

“Whoa, Sungmin. That is NOT what I’m doing. I’d never cheat on you. And especially not with Kyuhyun,” he interrupted and walked over to me, pulling me in to a tight hug.

“I know, I know,” I mumbled and leaned my head against his shoulder, “I guess I just got paranoid because you’ve been spending so much time together lately.”

“It’s ok Min,” he said with a chuckle and bent his head down to kiss my cheek.

“Do I have to do the laundry today?”

He nodded at my question, “it’s your turn,” he simply said.

I sighed and let go of him, “I guess I’ll better get my down to the laundry room then so that no one will get pissy with me.”

He nodded and then left my room. I followed him just minutes later, this day was going to be long and boring on my part.




“Why are my clothes pink?! They’re supposed to be white! Who had the laundry duty today?!”


The angry voice got me sitting straight up from where I was snuggled up against Heechul. We were watching TV; one of his favorite programs was having a rerun and it was an episode he had missed. How could Heechul be so calm around all this? He did not even flinch when Leeteuk lashed out like that. And I feel pretty bad for Sungmin since it’s his laundry week.

“What’s wrong Donghae?” Heechul asked me without as much as looking away from his beloved show.

“Didn’t you hear Leeteuk hyung?” I answered his question with another, a small whimper escaping me as the dorm head once again lashed out about his clothes.

“Of course I hear him,” Heechul scoffed, “he’s interrupting my show.”

Heechul got off the couch with a sigh, his eyebrows knit with irritation. Leeteuk hyung is done for, I knew this was bad. Damn it Kyuhyun! You just had to prank him today, didn’t you?

I am not staying here to hear them fight… I need to find Kibum, though that person is kind of hard to find.

“Why are you pouting?”

I turned my head to the side to see who spoke to me, Yunho.

“I want to find Kibum, hell will break loose here any second. Heechul just went to find Leeteuk hyung for interrupting his show over some clothes issues that Kyuhyun probably is the culprit over.” I rambled.

“You blabber mouth, such a little tittle tatter~” Yunho just said and shook his head at me, “Kibum should be up in his room reading. But like you said, hell will break loose up there since Heechul just went up the stairs so he’ll probably come down any second.”

And with those words, Yunho went in to the kitchen. All I could do was staring after him in astonishment. That man is surely one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Just like aliens.




“Oh my god, it’s pink. It’s actually pink,” I heard Key say from the door way.

“What is pink now?” I asked him as I sat up in my bed.

“Leeteuk hyung’s clothes, come and look at it Jae,” he said as he looked back at me with those pretty feline eyes slightly widened, his lips curved up in a smirk.

I shook my head slowly but stood up anyways, his words having peeked at my curiosity. Sauntering over to the door I stuck my head outside our room to see Leeteuk standing there with an expression of horror on his face as he held up one piece of garment.

“Wow, it really is pink,” I said as I looked at the clothes that was in a pile on the floor, “shouldn’t they be white?”

“Laundry day,” Key said in a sing song voice, “we better get out of here or we’ll get stuck in the crossfire. I heard Heechul was watching a show of some sort.”

I just nodded and grabbed my jacket, “what are you waiting for? Let’s go out and do something else.”

And with that, me and Key quickly left the dorm.




“Kyuhyun dear?”

“Yes Mimi?”

“Is it because of you Leeteuk hyung is so angry at poor Sungmin?”

All color dropped of Kyuhyun’s face in the blink of an eye. That smile. That devious smile only Zhou Mi could use; the only smile that scared him more than anything else.

“Y-yes..” he stuttered, yes, Cho Kyuhyun stuttered. And no, it’s not the first time.

“Then go apologize,” Zhou Mi said, still smiling that smile.

“Why should I?” Kyuhyun tried to act as if he was not bothered by the smile of his wife.

“Because I won’t have with you this upcoming month and you’ll have to sleep on the couch,” still smiling.


“Umma!” I shouted at Zhou Mi, my face was probably bright red by now, “don’t say stuff like that!”

Zhou Mi froze in place, I guess he forgot I am in here again.

“Henry baby~!” he exclaimed and quickly pulled me in to his arms, trying to give me a comforting hug, “I’m so sorry. It’s all appa’s fault for being such a pabo, okay?”

“Okay,” I guess I will be playing their innocent baby for a while longer. I mean come on; don’t you think I know they do it? I just don’t want to hear about it.

“Come on Mimi, you can’t mean it,” Kyuhyun tried, sounding mortified.

“Oh yes, I do. So get your pretty out there and apologize before you hurt our baby even more,” Zhou Mi replied, once again that creepy smile was upon his face.

Kyuhyun heaved a deep sigh and left the room, probably to go and apologize to both Sungmin and Leeteuk.

“Umma… can’t breathe,” I gasped out as the arms around me got tighter.

“Oops, sorry,” Zhou Mi grinned sheepishly and let go of me.

“Why do appa prank people?” I asked and looked up at the tall awkward Chinese.

“Because he finds it fun, somehow,” was the only reply I got before he dropped down in the bed on his back, “Come snuggle with me, I want my baby here now.”

I rolled my eyes mentally but climbed on the big double bed, in to his awaiting arms and just snuggled up against his side. My umma is indeed a cuddly person, despite being so bony. I think he is more dependent on me than I am on him, though I owe him my life.

It all begun back then; when I was still one of Cantu Choro’s prisoners.  I was born there, but yet I was treated like nothing but a slave. My past that still haunts me in my dreams. I wonder if my real mom is still alive. And I wonder if I have any siblings.

I still remember the first time I saw Zhou Mi. That is a meeting hard to forget since he found me passed out outside the apartment building him and his mother lives in. She still insists on me calling her halmeoni, or granny.

It’s a weird family, but I love them. They are the ones who have taken care of me ever since I escaped from that horrible place, escaped the prison of my clan, or you rather call it a sect. Crazy people.  But I guess I have them to thank for my skills when it comes to playing the violin.

I just wish I could see my mom again. I barely remember her face, her scent I forgot about a couple years ago. When I try to remember her touch all that comes in my mind is Zhou Mi’s large hands and warm embrace. I miss her, a lot.

“You awake?”

Zhou Mi’s voice broke me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah,” I answered him with a quiet voice.

“Thinking about that again?”


And with that he tightened his arms around me, hugging me tighter as if wanting to protect me from my own mind. Gently rocking me back and forth somehow, he started to sing a lullaby in Chinese and slowly I was falling asleep.




“And how do you explain this, Sungmin-ssi?” Leeteuk asked as he looked straight at me through narrowed eyes.

“I-i… have n-nothing to d-do w-with it… hyung. I swear,” I whimpered as I tried not to avoid my gaze. The power of Leeteuk is scary.

“Then why are my clothes pink instead of white?” He raised his voice, “your pink addiction is going too far Sungmin!”

“B-but I didn’t d-do i-it,” I tried to defend myself, tears being close to fall from frustration because he refused to even try and listen to me.

“Then how do you exp..”

“Oh just shut your mouth and be quiet Leeteuk.”

I looked towards the stairs to see who it was that dared to interrupt Leeteuk when he was on a rampage.

“Go watch TV or something Heechul, this is none of your business,” Leeteuk said as he targeted Heechul with his anger instead.

“Can you just snap out of it and leave the bunny alone?” Heechul asked with a bored tone in his voice.

Bunny? Is he talking about me? Now this is something new.

“Not until he tell me exactly what he did to my clothes!” Leeteuk shouted.

“Don’t be such a sour puss just because you haven’t got laid in god knows how long,” Heechul sighed.

“Don’t misuse God’s name~” Siwon’s voice floated through the dorm.

I swear he have some super sensitive hearing or something like that.

“Oh shut up Shissus!” Heechul was quick to shout back to the holy Siwon.

“You know that he will never knock that off, right?” Kyuhyun’s snarky voice came from behind Heechul.

“Yes, I am fully aware of that, mister coloring other peoples clothes and give someone else the blame for it,” Heechul remarked as he turned around with his arms crossed over his chest, “thanks to you I missed my show, Donghae probably escaped the dorm and now I have no one to take my frustrations out on.”

I think I’m going to escape now. This day have been way to long for me and I just want to find Onew so he can cuddle with me somewhere these crazy people can’t find me. I’m out.

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Chapter 15: No! No, why! Why!! This is so sad..
eliz930 #2
Chapter 15: WHy!!! WHy!!!! WHy you need to kill him?? ...not fair..huhuhuhu
HaeMyBananaHyukie #3
Chapter 15: What author-nim why im confused wah...π_π *running away*
HaeMyBananaHyukie #4
Chapter 8: Yeah hanhyuk time hahaha but it would have been hella funny and cut if yesung was curled up in their bed when they came back and scared the ou of eunhyuk hehehe
HaeMyBananaHyukie #5
Chapter 7: Where the hell has this been all my life...I was surely missing out <3
eliz930 #6
Chapter 1: wao...nice start..hmm..i will the first chap aldy..